Are you prescribing medical cannabis to veterans that are addicted to THC cannabis
Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs.
Has the department been paying for medical cannabis for veterans that have substance abuse disorder cannabis a D.V.A accepted condition, knowing full well that the Veteran is an addict and has been addicted to THC cannabis since 2008? Is this standard procedure or is this a one time occasion and I slipped though the cracks?
Yours faithfully, Elliot Seiffert
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-----Original Message-----
From: Elliot Seiffert <[FOI #12212 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2024 9:02 PM
To: INFORMATION.ACCESS <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Are you prescribing medical
cannabis to veterans that are addicted to THC cannabis
Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs.
Has the department been paying for medical cannabis for veterans that have
substance abuse disorder cannabis a D.V.A accepted condition, knowing full
well that the Veteran is an addict and has been addicted to THC cannabis
since 2008? Is this standard procedure or is this a one time occasion and
I slipped though the cracks?
Yours faithfully, Elliot Seiffert
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Did D.V.A approve and fund pharmaceutical medical THC and CBD oils to myself (Elliot Seiffert) in 2024, if the answer is yes. How much oil was approved, what dates was approval given to fund and approve the medication and how many times was this prescription granted and approved? Also what are my accepted conditions that DVA have approved?
Yours sincerely,
Elliot Seiffert