Conditional teacher registration numbers from 2020-24 in NSW and Victoria

The request was partially successful.

Melinda McCrohon

Dear Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership,

My name is Melinda McCrohon, I am a primary school teacher and lecturer at Charles Sturt University. I am seeking current numbers of conditionally registered teachers in NSW and Victoria. I am very interested in this information as a teacher and lecturer, as I am invested in helping support our undergraduate students both in the classroom and in their studies. To best support undergraduates working in regional, rural and remote NSW and Victoria we need to under the numbers of conditionally credited teachers. This information will help us understand the trends in numbers and assist shape the future direction of on-the-ground support for these teachers.

Yours faithfully,

Melinda McCrohon

Info, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership

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Australian Institute for Teaching & School Leadership (AITSL)  

Australian Teacher Workforce Data (ATWD), Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership

1 Attachment

Dear Melinda,


Thank you for your email. I note you are seeking “current numbers of
conditionally registered teachers in NSW and Victoria.”


The Australian Teacher Workforce Data (ATWD) initiative connects initial
teacher education (ITE) data and teacher workforce data across Australia
to build a national picture of Australia’s teacher supply pipeline and
teacher workforce characteristics.


Our publications and data tools, as well as the ATWD Key Metrics
Dashboard, can be found here:


The [2]Key Metrics Dashboard currently provides access to a range of data
you may find helpful, including:


•                     commencement, enrolment and completion data for ITE
students at both national and state/territory level

•                     a wide range of preliminary workforce data
(2021-2022) on the deployment, roles and contractual arrangements of
teachers, as well as their teaching hours and duties, face to face
teaching, induction and professional learning experiences, and career


The Key Metrics Dashboard currently reports on the number of full,
provisional and limited registrations for the years 2018-2020. The limited
registrations include those who have conditional registrations. This data
is publicly available on the ‘All registered teachers, characteristics by
state” tile in the Key Metrics Dashboard. We have available data for
Victoria, but not NSW in the current Key Metrics Dashboard.


As part of the ATWD’s next data release on Tuesday 11 June 2024, we will
be publishing data on the registration status (full, provisional, limited)
of all registered teachers nationally and by state / territory for the
years 2018-2022, which is the most recent year of data available. This
updated data includes the number of limited registrations in both NSW and


I trust this information has been of assistance.


Kind regards, Lauren


Australian Teacher Workforce Data
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)
PO Box 299, Collins Street West, VIC 8007 ABN 17 117 362 740
+61 3 9944 1267 | [3][email address]
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-----Original Message-----

From: Melinda McCrohon <[5][FOI #11443 email]>

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2024 1:39 PM

To: Info <[6][email address]>

Subject: Freedom of Information request - Conditional teacher registration
numbers from 2020-24 in NSW and Victoria


External email: Please exercise caution.



Dear Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership,


My name is Melinda McCrohon, I am a primary school teacher and lecturer at
Charles Sturt University. I am seeking current numbers of conditionally
registered teachers in NSW and Victoria. I am very interested in this
information as a teacher and lecturer, as I am invested in helping support
our undergraduate students both in the classroom and in their studies.  To
best support undergraduates working in regional, rural and remote NSW and
Victoria we need to under the numbers of conditionally credited teachers.
This information will help us understand the trends in numbers and assist
shape the future direction of on-the-ground support for these teachers.


Yours faithfully,


Melinda McCrohon




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