Access to metadata documents

Rex Banner made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Postal Corporation

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Australian Postal Corporation,

I'd like to request the already released document as per


Access to metadata documents

Specimen information request template (no longer used) and historic metadata statistics

Yours faithfully,

Rex Banner

foi, Australian Postal Corporation

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Should your request not meet the requirements of the FOI Act, you will be
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Freedom of Information Team 

Australia Post 


Visible links

foi, Australian Postal Corporation

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Banner,


We refer to your request for the document below which is listed on
Australia Post’s FOI Disclosure Log.  Find attached document.


FOI reference Date of access FOI request Information published in
summary the Disclosure Log
Specimen information
164/2016 14/11/2016 Access to metadata request template (no
documents longer used) and historic
metadata statistics




Freedom of Information Team

Australia Post

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