Appointments/Awards to the Order of Australia: Emeritus Professor Gillian Doreen Triggs (2025)

Dear Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General,

Is it possible to provide, with necessary redactions if you need any, documents provided to the Governor-General for the Australian Government’s recommendation to appoint or award Emeritus Professor Gillian Doreen TRIGGS as Companion in the General Division, in the Order of Australia, in the Australia Day 2025 Honours List?

Thank yous!

Yours faithfully,

(Shared) FOI & IPS Mailbox, Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General

Dear Tyler

RE: Application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
Ref: FOI2025012

I refer to your email of 26 January 2025 to the Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General, in which you make a request under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

The Office acknowledges receipt of your request and will respond to you within 30 days in accordance with the Act.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Contact Officer
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General

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(Shared) FOI & IPS Mailbox, Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General

1 Attachment

Dear Tyler,

Ref: FOI2025012
Please find attached response to your FOI request.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Contact Officer
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General

show quoted sections

Dear Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews in OOSGG.

I am writing to request an internal review of Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General's handling of my FOI request 'Appointments/Awards to the Order of Australia: Emeritus Professor Gillian Doreen Triggs (2025)'. A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

I appreciate OOSGG's explanation on section 6A of the FOI Act.

Given that similar documents for other appointments/awards to the Order of Australia have been disclosed publicly (by DPMC or others- including I appreciate OOSGG's explanation on section 6A of the FOI Act.

Given that similar documents for other appointments/awards to the Order of Australia have been disclosed publicly (by DPMC or others- including DPMC's FOI/2022/246 here ( and here (, would it be possible for OOSGG to nonetheless provide information (with redactions/omissions that may be necessary) as requested, administratively or otherwise?

Thank yous!

Yours faithfully,


(Shared) FOI & IPS Mailbox, Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General

Dear Tyler,

Ref: IR-FOI2025012

I refer to your email of 20 February 2025 to the Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General, in which you make a request under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) for an internal review of decision.

The Office acknowledges receipt of your request and will respond to you in accordance with the Act.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Contact Officer
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General

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(Shared) FOI & IPS Mailbox, Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General

1 Attachment

Dear Tyler,

Ref: IR-FOI2025012
Please find attached the response to your request for internal review of decision.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Contact Officer
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General

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