Annual reviews log under GIPA s.7(3)

Currently waiting for a response from NSW Police Force, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear NSW Police Force,

Under the s. 7(3) the NSW Police Force is required;

(3) An agency must, at intervals of not more than 12 months, review its program for the release of government information under this section to identify the kinds of government information held by the agency that should in the public interest be made publicly available and that can be made publicly available without imposing unreasonable additional costs on the agency.

I would like under the public interests surrounding GIPA Act request informally any existing report or log of these annual reviews that may set out either partially or in full from the pervious two years if available;

a) When was the review conducted

b) Who / what team or unit conducted it

c) Results of the review

If the NSW Police force has not commenced these statutory anuual reviews please indicate record/s are not available so this can be addressed under the public interests.

Yours faithfully,
