Dear Department of Finance,

This is informal / administrative FOI request in nature -

Would you have any statistics about contractor financial expenditure from previous and current financial years and what type of aggregates and non-aggregates are available?

Is there some type of schema or any document that describes how the statistics are done for contractor expenditure e.g. vs full time employee / hiring expenditure.

I'm also interested on what time period/s are being tracked for these kind of statistics to assists on writing correct requests. Thank you!

Yours faithfully,


FOI Requests, Department of Finance

Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI
Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to
your email in the next couple of days.


Kind regards


FOI Coordinator


FOI Requests, Department of Finance

2 Attachments



Dear Miss Anonymous


Thank you for your email and apologies for the delay in responding.


The Department of Finance’s annual reports can be found on our website
([1]Publications | Department of Finance). Page 161 of the Annual Report,
for example, for both [2]2022-23 and [3]2021-22 has the Contractor and
Consultant expenditure.


You may access the annual reports back to 1999-2000 through the first link


I hope this information is of assistance to you. Please note the
Department has not yet registered this as a valid FOI request and will
take no further action unless we hear from you.


Kind regards



FOI Officer | Legal and Assurance Branch

Business Enabling Services

Department of Finance

A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603




-----Original Message-----
From: MissAnonymous <[FOI #11748 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 2:36 AM
To: FOI Requests <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Contractor Expenditure


Dear Department of Finance,


This is informal / administrative FOI request in nature -


Would you have any statistics about contractor financial expenditure from
previous and current financial years and what type of aggregates and
non-aggregates are available?


Is there some type of schema or any document that describes how the
statistics are done for contractor expenditure e.g. vs full time employee
/ hiring expenditure.


I'm also interested on what time period/s are being tracked for these kind
of statistics to assists on writing correct requests. Thank you!


Yours faithfully,






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Dear Department of Finance
Attn FOI Requests,

Thank you for the assisntance by providing helpful pointer where the contractor statistics are.

Also please notice I received a response from ATO that may be of interest relating to this same assistance request:

I would always welcome more granular information but I accept that this was informal.

Thank you for the assistance and have a great week.

Yours sincerely,


FOI Requests, Department of Finance

Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI
Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to
your email in the next couple of days.


Kind regards


FOI Coordinator