1880-1940 Mulwaree Road Maps
Dear Goulburn Mulwaree Council,
I am researching the development of the Goulburn road nextworks and the communities they connected, in the 60 year period between 1880 and 1940.
Would you have a copy available of, or provide access to, all maps showing the road network with Mulwaree Shire, from 1880 to 1940, with particular interest in those provided by the Lands Department?
Yours faithfully,
Leo Muter
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Goulburn Mulwaree Council
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Dear Council,
hopefully you are able to send information electronically, scan or photograph sections, if maps are large and detailed.
Yours sincerely,
Leo Muter
Good Morning Leo,
With reference to your request for information regarding the Mulwaree Shire Road Maps from 1880-1940, with particular interest in those provided by the Lands Department. The following information may be of assistance to you;
- Community Heritage Study 2002-2004 Mulwaree Shire Statements of Significance
- Spatial Information Exchange has Historic maps
- Goulburn Mulwaree library has an extensive Local History section. The library hours and contact details can be found here;
- NSW Land & Property Information may be of assistance in obtaining historical maps of the Mulwaree Shire.
Trove and the National Library sites may also be of assistance with old parish maps.
Dwenda Lewis
Information Access Officer
P: 02 4823 4444 | F: 02 4822 4163
Goulburn Mulwaree Council | Locked Bag 22 Goulburn NSW 2580
W: www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au | Find us on Facebook
Dear Dwenda Lewis,
thankyou kindly. I believe I have exhausted those sources, with some of those sources mentioned lacking the detail sought or how the roads were so integral to developing communities. Parish Maps represent partial information, and, while the sources you have mentioned are appreciated, some have indeed lead me to contact you.
For example, TROVE:
Goulburn Evening Penny Post 28.Sept,1911; page 4; "Mulwaree Shire Council" meeting reported minutes
"From the Lands Department, advising despatch of map showing all established roads in the Shire"
To my understanding, maps are integral for the understanding of a shire and critical when prioritising expenditure, back when roads were high on Council's agenda. Maps, such as any requested by or supplied to Council, especially by Lands Department, would represent a major investment and pride, and more likely to be held by Council than discarded.
If possible, would your Engineering Department or Archives within Goulburn Mulwaree Shire be able to ascertain what maps / surveys are held for the period 1880 to 1940?
Yours sincerely,
Leo Muter
Good Afternoon Leo,
I have discussed your request for Mulwaree Shire Council historic road maps with Council's engineering department and have been assured they do not hold maps dating back that far.
The Goulburn Mulwaree Library do hold one map for the Mulwaree Shire Council dated 1938. Contact details have been provided in previous correspondence.
Your email refers to an extract from Trove;
Goulburn Evening Penny Post 28.Sept,1911; page 4; "Mulwaree Shire Council" meeting reported minutes "From the Lands Department, advising despatch of map showing all established roads in the Shire"
Have you contact the Lands Department, now NSW Land & Property to enquire if they keep historic road maps?
Unfortunately, I am unable to assist you any further with your enquiry. Good luck with your searches.
Kind Regards,
Dwenda Lewis
Information Access Officer
P: 02 4823 4444 | F: 02 4822 4163
Goulburn Mulwaree Council | Locked Bag 22 Goulburn NSW 2580
W: www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au | Find us on Facebook
Dear Dwenda Lewis,
Your response is appreciated.
I believe the correct response for an information request is either to confirm or deny the presence of such information within your organisation, as such, the response given is ambiguous.
Would you so indicate that Goulburn Mulwaree Shire does not have any maps of the road network then existing within the Mulwaree Shire Boundaries, for the period 1880 to 1940?
Perhaps if the request was broken down might aid in identifying information for the road network. Would you (Goulrburn Mulwaree Shire) be in the possession of of any surveying of roads done by or for Mulwaree Shire for the period 1880 to 1940?
For example, there are several surveys mentioned in the following article, TROVE:
Goulburn Evening Penny Post, 25.May.1922, page 4.
Would you indicate the age of the oldest map held by Goulburn Mulwaree Shire?
Would you indicate the oldest map of the road network as held by Goulburn Mulwaree Engineering Department?
Yours sincerely,
Leo Muter
Good Afternoon Leo,
Goulburn Mulwaree Shire does not have any maps of the road network then existing within the Mulwaree Shire Boundaries, for the period 1880 to 1940 with the exception of the 1938 Mulwaree Shire Map available at the Goulburn Mulwaree Library as advised previously.
Dwenda Lewis
Information Access Officer
P: 02 4823 4444 | F: 02 4822 4163
Goulburn Mulwaree Council | Locked Bag 22 Goulburn NSW 2580
W: www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au | Find us on Facebook
Dear Dwenda Lewis,
Would you indicate the age of the oldest map held by Goulburn Mulwaree Shire?
Would you indicate the oldest map of the road network as held by Goulburn Mulwaree Engineering Department?
Yours sincerely,
Leo Muter
Good Afternoon Leo,
The oldest map held by Council is a plan for the town of Goulburn, 18 July 1833. This is held in the Goulburn Mulwaree Library. Please refer your enquiries to the library.
The oldest map of the road network as held by Goulburn Mulwaree Council Operations department (previously known as Engineering) is a road map of Mulwaree Shire from 1965.
I am satisfied that I have answered your enquiries. Please forward any further enquiries/requests for information to the Council email address [Goulburn Mulwaree Council request email]. As you can appreciate Council receives numerous enquiries/requests for information and these need to be assessed and allocated to the appropriate area of Council for action.
Council has limited historical records of this nature and therefore I suggest as per previous correspondence that you utilise the service of other entities available online. Perhaps a visit to the local Land & Property Office and the Goulburn Mulwaree Library may be more conducive to the nature of your enquiry.
Kind Regards,
Dwenda Lewis
Information Access Officer
P: 02 4823 4444 | F: 02 4822 4163
Goulburn Mulwaree Council | Locked Bag 22 Goulburn NSW 2580
W: www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au | Find us on Facebook
Dear Dwenda Lewis,
Thankyou. Your information is very helpful, so the library is the repository for older maps of Goulburn, I will endeavour to visit the library, thankyou.
Being mindful of time, would you be able to scan and attach a copy of the 1965 Mulwaree Shire road map, as held by Goulburn Mulwaree Operations Department, as being the oldest road map directly held by Council?
Yours sincerely,
Currently I am out of the office, returning Monday 30 January 2017.
I will address your email upon my return.
Please send all correspondence to [Goulburn Mulwaree Council request email]
Dear Dwenda Lewis,
Would you be able to scan and attach a copy of the 1965 Mulwaree Shire road map, as held by Goulburn Mulwaree Operations Department, as being the oldest road map directly held by Council?
Yours sincerely,
Leo Muter