ABC correspondence with Federal MPs for interviews on Lateline
Dear Department of the House of Representatives,
I would like to request from the Department of House of Representatives all documents of correspondents between the ABC and the Leader of the Opposition and his Office regarding requests for interview on the ABC's Lateline programme.
The period for this request is the 22nd August 2012 to 9th April 2013.
Yours faithfully,
Luke Mansillo
Dear Mr Mansillo
Ref: 13/03
I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 e-mailed
to the Department of the House of Representatives on 8 April 2013. On
behalf of the Serjeant-at-Arms at the Department of the House of
Representatives, Robyn McClelland, I acknowledge receipt of your request.
Yours sincerely
Justin Baker
Justin Baker
Clerk’s Office
Department of the House of Representatives
phone: +61 2 6277 4333 | email: [email address]