This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Technical Advisory Branch (TAB) intranet pages, guides, checklists, templates, and forms.'.

FOI 24/25-0515
The contents of this document are OFFICIAL. 
Create a technical advice case 
Guidance in this document is not approved for use unless you view it in PACE. 
This article provides guidance for an access delegate, review officer, planner delegate, or 
planner (non-partnered area) to: 
• understand what to complete before creating a technical advice case
• create a technical advice case.
Note: If you’re creating a Technical Advice case for replacement support, go to article Create 
and action requests for replacement supports. 
: Technical advice is intended to help delegates make decisions. Local area coordinators 
(LAC) and early childhood (EC) partners don't request technical advice in PACE. LACs and 
EC partners can email technical advice queries to 47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies  
Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Guidance updated to: 
• include additional guidance for review officers to create technical advice from the
Internal Review case
• change the mention of System information heading to Case information heading
• advise users not to select restrictive practice (ECS) when creating a Technical
Advice case
• advise users not to select categories marked ECS for participants older than 9
• advise users to use Internal Note to add additional information for technical advice
questions (if required)
• advice users to use overdue as priority type for children younger than 9
• advice users to use Prioritisation Reason of Scheme Sensitivities for advice about
supports for children younger than 9
• add new section for users to check the Technical Advice case has been routed
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•  add new information for users to complete all required steps for Technical Advice 
case to route to its relevant team 
•  add new note for users to avoid manually changing case chevrons 
•  add link to new replacement support article. 
Before you start 
You have: 
•  read and understood all available information related to your request 
•  read and understood article Understand advice categorisation in a technical advice 
•  read and understood Mandatory Advice Requests on the Technical Advice and 
Practice Improvement Branch (TAPIB) intranet page Requesting Advice. 
Note: Members of the Dog Guide Advisory Group are trialling a streamlined assessment 
process for Dog Guides. New assessment templates are being used for this process. If you 
receive a request for a new or replacement Dog Guide on one of the new assessment 
templates, this is a mandatory TAPIB referral. 
To learn more about technical advice services, visit the Technical Advice and Practice 
Improvement Branch intranet page and National Early Childhood (NEC) Branch Planning 
Supports and Quality Team intranet page and resources. 
Create a technical advice case 
To request advice from the Technical Advice and Practice Improvement Branch (TAPIB) or 
National Early Childhood (NEC) Branch Planning Support and Quality team, you need to 
create a Technical Advice case. 
If you’re: 
•  a review officer, you’l  need to create the Technical Advice case from the Internal 
Review case 
•  all other staff, you’l  need to create the Technical Advice case from the Person 
1.  On the right hand side of the screen, on the Case Action Bar, select Technical 
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Note: This wil  open up the Advice categorisation screen. 
2.  At Type, select the technical advice you’re requesting from the drop-down list. 
Note: Don’t select Restrictive Practice (ECS) as it can cause the case to route to an 
incorrect queue. 
3.  At Category, select the advice from the drop-down list. If applicable, at Sub Category
select the advice from the drop-down list. 
Note: Don’t select categories marked as ECS for participants older than 9. Categories 
marked as ECS must only be used for children younger than 9. 
4.  At Does this request include restrictive practices or constraints?, select Yes or No
Note: If you’re a review officer, go to step 8. 
5.  At What specific advice do you require in relation to this request?, in the free text 
