This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Cases from Member Hugh Sanderson involving China’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic'.

23 October 2024 
FOI ref: 2024-0235 
By email: 
Dear Thomas, 
Acknowledgement of Freedom of Information Request no. 2024/0235  
I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 
(FOI Act) received 16 October 2024.  
You have requested access to: 
“From 16 October 2019 to 16 October 2020 (inclusive), how many Tribunal cases 
involved Tribunal Member Hugh Sanderson considering how effective the Chinese 
authorities were in being able to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus in China 
and ensure all Chinese citizens received appropriate medical treatment?” 
We received your request on 16 October 2024 and the 30 day statutory period for processing 
your request commenced from the day after that date. You should therefore expect a 
decision from us by 15 November 2024. The 30 day period may be extended if we need to 
consult other parties or for other reasons permit ed under the FOI Act.  
Please note that information released under the FOI Act may later be published online on our 
disclosure log, subject to certain exceptions. Personal information, for example, wil  not be 
published where this would be unreasonable.     
We wil  contact you using the email address and phone number you have provided. Please 
advise if you would prefer us to use an alternative means of contact.   
If you have any questions, please contact me at  
Yours sincerely, 
Jodie C 
Authorised FOI Of icer (APS6) 
Level 6, 83 Clarence Street 
Sydney NSW 2000 
GPO Box 9955 Sydney NSW 2001