Dear Australian Public Service Commission,
This is an FOI request relating to APSC SES pay.
I seek the following documents:
1. The recommendation to the appropriate delegate (I assume agency head) who awarded the SES pay rises
2. The approval of the delegate, and
3. A summary of all SES bonuses awarded
which were created, or relate to, any and all periods from 1 July 2014.
Yours faithfully,
James Smith
Dear Mr Smith
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 for access to documents. Your request was received on 23 February 2017 and the statutory timeframe for responding to your request is 30 days from the date of receipt. This timeframe may be extended in certain circumstances. We will notify you if such circumstances arise.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your request.
Jo Motbey
Australian Public Service Commission
Aviation House, 16 Furzer Street, PHILLIP ACT 2606
E: [email address]
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Dear Mr Smith
I refer to your request for access to documents relating to APSC SES pay.
As your request covers documents which contain personal information, the APSC is consulting the relevant individuals under section 27A of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) before making a decision on the release of those documents. For this reason the period for processing your request has been extended by 30 days in order to allow our agency time to consult with the relevant individuals (section 15(6) of the FOI Act).
The consultation mechanism under section 27A applies when we believe the individuals may wish to contend that the requested documents are exempt for reasons of personal privacy. We will take into account any comments we receive from the individuals but the final decision about whether to grant you access to the documents you requested rests with the FOI decision-maker.
Jo Motbey
Australian Public Service Commission
Level 6, Aviation House, 16 Furzer Street, PHILLIP ACT 2606
Dear Mr Smith,
Please find attached a decision and documents relating to your request dated 23 February 2017.
Kind regards,
FOI Officer
Legal Services
Australian Public Service Commission
Level 6, Aviation House, 16 Furzer Street, PHILLIP ACT 2606