Applications to OAIC to declare an individual vexatious
Dear Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,
Can you please provide a copy of any application made to OAIC to have an FOI applicant made vexatious?
I am happy for you to withold the personally identifiable information of the individual.
Can you process this request administratively? If not, please treat it as a formal FOI request.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Fairless
Dear Mr Fairless,
Please see attached, APRA’s Acknowledgment Letter to you dated 1 February
Kind regards,
APRA FOI Officer
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Dear Mr Fairless,
Please see attached, APRA’s Notice of Time Extension Letter to you dated
18 February 2016.
Kind regards,
APRA FOI Officer
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Dear Freedom of Information,
Are we still on track for a 19th March decision?
Yours sincerely,
Ben Fairless
Dear Mr Fairless,
Please see attached, APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 15 March 2016 and the
two documents APRA has released to you.
Kind regards,
APRA FOI Officer
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Phillip Sweeney left an annotation ()
Hi Ben
Good to see you are taking an interest in how APRA had the Freedom of Information Commissioner declare me a vexatious applicant in order to cover-up Australia's largest superannuation fraud.
Please feel fee to contact me via this website
Phillip Sweeney
Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
I spoke with the FOI offer who said that he hasn't yet extended the timeframe, but may need to do so.