Attacks on DVA staff V harm caused by DVA staff to veterans

Currently waiting for a response from Department of Veterans' Affairs, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs,
Attn Matt Keogh's Chief of Staff 
Please forward this to the most appropriate person and ask that the request be expedited as impugning  the reputation of the men and women who served and risked their lives to protect Australia and Australians is highly insulting and I do not feel that this person is suitable for the position he holds.

Australian ADF members and veterans have been trained to use their skills to protect others from attack and to defend those who cannot defend themselves, I would question why Mr Kefford feels at risk for himself and his staff "


Under Australian freedom of information legislation and with regard to the comments made by
Deputy SecretaryMr. Andrew Kefford PSM Mr. Kefford PSM the 2 I/C of DVA describes his veteran client base to an APS forum:“The Department's client base is disproportionately comprised of people who have received significant military training compared to the client base of other agencies which have extensive client contact, such as Services Australia or the Australian Taxation Office. There is an overall higher risk that a disgruntled client of the Department will be a person who also has the skills, training and capacity to identify staff, determine their location and carry out threats or acts of violence or engage in other behaviour that is dangerous or frightening to staff.”I would like to formally request the number of physical attacks made by disabled Australian Ex Service Veterans on Department Of Veterans Affairs Staff in the last 25 years.

I do not require any identification of victims of attacks, simply the number of physical attacks made on DVA staff that were reported to the relevant worksafe Safe Work Australia or to state and or federal police for investigation.

If there is any question about this please accept my DVA recognised disabilities and contact me in an appropriate manner (By Phone) so as not to cause any further harm to myself. 

I would also like to request the number of Ex Service veterans who have suffered serious self harm or taken their own lives after dealing with DVA staff over the same period of time.

I would like to be able to compare the numbers of DVA staff harmed by Veterans 
to the number of veterans harmed by DVA staff


Yours faithfully,

Doug Steley


If anyone else wants information about this please contact me on this number
I'm a disabled ex serviceman who has PTSD Major Depression and Anxiety disorder from my service and I am badly dyslexic and have problems writing on some issues

INFORMATION.ACCESS, Department of Veterans' Affairs

6 Attachments

Good afternoon Mr Steley


I am writing to you about the request for information you sent to the
Information Access Unit of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs on 13 March


Your request appears to be a duplicate of the request for information you
sent to the Information Access Unit on 6 March 2025 via the Right To Know
website. That request was registered as LEX 74867 and an acknowledgement
email was sent to [1][email address] on 7
March 2025.


Please let us know if you want to withdraw this request, as it is a
duplicate of one that we are already working on.


We look forward to hearing from you shortly.




Fiona|Information Access Registrations Officer

Position Number | 62211034

Information Access Unit |Client and Information Access Branch

Ministerial, Communication & Engagement Division

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)

[2][DVA request email]






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1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[DVA request email]