field provide a detailed explanation of the question you’d like answered. 
Note: If you require technical advice for more than one support, you’l  need to submit a 
technical advice case for each technical advice support. 
6.  At Select if this request relates to an AAT (Administrative Appeal Tribunal) matter
don’t select the checkbox. Requests relating to Administrative Appeals Tribunal matters 
are submitted outside of PACE. 
Note: You should not request or record information about AAT advice in PACE. The 
Administrative Appeals Branch is responsible for managing applications made to the 
AAT for external review. 
7.  At Priority, select the relevant level from the drop-down list. To learn more about priority 
levels, go to section Select the priority in article Understand advice categorisation in a 
technical advice case. 
Note: You must select Overdue as the Priority for advice on supports for children 
under 9. 
8.  Select Next
Note: The Next button wil  take you to an additional information screen if more information is 
required to determine if the request is mandatory. If the request is non-mandatory, it’l  ask you 
to confirm you have spoken with your Team Leader. 
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Technical advice linked to an applicant or 
participant with Huntington's disease 
Hospital discharge 
Technical advice referral from Hospital 
Interface Branch 
NEC referral to TAPIB 
Technical advice referral from National 
Early Childhood Branch 
Technical advice referral from Scheme 
Eligibility Branch 
Note: If no subject relates to the above table, leave the Subject field blank. 
3.  At Prioritisation Reason, select the relevant reason from the drop-down list if the 
advice is being prioritised. 
Note: Select Scheme Sensitivities as the Proritisation Reason for advice about 
supports for children under 9. 
4.  Confirm the remaining information recorded in the Details tab are correct and make 
changes if needed. 
5.  Select Save
6.  Select the Request tab. 
7.  Complete the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk before selecting Next
Note: The Next button may take you to an additional information screen if more 
information is required to determine if the request is mandatory. 
8.  Record any information the advisor may need to be aware of to action your request. 
Note: Not all questions may be relevant. Answer as correctly as possible and create an 
Internal Note in the case to include other relevant information. Go to article Log an 
activity or internal note. 
Note: You can only select Yes or No for question Does the support represent value 
for money?. If unsure, select No. Create an Internal Note in the case and record if the 
support represents value for money. 
9.  Check for and record any risks associated with the Technical Advice case. 
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10.  Link documents from the Person Account or upload any documents to support the 
request if needed. Go to article Add documents to a case. 
11.  Make sure the Summary details are correct. 
12.  At I agree that all the information presented is accurate and up to date, select Yes 
or No
Note: If you select No, an error message Please ensure that all the information 
presented is accurate wil  appear and system wil  not allow you to submit the case. 
13.  Select Submit
Note: Don’t manually move the case chevrons from New to In Progress as it’ll disrupt 
the workflow and delay triaging of the advice. 
Check case is in the correct queue 
You must check the Technical Advice case is in the correct queue. If the request is assigned 
to an incorrect queue, you must manually assign it to the correct queue: 
1.  At the Case Owner field, select Change Owner (the person icon). The Change Case 
Owner screen will display. 
2.  At the Search Users field, select the down arrow next to the Users icon and then select 
Queues from the drop-down options. 
3.  At Search Queues, search: 
•  Technical Advice Case (TAB) Routing Queue, for mandatory TAPIB request or 
•  Technical Advice Case (ECS) Routing Queue, for non-mandatory request for 
children younger than 9. 
4.  Select Change Owner
Next Steps 
The technical advice request wil  now be routed to the TAPIB or NEC Branch Planning Support 
and Quality team to action. 
Article labels 
PACE user role names 

