ACT Electoral Commission
Election Management System
Ballot Paper Assessment -
Randomisation Algorithm
by Digital Elections Pty Ltd
4/935 Station Street, Box Hill North,
Victoria, Australia
and Blitzm Systems
Suite 7, 458 Swanston Street
1300 211 248
Carlton, VIC 3053
Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 4
About this document ................................................................................................................................. 4
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Background .................................................................................................................................................... 4
System Description ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Ballot Paper Selection .................................................................................................................................... 6
Algorithm Description .................................................................................................................................... 7
Implementation ............................................................................................................................................. 9
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Ballot Paper Assessment -Randomisation Algorithm by
Digital Elections and Blitzm Systems
Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
About this document
This document provides information about randomization algorithm integrated into the TIGER Ballot
Paper Assessment module. It further summarises the code snippet used to generate randomization and
other key elements.
This document describes the methods used to select scanned and digitized ballot papers for an audit. A
subset of these bal ot papers is chosen through a random but repeatable process.
The randomness ensures that no one can tamper with the selection, and the repeatability allows anyone
to verify that the bal ot papers were chosen randomly for the audit.
As previously stated, the randomization process ensures that bad actors cannot tamper with the bal ots
selected for an audit. Additional y, the process is repeatable and verifiable when the correct data is
Therefore, the primary requirements for the algorithm are as follows:
1. Repeatable
2. Randomised - This ensures that it is impossible to predict which ballots wil be selected for an
audit before they are committed to the system.
Here, a bal ot paper is considered committed to the system once it’s scanned preferences and image data
have been uploaded to Tiger, where they are arbitrarily ordered based on their sequence in the upload.
Ballot papers are maintained in batches of a maximum of 100 papers per batch and are entered into
these batches in no order and can be considered randomly shuffled. These batches are maintained based
on the enclosed ballot’s electorate and the polling place it originates from.
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Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
System Description
The process to randomly select ballot papers can be made repeatable by using a pseudo-random number
generator that uses a particular seed. This seed wil be a random number that is generated outside of the
system. EACT accomplishes this using a raffle machine that wil randomly choose a number between 1-
The system wil then use this seed number to generate a sequence of pseudo-random numbers which are
used to select the batches for the audit activity.
To ensure that the batches to be selected for an audit cannot be predicted before they are committed to
the system, it is important to enforce a process wherein the random seed used to select batches cannot
be entered or known til the ballots to be audited have been committed. This is accomplished by creating
a process within the system that blocks seed entry til ballot papers have been uploaded.
There is an
Election Audit for each election, during which the bal ots for that election are audited. EACT
uploads the scanned and digitised ballot papers to TIGER, where each ballot paper is tagged with its
election, electorate, pol ing place, the sequence in which it was uploaded, it’s position in the batch (the
paper number), and the date and time of the upload. Ballot paper preferences and their ordering cannot
be changed once they have been committed to the system.
Once bal ot paper batches have been uploaded to the TIGER system, EACT can enter the Audit Seed. This
seed is a number between 1-99,999 that is randomly chosen from a raffle machine. The Audit Seed must
be linked to the date of a ballot paper upload activity.
The date and time of the selected upload is used to ensures that only batches uploaded before seed
entry are considered for auditing. A seed can only be entered once for each calendar day, so it is
important to ensure all batches meant to be audited have been committed to the system prior to seed
There are electorate-specific Audits in each Election Audit, which can either be Daily or Ad-Hoc. Each
audit must be linked to an Audit Seed, which is then used for selecting batches for an audit. For a daily
audit, we only consider ballot papers that were committed on the same day as (but before) seed entry.
For ad-hoc audits, the entire pool of un-audited ballot paper batches uploaded prior to seed entry is
considered during audit batch generation.
Hence, the system is built to enforce the fol owing order of operations –
1. Ballot paper preferences and image uploads
2. Seed number entry
3. Batch generation
Thus, it is not possible to enter a seed without first committing the batches to be audited to the system,
ensuring that the bal ots that wil be chosen in the audit cannot be predicted prior to bal ot paper upload.
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Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
Ballot Paper Selection
The uploaded ballot paper batches are randomly selected for auditing using the geometric skipping
method recommended in ‘
Assessing the accuracy of the Australian Senate count’
The geometric skipping method used is described in
‘Bernoul i Bal ot Pol ing: A Manifest Improvement for
Risk-Limiting Audits’ (, the code for which is available on GitHub
While the original research paper applies the sampling method over all ballot papers, this method was
adapted to select batches instead to simplify physical bal ot paper retrieval during the audit process.
