Australia's Worst White-Collar Crime

Phillip Sweeney made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Phillip Sweeney

Dear Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,

I am lodging a request for documents pursuant the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

The document I seek includes the words on the front page "Australia's Worst White-Collar Crime How the CEO of APRA can prove the Fraud"

Yours faithfully,

Phillip Sweeney

Freedom of Information, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

Dear Mr Sweeney

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) will be operating with a reduced number of staff during the Christmas and New Year period. Due to employee leave arrangements, APRA will miss a number of days to process your request. APRA is therefore requesting a 30 day extension.

I also note that you have not specified a search period for the document you are seeking. Could you please indicate a search period for your request as this will assist APRA in responding to the request.

Please advise if you agree to the extension of time.

Hannah Cole
FOI Officer

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Phillip Sweeney

Dear Freedom of Information,

Further to your request to nominate a search period, the search period is from 22 December 2014 inclusive.

Yours sincerely,

Phillip Sweeney

Freedom of Information, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

Dear Mr Sweeney


I refer to your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act 1982 (FOI Act) dated 22 December 2014, seeking copies of:


i.      A document that includes the words on the front page “Australia's
Worst White-Collar Crime How the CEO of APRA can prove the Fraud".


The search period for this request is from 22 December 2014 inclusive.


The document which is the subject of this FOI request (the Document) is a
document you wrote and sent electronically to APRA on 22 December 2014.
APRA also received a copy of the Document by mail on 2 January 2015. 


In evidence given at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in the following


·         Sweeney and Australian Information Commissioner and Australian
Prudential Regulation Authority (Joined Party) [2014] AATA 539 (6 August
2014); and

·         Sweeney and Australian Information Commissioner & Ors [2014]
AATA 531 (4 August 2014),

you provided various reasons for requesting a document under the FOI Act
that is in the possession of an Agency because you have provided the
document to the Agency. These reasons included:  


a)    to obtain evidence that the document had been received and properly
filed by the Agency and could be retrieved on request; and


b)    to avoid sending a document by registered post to an Agency which is
more expensive than an application under the FOI Act since Parliament
repealed the requirement for a $30.00 application fee.

As stated above, I can confirm that APRA is in possession of the document
that is the subject of this request.


As you are aware, APRA is required to formally respond and provide a
notice of decision in relation to all requests for information received
under the FOI Act. I ask you to please consider the staff hours that are
required to process FOI requests, in addition to the above information.


As you are already in possession of the document, would you please advise
if APRA’s confirmation satisfies your request?





Hannah Cole

FOI Officer



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Phillip Sweeney

Dear Freedom of Information,
Dear Ms Cole

You have confirmed that APRA is in possession of the document requested and that it is retrievable and has no been misfiled or destroyed.

If you can post the document requested on APRA's FOI Disclosure Log that will satisfy my FIO Request without the need to send me a copy of this document.

Yours sincerely,

Phillip Sweeney

Phillip Sweeney

Dear Freedom of Information,
If a copy of this document is posted on the APRA FOI Disclosure log, that will complete my FOI Request

Yours sincerely,

Phillip Sweeney

Freedom of Information, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Sweeney

I attach correspondence originally emailed to you on 22 January 2015 in relation to this FOI request.


Mathew Fussell
APRAinfo Manager — Governance, Communication & Information
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

T 02 9210 3124 | F 02 9210 3430
E [email address] | W
400 George St (Level 26), Sydney, NSW 2000

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Phillip Sweeney

Dear Freedom of Information,

Can you please advise if these documents have been posted on APRA's FOI Disclosure Log?

Yours sincerely,

Phillip Sweeney