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EL1 feedback 
Action EL1 feedback 
EL2 review 
Class 2 Approval 
Guidance updated to include SD, 
APPROVED  2024-09-26 
IRT and ECS feedback. 
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Complete the risk matrix for a 
technical advice case 
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete the risk matrix for a technical advice case 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Complete the risk matrix ..................................................................................................... 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete the risk matrix for a technical advice case 
This article provides guidance for a planner delegateaccess delegate to: 
  complete the risk matrix for a technical advice case. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete the risk matrix for a technical advice case 
1 Recent updates 
October 2023 
Current guidance. 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete the risk matrix for a technical advice case 
2  Before you start 
You have created a new technical advice case. Refer to article Create a technical advice case. 
You have determined the priority of the case. Refer to article Understand advice categorisation 
in a technical advice case. 
Before you start – 5 
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete the risk matrix for a technical advice case 
3  Complete the risk matrix 
When completing a request for technical advice, PACE requires you to complete a risk matrix. 
Record the type and level for any risks identified. 
These risks associated with the request could impact the participant, their nominee, or the 
From the Technical Advice case: 
1. Select 
Request tab and complete the Request Information questions. 
2. Select 
3. From 
Risk Matrix step, answer the question Has there been any risks identified 
that may impact the participant, nominee or NDIS associated with this complaint? 
If you don’t identify any risks: 
1. Select 
2. Select 
Next to progress the case. 
If you do identify risks: 
1. Select 
2.  A list of risks will appear. Select the risk that most closely matches the risk you have 
3. Select 
Yes for each risk you identify, select No for the risks that aren’t applicable. 
4. Select 
LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH or EXTREME for each of the risks you select. Select the 
level that most closely matches the risk you have identified. 
Note: PACE uses the following acronyms in the question about the Ministers’ 
confidence in the NDIA. MO means Ministerial Order, AMO means Assistant Minister's 
Office, MaSCO means Member and Senator Contact Officer, QTB means Question 
Time Briefs. 
5. Select 
6. From 
Summary step, check all your responses are correct. Select an answer for 
the question: As the requestor, I agree that all the information presented is 
accurate and up to date.
7. Select 
Note: Depending on the risks you have selected, PACE may prompt you to add further 
information about the identified risk. 
Note: If you identify a high or extreme risk, refer to the TAB Hub Requesting 
prioritisation of advice to help you decide if your request needs to be escalated. 
Complete the risk matrix – 6 
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete the risk matrix for a technical advice case 
4 Next steps 
1.  Continue completing the Technical Advice case, refer to article Create a technical 
advice case. 
Next steps – 7 
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FOI 24/25-0515
Review and action returned technical 
advice case 
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SGP KP Publishing – Review and action returned technical advice case 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Review and action returned technical advice case .......................................................... 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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FOI 24/25-0515
SGP KP Publishing – Review and action returned technical advice case 
This article provides guidance for an access delegate, internal review delegate, planner 
delegate, or complex support needs (CSN) planner to: 
  review and action technical advice in PACE. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Review and action returned technical advice case 
1 Recent updates 
October 2023 
Current guidance 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Review and action returned technical advice case 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
  read and understood relevant Agency guidance, including Our Guidelines 
  read and understood all available information related to your request 
  read and understood Technical Advisory Branch (TAB) resources, including TAB Digest 
- Published Advice 
  read and understood Children’s Taskforce Branch resources, including Advice 
Requests ( 
Before you start – 5 
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SGP KP Publishing – Review and action returned technical advice case 
3  Review and action returned technical advice case 
Once a technical advisor has completed your request for advice, you will need to review their 
advice and complete the returned advice template. 
You will receive a PACE notification once the technical advisor submits their advice. 
To review and action technical advice, complete the following steps in PACE: 
1. Open 
Technical Advice case and navigate to the Advice tab. 
2.  Review the advice. 
3.  Navigate to the Documents tab. 
4.  Review any relevant documents or internal notes uploaded by the technical advisor. 
5.  Return to the Advice tab and select Next
6. Select 
Yes or No for I acknowledge and agree to the information above. and Do 
you agree with the advice provided? 
7.  Note: If you don’t agree with the technical advice, talk to your team leader. If you still 
don’t agree with the technical advice, you need to contact the advisor to discuss. 
8. Select 
Yes or No for the remaining fields. 
9.  If you discussed the advice with your team leader, complete the free text field Provide 
a description of the discussion with your team leader/manager. 
10. Select Submit
The status of the Technical Advice case will now be closed. 
Review and action returned technical advice case – 6 
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SGP KP Publishing – Review and action returned technical advice case 
4 Next steps 
1.  You can now action and complete the task related to the technical advice. 
Next steps – 7 
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47E(d) - 
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47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

