Birth/death certificates
Dear NT Office of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths & Marriages,
I would like to know the if marital status is listed on marriage and death ceritficates (long form and not the commemorative ones) issued by NT Registrar Births, Deaths and Marriages.
If yes, please clarify the ALL types of marital status that can be listed under the BDM act. Please issue a SAMPLE marriage as well as a Death certificate(ones with marital status on them if any).
Yours faithfully,
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Good morning Nate,
Thank you for your email. I will need to put this forward to the Registrar for a decision. Could you please tell me the reason you need this information and sample certificates?
Kind Regards,
Irini Parimeros
Senior Registration Officer
Births, Deaths and Marriages
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Ground Floor, Cnr Cavenagh & Bennett Streets
GPO Box 3021, Darwin NT 0801
Ph: (08) 8999 6972
Email: [email address]
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Dear Irini Parimeros,
Thank you for your information. I am interested in knowing the kinds of marital status assigned by the registrar on official documents such as marriage/death.
Sample certificates would be to see the format of information.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Nate,
The Deputy Registrar would like to speak to you on the phone about this, could you please provide a phone number and I will get her to call you.
Kind Regards,
Irini Parimeros
Senior Registration Officer
Births, Deaths and Marriages
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Ground Floor, Cnr Cavenagh & Bennett Streets
GPO Box 3021, Darwin NT 0801
Ph: (08) 8999 6972
Email: [email address]
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Dear Irini Parimeros,
Thank you for the email. I prefer to have the information clarified via email. This is via website.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Nate
It is quite difficult to explain in an email but I will attempt to. If you wish clarification you will have to contact me.
We do not provide sample certificates without a complete explanation as to what the use would be for. As you know identify fraud is very common and sample certificates are not issued to the general public. The Registrar-General approves any request and will not do so without a very valid reason. The Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages is a closed register which means you cannot access our information by a freedom of information request.
We can certainly provide you with the tick boxes for options of marital status that are provided on the death registration statement and Notice of Intended Marriage Form if this will assist.
Wendy Endenburg
Senior Deputy Registrar-General
Registrar-General’s Office
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Nichols Place Cnr Cavenagh & Bennett Streets
GPO Box 3021, Darwin NT 0801
Phone: (08) 8999 5318
Fax: (08) 8999 6239
Email: [email address]
Our Vision: Creating a public sector that provides the highest quality service to Territorians
Our Values: Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect | Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity
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Dear Wendy Endenburg,
Thank you once again for your prompt reply. I totally understand your concerns around identity fraud.
Certainly the tick box options provided on the Death
registration statement /Notice of intended form will help.
A sample certificate is not required. Only a confirmation of the information that is printed there in relation to marital status- such a all possible marital status that can ever be listed and the phrase used before such status.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Nate,
The marital status options on the death registration statement are:
- Never Married
- Married
- Divorced
- Widowed
- Separated
- De facto
- Tribally Married
- Tribally Married now Widowed
- Divorced now De facto
- Widowed now De facto
- Separated now De facto
- Unknown
The marital status options for the Notice of Intended Marriage are:
- Never validly married
- Widowed
- Divorced
Kind Regards,
Irini Parimeros
Senior Registration Officer
Births, Deaths and Marriages
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Ground Floor, Cnr Cavenagh & Bennett Streets
GPO Box 3021, Darwin NT 0801
Ph: (08) 8999 6972
Email: [email address]
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Dear Irini Parimeros,
Thank you for your reply. I just need to further clarify a few things:
in case of :
- Divorced now De facto
- Widowed now De facto
- Separated now De facto
what Marital status is assigned if the de facto union no longer existed before death and the person has since not entered in another de facto union or married again before death.
In the event of person being under a registered relationship in another state of Australia, what is assigned for the above described scenario and otherwise.
Also, please clarify the meaning of separated status according to NT BDM. Is it( A person who is still married but is not living with his spouse).
Is there a piece of legislation/ operational manual used by BDM which governs which status needs to be put in each scenario?
In addition to marital/death certificates, does the word Marital status appear on other CIVIL status documents issued by the registry? Is there a definition of Marital status NT BDM uses or is there a Marital status register maintained by NT BDM.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Nate
Irini has forwarded you email to me for a response.
The Births, Deaths and Marriages Office (BDM) is a Registration Office.
BDM registers life events on the basis of information provided to us by
I note that under Section 49 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages
Registration Act 1996 (the act) it is an offence to make a false or
misleading representation in an application or document under the Act,
knowing it to be false or misleading. In situations where there is a
dispute about information used to register a life event the Registrar may
require further evidence and potentially obtain legal advice before making
any correction/amendment to the register. The Registrars decision can be
reviewed by the NT Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Please see comments below in red to your specific questions.
Wendy Endenburg
Senior Deputy Registrar-General
Registrar-General’s Office
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Nichols Place Cnr Cavenagh & Bennett Streets
GPO Box 3021, Darwin NT 0801
Phone: (08) 8999 5318
Fax: (08) 8999 6239
Email: [email address]
Our Vision: Creating a public sector that provides the highest quality
service to Territorians
Our Values: Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect |
Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity
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Dear Wendy Endenburg,
Thank you for the information. There is one slight clarification.
In the email, Irini said
Please clarify the meaning of separated status according to NT BDM.
Is it( A person who is still married but is not living with his spouse).
As above.
As above refers to "A person who is still married but is not living with his spouse" .
Yours sincerely,