Amouont of dollard spent on advertising for Covid 19 and Covid 19 related items

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet,

I request the total amount of tax payers Dollars spent , in AUD, for all Covid, covid related, vaccine and vaccine related spending being for all advertising (mainstream, social media, free to air tv, pay tv etc).

Requesting two (2) totals for the years 2019 and 2020 or their respective financial years.

Yours faithfully,

Ernest haluska

Teagan McKenna (DPC), Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet

1 Attachment

Dear Ernest


Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic)
(the Act).

Payment of application fee required to make an FOI request

Section 17(2A) of the Act requires that an application fee of $30.10
accompanies a request for access to documents. Payment can be via the FOI
online portal at [1]

The application fee may be waived in circumstances of hardship. If you
wish to seek waiver of the fee, you will need to provide evidence of
hardship, such as a current healthcare or pension card.

Please note your request will not be considered valid and will therefore
not be processed until payment or application for waiver is received and

Clarifying your request


Your request is for information rather than for specific documents.


Please specify the document types you seek access to (for example,
briefings, a report, file notes, emails, etc). Requests must be made for
specific documents or groups of documents, not for every document in a
broad category.


Accordingly, I invite you to consult with the department with a view to
amending or clarifying your request so that it is in a form which complies
with section 17 and provides the information necessary to identify the
documents sought.


Next steps

To make your FOI request valid you need to pay the application fee (or
show evidence of financial hardship) and clarify the terms of your

I would appreciate it if you would respond to the issues raised above by
17 January 2021, otherwise I will assume that you do not wish to submit a
valid FOI request and no further action will be taken by the department.

If I may be of assistance, please contact me by reply email.

Yours sincerely


Teagan McKenna (she/her)  |  Senior Freedom of Information and Privacy
Officer  |  Office of the General Counsel

Department of Premier and Cabinet  |  Level 2, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne
Victoria 3002

[2]  |  [3]


We acknowledge the traditional Aboriginal owners of country throughout
Victoria and pay our respect to them, their culture and their Elders past,
present and future.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ernest haluska [4][FOI #8215 email]
Sent: Sunday, 19 December 2021 10:39 AM
To: FOIDPC (DPC) [5][Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet request email]
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Amouont of dollard spent on
advertising for Covid 19 and Covid 19 related items


Dear Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet,


I request the total amount of tax payers Dollars spent , in AUD, for all
Covid, covid related, vaccine and vaccine related spending being for all
advertising (mainstream, social media, free to air tv, pay tv etc).


Requesting two (2) totals for the years 2019 and 2020 or their respective
financial years.


Yours faithfully,


Ernest haluska




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[6][FOI #8215 email]


Is [7][Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet? If so, please
contact us using this form:



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