ASIC Number of enforement actions taken by year

The request was partially successful.

Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the number of enforcement actions taken due to public reports grouped by year.

If this is excessive, happy for this to be limited to 2018 and onwards.

Furthermore, I would like to know how many companies have had non-residential addresses corrected in their record.

Yours faithfully,

John Flymore

Krystal Fung, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Flymore,

Freedom of Information Request No. 206-2024

I refer to the below email dated 1 September 2024 in which you seek access
to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act).

The 30-day statutory time period for processing your request commenced on
the day after the day on which your request was received (s 15(5) of the
FOI Act). The due date to issue a decision on your request is therefore 1
October 2024.

The 30-day processing period may be extended should ASIC find it is
necessary to consult third parties, where a charge is to be imposed on the
processing of the request or for other reasons. You will be advised if
there are changes to the 30-day processing period.

Please note that any documents released to you under the FOI Act may later
be published online on the ASIC disclosure log in accordance with our
obligation to do so under the Act. This requirement to publish released
documents is subject to certain exceptions for example, personal or
business information will not be published where it would be unreasonable.

Kind regards,


Krystal Fung
Lawyer, FOI & Privacy

Legal Services

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Level 7, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000

[1][email address]

[2]ASIC logo

ASIC is committed to [3]diversity and inclusion. ASIC is a place of
belonging regardless of difference, where all individuals are accepted,
safe and affirmed.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Flymore <[4][FOI #11981 email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2024 7:05 PM
To: FOIrequest <[5][ASIC request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - ASIC Number of enforement
actions taken by year


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Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,


Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the number
of enforcement actions taken due to public reports grouped by year.


If this is excessive, happy for this to be limited to 2018 and onwards.


Furthermore, I would like to know how many companies have had
non-residential addresses corrected in their record.


Yours faithfully,


John Flymore




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

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Krystal Fung, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

2 Attachments

Dr Mr Flymore,


Please see attached notice of decision.


Kind regards,


Krystal Fung
Lawyer, FOI & Privacy

Legal Services

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Level 7, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000

[1][email address]

[2]ASIC logo

ASIC is committed to [3]diversity and inclusion. ASIC is a place of
belonging regardless of difference, where all individuals are accepted,
safe and affirmed.


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refer to our [4]Privacy Policy for information about how we handle your
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your personal information, and how to complain about breaches of your
privacy by ASIC.

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