We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Austin LI please sign in and let everyone know.

2021/22 Postgraduate programmes admission statistics

Austin LI made this Freedom of Information request to University of Melbourne

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

We're waiting for Austin LI to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear University of Melbourne,

I would be very grateful if you can kindly provide the following data for the 2021/22 admission cycle (i.e. 2021 fall intake):

1. List of all postgraduate taught programmes
2. Numbers of all applications (for each specific programme)
3. Numbers of all offers made (for each specific programme)
4. Numbers of Chinese nationality applications (for each specific programme)
5. Numbers of Chinese nationality offers made (for each specific programme)

Yours faithfully,

Austin LI

foi-officer, University of Melbourne

1 Attachment

Hello Mr Li


Your freedom of information request


I refer to your correspondence dated 24 April 2022 in which you requested:


‘I would be very grateful if you can kindly provide the following data for
the 2021/22 admission cycle (i.e. 2021 fall intake):


1. List of all postgraduate taught programmes

2. Numbers of all applications (for each specific programme)

3. Numbers of all offers made (for each specific programme)

4. Numbers of Chinese nationality applications (for each specific

5. Numbers of Chinese nationality offers made (for each specific

You are making a request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic)
(FOI Act). However, at this time, your request is not valid under section
17 of the FOI Act because you have not paid the application fee of $30.10
and it is not clear and specific enough for us to identify the documents
you have requested.

This means we cannot start processing your request until you pay the
application fee or request a fee waiver and give us more information about
your request.


Paying the application fee


To proceed with your request, please pay the application fee of $30.10:


o online at
o via cheque or money order made payable to ‘The University of
Melbourne’ or
o by credit card on phoning the FOI Lead on 9035 4268

Requesting a fee waiver or reduction


If paying the application fee would cause you hardship, you may ask us to
waive or reduce it. To do this, please provide supporting information so
we can assess your eligibility for a fee waiver or reduction. Supporting
information may include a copy of a current concession or health care
card, a bank statement, or statutory declaration outlining why paying the
application fee would cause you hardship. If you are not sure what
information to provide, please contact us to discuss further.


Your request requires clarification


For your request to be valid under section 17 of the FOI Act, it must
provide enough information about the documents you asked for so we can
properly identify them. If the terms of a request are not sufficiently
clear, it will not comply with section 17 of the FOI Act and we cannot
process it.


To clarify your request, please answer the following questions:


 1. What is the exact time period of your request in 2021 to 2022? It is
not clear what is meant by the terms ‘fall intake’.
 2. The terms’ Chinese nationality’ has been interpreted as any person
declaring themselves to be Chinese to the University. Please confirm
that this interpretation is correct.


What you need to do


Please pay the application fee of $30.10 using the payment method outlined
above, or, provide evidence of hardship for a fee waiver or reduction.
Please also clarify your request so we can process it.


If we do not hear from you by 20 May 2022, we may close your request
without processing it. If we close your request without processing it, you
will need to make a new request if you wish to access the documents.


If you have any questions about the FOI process, please email us at the
email recorded below, quoting reference FOI22/4821.


Kind regards,


Freedom of Information | Information Regulation team

Information Governance Services I Legal and Risk I Chief Operating Officer

The University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus, Victoria, Australia

E: [2][email address]   T: +61 3 903 54268



I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which I work, the
Bunurong Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples of the Eastern
Kulin Nation, and I pay my respects to the Elders, past, present, and



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Visible links
1. https://ecommerce.unimelb.edu.au/bcad/ca...
2. mailto:[email address]
3. https://about.unimelb.edu.au/strategy/go...

Dear foi-officer,

Hi. I have completed the payment. Payment Confirmation Number 447850.

Regarding the clarification of my query:

1. It is about the students applying for the admissions cycle for both Start Year Intake (February) and Mid Year Intake (July) in 2021.
2. YES correct. It means those declaring themselves to be Chinese to the University.

Yours sincerely,

Austin LI

foi-officer, University of Melbourne

1 Attachment

Hello Austin,

Thank you for paying the application fee of $30.10.

To hasten the processing of your request, could you please provide us with
your personal email address instead of corresponding through the website
of Right to Know.

Once provided, I will liaise with our relevant teams to search for the
requested documents.


Kind regards,


Freedom of Information | Information Regulation team

Information Governance Services I Legal and Risk I Chief Operating Officer

The University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus, Victoria, Australia

E: [1][email address]   T: +61 3 903 54268



I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which I work, the
Bunurong Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples of the Eastern
Kulin Nation, and I pay my respects to the Elders, past, present, and



CRICOS: 00116K


This email and any attachments may contain personal information or
information that is otherwise confidential or the subject of copyright.
Any use, disclosure or copying of any part of it is prohibited. The
University does not warrant that this email or any attachments are free
from viruses or defects. Please check any attachments for viruses and
defects before opening them. If this email is received in error, please
delete it and notify us by return email.



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. https://about.unimelb.edu.au/strategy/go...

Dear foi-officer,

airleezihao at gmail

Yours sincerely,

Austin LI

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Austin LI please sign in and let everyone know.