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47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

FOI 24/25-0515
The contents of this document are OFFICIAL: SENSITIVE 
s34 Technical Advice Template 
Advice Overview 

Participant Details 
Participant Name:
 [Participant Full Name] 
Participant NDIS Number:
 [Participant NDIS Number] 
Request Details 
Requestor ID and Branch:
 [Requestor User ID and Branch] 
Case Number(s) and Advice Request(s): 
• [Case Number]
­  [Advice Request] 
Advisor Details 
Advisor ID:
 [Key Advisor User ID] 
Advice Cleared by:
 [Clearing Advisor User ID] 
Additional Technical Advice Input provided by: [ALL Peer Reviewer User IDs] 
Advice Completion Date: [Advice Completion Date DD/MM/YYYY] 
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Technical Advice Case Details 
Documents Referenced: 

•  [List any documents or phone calls used as evidence to inform your decision] 
Are any other legislative references required?: 
•  [List references other than NDIA Act 2013, and NDIA (Supports for Participants) Rules 2013] 
•  NOTE: For new Legislation advice, do the following: 
­  Include the advisor opinion related to s34(1)(aa) to the s34(1)(a) PACE comment box. 
­  Include the following at the start of s34(1)(a) and s34(1)(f) comment boxes in PACE: 
o  Opinion against amended legislation 2024. 
Delete this guidance before finalising your advice. 
Advisors' Additional Comments: 
Participant’s Situation 
•  [List Participant Situation Details] 
Summary of Function 
•  [List Summary of Function Details] 
Relevant Existing Supports 
•  [List Relevant Existing Supports Details] 
Advisor Opinion: 
For a support to be considered reasonable and necessary, all criteria in Section 34 of the NDIS Act 
2013 must be met and consideration of the NDIS Supports Transitional Rules 2024 and the NDIS 
(Support for Participants) Rules 2013 must be completed. 
•  [Request 1] 
[Request Item 1 Write Up] 
•  [Request 2] 
[Request Item 2 Write Up] 
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•  Etc. 
Advisor Recommendations / Next Steps for Requestor: 
•  [List Recommendations / Next Steps Details] 
Advice Consideration 
This is for Technical Advice and Practice Improvement Branch (TAPIB) advice only, the decision to 
approve or decline is the plan delegates decision. TAPIB advice is informed by clinical application 
and understanding of the impact of providing the support. This includes compulsory protocols 
agreed with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. If you disagree with advice from TAPIB 
or receive more information for the case, discuss this with your team leader or manager. If your 
team leader or manager agrees, contact TAPIB Advisor or Assistant Director for discussion and 
You should not distribute TAPIB advice as this is internal specialist advice. This aligns with the 
CEO Direction dated 1 February 2021. 
If you provide the participant with written reasons for the decision, this correspondence should be 
self-contained with your decisions set out. Advice provided by the TAPIB may be paraphrased in 
written correspondence about the decision. 
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The contents of this document are OFFICIAL: SENSITIVE 
s34 Technical Advice Template (with s34 Detail) 
Advice Overview 

Participant Details 
Participant Name:
 [Participant Full Name] 
Participant NDIS Number:
 [Participant NDIS Number] 
Request Details 
Requestor ID and Branch:
 [Requestor User ID and Branch] 
Case Number(s) and Advice Request(s): 
• [Case Number]
­  [Advice Request] 
Advisor Details 
Advisor ID:
 [Key Advisor User ID] 
Advice Cleared by:
 [Clearing Advisor User ID] 
Additional Technical Advice Input provided by: [ALL Peer Reviewer User IDs] 
Advice Completion Date: [Advice Completion Date DD/MM/YYYY] 
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Technical Advice Case Details 
Documents Referenced: 

