A Court of Law
Dear Federal Court of Australia,
I require the answer to the following:
The Federal Court of Australia is a Court of Law and the Law of the land is common law and there is no public Federal legislation, law, rule (or other) to the contrary. Is there an internal policy, directive, rule, law (or other) that:
1. deny or defer a man (or woman) right to justice? and,
2. deny or defer a man (or woman) right to access to the Federal Court of Australia - a Court of Law, to prosecute a claim in common law?
i, require the internal policy or directive or law or rule (or other) that makes the above (or similar) claim/statement (point 1 and 2) that a PUBLIC SERVANT or qualified employee or assign of the said Court would depend on to: deny or defer a man (or woman) right to justice, and, deny or defer a man (or woman) right to access the said Court, and, the name of the qualified employee, PUBLIC SERVANT or assign (or other) that made it.
dated the 22nd day of October 2021
i: a man; Shaun
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached correspondence from the Federal Court of Australia.
Kind regards
FOI Officer
Federal Court of Australia