We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are James Smith please sign in and let everyone know.

Ambassador to Belgium

We're waiting for James Smith to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Minister for Foreign Affairs,

Please provide copies of any documents relating to the appointment of General (Rtd) Angus Campbell AO as Australia's Ambassador to Belgium, the European Union (EU), the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and Luxembourg.

This may include:
- briefing memos
- recommendation documents
- approval documents
- emails, letters, or other correspondence

Yours faithfully,

James Smith

FOI FOI, Minister for Foreign Affairs

1 Attachment



FOI Request: LEX 12018


Dear James Smith,


Thank you for your email dated 31 January 2025, seeking access to
documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. 


The purpose of this email is to advise you that your request has been
transferred to the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Foreign
Minister’s Office) under section 16 of the FOI Act. 


The request has been transferred because the subject-matter of the
document is more closely connected with the functions of the Foreign
Minister’s Office.  We note you have indicated the request is for the
Foreign Minister.   


We have notified the Foreign Minister’s Office of the terms of your
request and the date it was made and have forwarded your original request
to the Foreign Minister’s Office.    


Further correspondence will follow.  


Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to
contact us by return e-mail at [1][Minister for Foreign Affairs request email]  




show quoted sections

Dear FOI,

I dont agree with the transfer. I am seeking what information the MFA holds that is responsive to the request. Please respond to the request.

Yours sincerely,

James Smith

FOI FOI, Minister for Foreign Affairs

1 Attachment



Good afternoon James Smith


Thank you for your email.


Noting you addressed your request to the Foreign Minister, and you
requested access to documents held by the Foreign Minister, under section
16 of the FOI Act your request was transferred because the subject-matter
of the document is more closely connected with the functions of the
Foreign Minister’s Office.


The department continues to process your similar request (LEX 12017) for
documents held by the department.


Should you have any further questions or require further clarification,
please respond to this email.




show quoted sections

FOI FMO, Minister for Foreign Affairs

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Smith

Please find attached documents relating to your recent FOI request.

Kind regards

FMO FOI team

show quoted sections

Dear Minister for Foreign Affairs,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Minister for Foreign Affairs's handling of my FOI request 'Ambassador to Belgium'.

It appears that there are large sections or pages that are completely blank with no explanation as to why that information is missing. This should be reviewed.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/a...

Yours faithfully,

James Smith

FOI, Minister for Foreign Affairs

1 Attachment



Dear James Smith


You may apply to the Australian Information Commissioner to review the
decision (section 54L of the FOI Act). To do this, you must contact the
Australian Information Commissioner within 60 calendar days from the day
you received the decision notice. 


Further information on applying for an Australian Information Commissioner
review is available at:





show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are James Smith please sign in and let everyone know.