•  [List any documents or phone calls used as evidence to inform your decision] 
Are any other legislative references required?: 
•  [List references other than NDIA Act 2013, and NDIA (Supports for Participants) Rules 2013]  
•  NOTE: For new Legislation advice, do the following: 
­  Include the advisor opinion related to s34(1)(aa) to the s34(1)(a) PACE comment box. 
­  Include the following at the start of s34(1)(a) and s34(1)(f) comment boxes in PACE: 
o  Opinion against amended legislation 2024. 
Delete this guidance before finalising your advice. 
Advisors' Additional Comments: 
Participant’s Situation 
•  [List Participant Situation Details] 
Summary of Function 
•  [List Summary of Function Details] 
Relevant Existing Supports 
•  [List Relevant Existing Supports Details] 
Advisor Opinion: 
For a support to be considered reasonable and necessary, all criteria in Section 34 of the NDIS Act 
2013 must be met and consideration of the NDIS Supports Transitional Rules 2024 and the NDIS 
(Support for Participants) Rules 2013 must be completed. 
•  [Request 1] 
[Request Item 1 Write Up] 
•  [Request 2] 
[Request Item 2 Write Up] 
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•  Etc. 
Advisor Recommendations / Next Steps for Requestor: 
•  [List Recommendations / Next Steps Details] 
Advice Consideration 
This is for Technical Advice and Practice Improvement Branch (TAPIB) advice only, the decision to 
approve or decline is the plan delegates decision. TAPIB advice is informed by clinical application 
and understanding of the impact of providing the support. This includes compulsory protocols 
agreed with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. If you disagree with advice from TAPIB 
or receive more information for the case, discuss this with your team leader or manager. If your 
team leader or manager agrees, contact TAPIB Advisor or Assistant Director for discussion and 
You should not distribute TAPIB advice as this is internal specialist advice. This aligns with the 
CEO Direction dated 1 February 2021. 
If you provide the participant with written reasons for the decision, this correspondence should be 
self-contained with your decisions set out. Advice provided by the TAPIB may be paraphrased in 
written correspondence about the decision. 
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FOI 24/25-0515
s34 Detail 
Section 34(1)(aa) The support is necessary to address the needs of the participant arising 

from an impairment in relation to which the participant meets the disability requirements 
(see section 24) or the early intervention requirements (see section 25). 
[Enter information confirming Advisor has considered S34(1)(aa) and indicated the impairment type 
(intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory or physical, and/or developmental delay for EI 
participants only) that disability is attributable to and determined that the requested support is 
necessary due to this impairment that was assessed as meeting S24 or S25 (or both)] 
Section 34(1)(a) The support wil  assist the participant to pursue the goals, objectives and 

aspirations included in the participant's statement of goals and aspirations. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
Section 34(1)(b) The support wil  assist the participant to undertake activities to facilitate 
their social and/or economic participation. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
Section 34(1)(c) Represents value for money in that the costs of the support are reasonable, 
relative to both the benefits achieved and the cost of alternative support. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
Section 34(1)(d) The support wil  be, or is likely to be, effective and beneficial for the 
participant, having regard to current good practice. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
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Section 34(1)(e) The funding or provision of the support takes account of what it is 
reasonable to expect families, carers, informal networks, and the community to provide. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
Section 34(1)(f) The support is an NDIS Support. 
[Enter information; the support is an NDIS Support / not an NDIS Support and reference the NDIS 
Support List(s) to identify and describe the support as it is categorised in the list (or not)] 
Reasonable and Necessary Supports Rules 
Rule 5.1(a): The support(s) is not likely to cause harm to participant or pose risk to others. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
Rule 5.1(b): The support(s) is related to the participant's disability. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
Rule 5.1(c): The support(s) does not duplicate support already delivered through alternative 
funding through the NDIS. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
Rules 5.1(d) and 5.2(a): The support(s) does not relate to day-to-day living costs such as 
rent, groceries, utility fees – unless the additional costs are for day-to-day costs directly 
attributable to the participant’s disability. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
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Rule 5.2(b): If the support(s) is considered a day-to-day living cost, it is ancil ary to another 
support funded or provided under the participant’s plan and which otherwise would not be 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
Rule 5.3(a): The support(s) is not contrary to a law of the Commonwealth, State or Territory. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
Rule 5.3(b): The support(s) does not consist of income replacement. 
[Enter information; mandatory if any supports do not meet criteria / more information required] 
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The contents of this document are OFFICIAL: SENSITIVE 
s24 & s25 Technical Advice (Access Requirements) 
Advice Overview 