For auditing, a series of 5-10 consecutive ballot papers is selected from each selected batch. The number
of ballot papers to be selected is set by EACT. The starting ballot paper for this series is randomly
selected. This is accomplished by adding the selected batch number to the initially entered seed value
(the one entered by EACT when setting up the Audit Seed). This new number is used as a seed to
generate a random number, which corresponds to a ballot paper number within the batch. Once used,
this new number is not used again for any other batches.
The randomly selected ballot is the start of the series, and the next 4-9 ballot papers in the batch are
selected for the audit as wel . If the starting bal ot paper number is too high, the selection wil be
‘wrapped’ around the batch. I.e., in a batch of 100, if our starting bal ot number is 98, the bal ots selected
wil be paper numbers [98, 99, 100, 1, 2] of the batch.
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Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
Algorithm Description
The process is divided into three main parts:
Retrieve batches available for audit: We retrieve the bal ot paper batches intended for a specific audit that
were uploaded before the audit's seed date and time.
func GetBallotsForAudit(audit):
var query = database.BallotPapers
.Where(election is audit.Election)
.Where(electorate is audit.Electorate)
.Where(fileUploadDateTime <= audit.Seed.DateTime);
// if it is a daily audit, we restrict the batches to be from the same calendar day
if(audit.Type is “Daily”):
query = query.Where(fileUploadCalendarDay is audit.Seed.CalendarDay);
var batches = query.GroupBy(a => a.BatchNumber)
return batches.ToList();
Pick random ballot paper batches: We use the process of geometric skipping, as mentioned in the previous
section, to get the index of the bal ot papers to sample, in a list.
func GeometricSkipping(int numberOfBatchesToSelect, int totalAvailableBatches, Random random):
var sample = Set(size= numberOfBatchesToSelect)
var samplingRate = numberOfBatchesToSelect / totalAvailableBatches;
// if all ballots need to be audited
if (samplingRate == 1):
return [list of numbers from 0 to totalAvailableBatches]
// generate random uniform variable using seed
var runifs = [list of random floating numbers, of length numberOfBatchesToSelect]
var randomVariables = [for each runif x, return ceiling(log(x)/log(1- samplingRate))];
var values = cumulativeSum(randomVariables);
for (i in values)
if (i < totalAvailableBatches)
return sample
3. Create audit batches: This is the code snippet where we utilize the previously defined functions to
generate an audit batch, comprising a set of papers designated for auditing.
func GenerateAuditBatches(audit):
var batches = GetBallotsForAudit(audit);
var createdBatches = 0;
var random = new Random(audit.Seed)
// keep removing selected batches and selecting more batches till we have the required number
of batches
while (createdBatches < audit.NumBatches):
// generate random numbers, create audit batches for each index
var selectedIndices = GeometricSkipping(audit.numberOfBatchesToSelect – createdBatches,
batches.Count, random);
for (index in selectedIndices):
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Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
var batch = batches.AtIndex(index);
var batchRandom = new Random(audit.Seed + batch.BatchNumber);
var startingBallot = batchRandom.GetRandomNumber();
database.Add(new AuditBatch(batch.BatchNumber, startingBallot));
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Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
The current implementation is in .Net 8.0 and does not use any external libraries for sampling. We utilise
the inbuilt System. Random library for random number generation.
