We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are John Simpson please sign in and let everyone know.

Buyout Review

John Simpson made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Broadcasting Corporation

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

We're waiting for John Simpson to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Australian Broadcasting Corporation,

Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the following documents related to the ABC’s contract with PWC for the review of staff buyouts:

- The Letter of Proposal and/or Requests for Proposals and/or Request for Quotation

- The final deliverable (the report, advice or powerpoint presentation at the end of the project)

John Simpson

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Simpson




The ABC acknowledges receipt of your email request attached, sent on
Tuesday 19 October 2021, seeking under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(the FOI Act):


the following documents related to the ABC’s contract with PWC for the
review of staff buyouts:


- The Letter of Proposal and/or Requests for Proposals and/or Request for


- The final deliverable (the report, advice or powerpoint presentation at
the end of the project)


The ABC must make a decision about your FOI application by Thursday 18
November 2021, subject to any suspension of the processing period or
extension of time under the FOI Act. We will advise you if processing
charges apply or if third-party consultation is required.


By making an FOI request, you may be providing personal information to the
ABC. The ABC manages personal information in accordance with its Privacy
Policy - available at  [1]http://about.abc.net.au/abc-privacy-poli....
Personal information (such as your name) may be disclosed in the course of
processing this request, such as for the purposes of consultation or
internal reporting.


We will consider your request in accordance with the FOI Act and provide
you with a decision as soon as practicable.


The FOI Act requires the ABC publishes information accessed under FOI on
its website within 10 working days of the release of documents to you,
subject to certain exemptions under s 11C of the Act.

Kind regards,


[2]ABC Jordan Bramis
FOI Coordinator
E [3][ABC request email]

P  02 8333 3317







Visible links
1. http://about.abc.net.au/abc-privacy-poli...
2. http://www.abc.net.au/
3. mailto:[ABC request email]
4. http://www.abc.net.au/corp/enter/emailsi...

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Dear Mr Simpson


The ABC is required to consult with third parties under section 27 of the
Freedom of Information Act 1982. As such, the time for processing this
request is extended by 30 days under section 15(6) of the FOI Act.


Our decision is now due on Monday 20 December 2021.

Many thanks, FOI Advisor

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Simpson


I refer to emails the ABC sent you on 2 and 17 November 2021.  


The ABC has located an additional document in answer to this freedom of
information request and now requires time consult with a third party about
the extra document.


In addition, we will be closed for 2 weeks as of the end of this week. We
would therefore be grateful if you would agree an extension under s 15AA
of the Freedom of Information Act (Cth) 1982, such that the decision would
be due by Wednesday 19 January 2021 when staff resourcing is back to usual
levels, and third party consultation is complete.


We will do our best to issue the decision sooner than that but would be
grateful for the extra 30 days permitted by the legislation. Would you
kindly reply by email as to whether you agree to this extension of time,
and so that we know that you are contactable at this email address?

Many thanks, FOI Advisor
ABC Legal | 13 994

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Simpson


Attached is ABC’s decision letter about your FOI request.

Many thanks, FOI Advisor


ABC Legal  | 13 9994

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Simpson


I refer to the ABC’s decision letter of 23 December, attached is Document
1 and 2.


Many thanks, FOI Advisor

ABC Legal  | 13 9994

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are John Simpson please sign in and let everyone know.