Prospective Participant Details 
Prospective Participant Name:
 [Prospective Participant’s full name] 
Prospective Participant’s NDIS Number:
 [Prospective Participant’s NDIS number] 
Primary Disability / Disabilities:
 [Prospective Participant’s listed primary disabilities] 
Secondary Disability / Disabilities:
 [Prospective Participant’s listed secondary disabilities] 
Requestor Details 
Requestor ID:
 [Requestor’s User ID] 
Advice Request:
 [Advice request submitted by requestor in PACE] 
Advisor Details 
 [Advisor’s User ID] 
Advice Date:
 [Advice completion date] 
Advice Reviewed by:
 [Reviewer’s User ID] 
Advice Cleared by:
 [Clearer’s User ID] 
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Technical Advice Case Details 
Evidence Considered 
[List evidence considered] 
Advisors' Additional Comments 
[List additional comments] 
Advisor’s Recommendations / Next Steps 
[List recommendations / next steps] 
Are any other legislative references required? 
[List other legislative references] 
s24 (Disability Requirements) Legislative Criteria 
Section 24(1)(a): The person has a disability that is attributable to one or more intellectual, 

cognitive, neurological, sensory, or physical impairments or the person has one or more 
impairments to which a psychosocial disability is attributable. 
[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
Section 24(1)(b): The impairment or impairments are, or are likely to be, permanent. 
[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
Section 24(1)(c): The impairment or impairments result in substantially reduced functional 
capacity to undertake one or more of the following activities: Communication, social 
interaction, learning, mobility, selfcare, selfmanagement. 
[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
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Section 24(1)(d) The impairment or impairments affect the person’s capacity for social or 
economic participation. 
[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
Section 24(1)(e) The person is likely to require support under the National Disability 
Insurance Scheme for the person’s lifetime. 
[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
s25 (Early Intervention Requirements) Legislative Criteria 
Section 25(1)(a): A person meets the early intervention requirements if the person: 

(i) has one or more identified intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory, or physical 
impairments that are, or are likely to be, permanent; or 
(i ) has one or more identified impairments that are attributable to a psychiatric 

condition and are, or are likely to be, permanent; or 
(i i) is a child who has developmental delay. 

[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
Section 25(1)(b) The CEO is satisfied that provision of early intervention supports for the 
person is likely to benefit the person by reducing the person's future needs for supports in 
relation to disability. 
[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
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Section 25(1)(c) The CEO is satisfied that provision of early intervention supports for the 
person is likely to benefit the person by: 
(i) mitigating or alleviating the impact of the person's impairment upon the functional 
capacity of the person to undertake communication, social interaction, learning, 
mobility, self-care, or self-management; or 
(i ) preventing the deterioration of such functional capacity; or 
(i i) improving such functional capacity; or 
(iv) strengthening the sustainability of informal supports available to the person, 

including through building the capacity of the person's carer. 
[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
Section 25(2): The CEO is taken to be satisfied as mentioned in paragraphs (1)(b) and (c) if 
one or more of the person's impairments are prescribed by the National Disability Insurance 
Scheme rules for the purposes of this subsection. 
[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
Section 25(3): Despite subsections (1) and (2), the person does not meet the early 
intervention requirements if the CEO is satisfied that early intervention support for the 
person is not most appropriately funded or provided through the National Disability 
Insurance Scheme, and is more appropriately funded or provided through other general 
systems of service delivery or support services offered by a person, agency, or body, or 
through systems of service delivery or support services offered: 
(a) as part of a universal service obligation; or 
(b) in Accordance with reasonable adjustments required under a law dealing with 

discrimination on the basis of the disability. 
[Enter information; mandatory if criteria not met / more information required] 
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Advisor Opinion 
Does the prospective participant meet access criteria? 
[Enter information here; if the participant meets access, specify which set of criteria (s24 OR s25) 
the participant met access with] 
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Advice Consideration 
When using this advice to assist with decision making it should be dealt with carefully. The 
Technical Advice and Practice Improvement Branch (TAPIB) is not the decision maker. Decision 
makers should base their decisions on the relevant law, and take into account the TAPIB advice 
and other relevant factors. 
Where written reasons are provided for the decision, this correspondence should be self-contained 
with the decision maker’s reasons set out. Reasons contained in the TAPIB advice may be 
paraphrased in any written correspondence about the decision as the decision maker’s reasons, 
however the TAPIB advice should not be distributed as the decision. 
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47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies

47E(d) - Certain operations of agencies