Dear The University of Western Australia,

I am writing to kindly request a detailed breakdown of enrollment statistics, with a particular focus on the annual enrollment of Chinese students. I am particularly interested in the following:

Enrollment data for Chinese students from the academic years 2015 to 2023, broken down by level of study and gender, for each year individually.

Additionally, it is important to clarify that by "Chinese," we are referring to individuals holding Chinese nationality, excluding those from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Furthermore, for this request, could you kindly provide a breakdown of Chinese student enrollments for each academic year, delineated by gender and specific levels of study (e.g., undergraduate, Master’s by Coursework, Doctorate by Research), or any other classification that best suits your data structure?

I appreciate your time and effort in addressing this request. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Wei Rui

FOI, The University of Western Australia

9 Attachments

UWA Document (Confidential)

Dear Wei Rui


Thank you for your email. 


The Freedom of Information Act 19992 (WA) (‘the Act’) provide for access
to documents of the University which are either requested, or meet the
scope of the request.   You have requested enrolment data for a specific
cohort of students for which you have included the parameters and
analysis.   The Act does not require the University to answers questions,
or to prepare or specifically create documents to meet the scope of your
application and answer your questions.


I have checked with our Business Performance team who confirm the
University does not currently have the analysis that you speak of, nor any
document which contains such an analysis.  They have indicated they would
need to specifically extract the data needed and undertake the breakdown
requested, and as such this is not required under the Act.


If you wish to continue with your request under the Act, the application
fee of $30.00 would be needed, and confirmation of an Australian
residential request.  Once this is confirmed you request would be valid,
however I can assure you the outcome would be for the University to issue
you a notice of decision indicating under s26 of the Act, that the
documents could not be found or do not exist.



Mr Jay Guyver

Manager - Information Governance

Information Governance | Governance Directorate  •  M461, Perth WA 6009

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This is a UWA Official document not authorised for public access.


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