The code can be found as below –
private async Task<List<BallotPaperScannedBatch>> GetBallotsForAudit(AuditEntity audit, Guid
// retrieve batches and the number of ballots in the batch
var batchesQuery = await this
.dbContext.BallotPaperEntities.Include(a => a.File)
.ThenInclude(a => a.Metadata)
.Include(a => a.AuditActivityThread)
.Where(a => a.BallotSource == BallotSourceDTO.Scanning && a.BallotType ==
.Where(a => a.ElectionId == electionId)
.Where(a => a.ElectorateId == audit.ElectorateId)
.Where(a => a.FileId != null)
// ensures we're always getting files that are on or before the date selected
for the audit
.Where(a => a.File.Metadata.CreatedAt <= audit.AuditSeed.Date)
.OrderBy(a => a.PaperIndex)
// if it's a daily audit, we only consider dates on the same day
if (audit.AuditType == AuditTypeDTO.Daily)
batchesQuery = batchesQuery
.Where(a =>
.ConvertTime(audit.AuditSeed.Date, TimeZones.AustraliaCanberra)
== TimeZoneInfo
var batches = batchesQuery
.GroupBy(a => new
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Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
.Where(a => a.All(x => x.AuditBatchId == null) && !a.All(x => x.IsInformal))
.Select(a => new BallotPaperScannedBatch
BatchNumber = a.Key.ScannedBatchNumber ?? a.Key.BatchNumber,
Count = a.Count(),
PollingPlaceId = a.Key.PollingPlaceId,
Papers = [.. a.OrderBy(a => a.PaperNumber)],
return batches;
private static List<int> GeometricSkipping(int numBatches, int totalBatches, Random random)
var sample = new HashSet<int>(numBatches);
var samplingRate = (double)numBatches / totalBatches;
// if all ballots need to be audited
if (samplingRate == 1)
return Enumerable.Range(0, numBatches).ToList();
// generate random uniform variable using seed
var runifs = Enumerable.Range(0, numBatches).Select(i =>
var randomVariables = runifs
.Select(x => (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(x) / Math.Log(1 - samplingRate)))
var vals = GetCumulativeSum(randomVariables).Select(x => x - 1).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < numBatches; i++)
if (vals[i] < totalBatches)
return [.. sample];
public override async Task<Empty> GenerateAuditBatches(
GenerateAuditBatchesRequest request,
ServerCallContext context
var audit =
await this
.dbContext.AuditEntities.Include(a => a.AuditSeed)
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05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
.ThenInclude(a => a.Metadata)
.Include(a => a.Electorate)
.Include(a => a.ElectionAudit)
.Include(a => a.AuditActivityThread)
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id.ToString() == request.Id)
?? throw new RpcException(
new Status(StatusCode.NotFound, "Audit not found. Invalid audit ID in
var batches = await this.GetBallotsForAudit(audit,
if (batches.Count == 0)
throw new RpcException(
new Status(
$"No batches to be audited with seed {audit.AuditSeed.Seed} were
if (audit.NumBatches > batches.Count)
throw new RpcException(
new Status(
$"Number of batches to be selected for audit exceeds number of
batches available."
var createdBatches = 0;
var random = new Random(audit.AuditSeed.Seed);
// keep removing selected batches and selecting more batches till we have the
required number of batches
while (createdBatches < audit.NumBatches)
// generate random numbers, create audit batches for each index
var selectedIndices = GeometricSkipping(audit.NumBatches - createdBatches,
batches.Count, random);
var selectedBatches = batches.Where((a, index) =>
foreach (var batch in selectedBatches)
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Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
// randomly generated starting ballot paper number
var batchRandom = new Random(audit.AuditSeed.Seed + batch.BatchNumber);
var startingNumber = batchRandom.Next(1, batch.Count + 1);
var ballotPapers = new List<BallotPaperEntity>(audit.PapersPerBatch);
// if the batch has fewer papers than are required, select all papers in
the batch
if (batch.Count <= audit.PapersPerBatch)
startingNumber = 1;
// ballot paper numbers are indexed from 1, so we handle that here
startingNumber - 1,
Math.Min(audit.PapersPerBatch, batch.Count - startingNumber +
if (ballotPapers.Count < audit.PapersPerBatch)
ballotPapers.AddRange(batch.Papers.Take(audit.PapersPerBatch -
for (int i = 0; i < ballotPapers.Count; i++)
ballotPapers[i].AuditBatchIndex = i;
await dbContext.AddAsync(
new AuditBatchEntity
AuditId = audit.Id,
Status = AuditBatchStatusDTO.Pending,
BatchNumber = batch.BatchNumber,
PollingPlaceId = batch.PollingPlaceId,
StartingBallotNumber = startingNumber,
BallotPapers = ballotPapers,
Metadata =
AuditActivityThread = AuditActivityThreadEntity.NewThread(),
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Bal ot Paper Assessment - Randomisation Algorithm for ACT Electoral Commission
05th July 2024
Election Management System Modernisation
createdBatches += 1;
var selectedBatchNumbers = selectedBatches.Select(x => x.BatchNumber);
batches.RemoveAll(x => selectedBatchNumbers.Contains(x.BatchNumber));
$"Generated batches for {audit.Electorate.Name} {audit.AuditType} with seed
await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
return new Empty();
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