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FOI 24/25-0368
Log an activity or internal note 
SGP KP Publishing 
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FOI 24/25-0368
SGP KP Publishing – Log an activity or internal note 
Table of Contents 

Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4 

Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5 

Check if there is an open case ........................................................................................... 6 

Decide if a follow-up action is required ............................................................................. 7 

Log an activity or internal note to the case ....................................................................... 8 

Log an activity or internal note to the person account .................................................. 10 

Tips for JAWS users .......................................................................................................... 11 
Quickly navigate to the activity panel ............................................................................... 11 
Fill in the Log Activity form................................................................................................ 11 
Table of Contents – 2 
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FOI 24/25-0368
SGP KP Publishing – Log an activity or internal note 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to: 
  check if there is an open case 
  decide if a follow-up action or review is required 
  log an activity or internal note to the case 
  log an activity or internal note to the person account 
  understand how to log an activity as a JAWS user. 
This could be recording contact with an applicant, participant, authorised representative, 
provider, unauthorised person, contact attempt or internal note. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1  Recent updates 
6 May 2024 
  New section for how to add an activity or internal note to the person account if there is 
no relevant open case and no further follow-up action required. You no longer need to 
create an enquiry case for this scenario. 
  Included a step that you must add the person and related contacts to the 'Name' field, 
otherwise the activity or internal note will not appear on the person's account. 
  Update to include reference to 'contact attempt' in the introduction section to support 
you to find the correct article when recording a contact attempt. 
  Update to section 'Before you start' to include scenarios for when you need to log an 
activity or internal note. 
  Emphasised that you must log an activity every time you contact a person and 
included additional examples to support this. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You either: 
  contacted a person or they have contacted you 
  made a contact attempt 
  need to record an internal note. 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Check if there is an open case 
1.  Check if there is a related open case: 
o  If there is a related open case, go to section Log an activity or internal note 
to the case. 
o  If there is no related open case, go to section Decide if a follow-up action is 
Check if there is an open case – 6 
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4  Decide if a follow-up action is required 
1.  Decide if a fol ow-up action or review is required, or if the enquiry is resolved at first 
o  If follow-up action is required, create the appropriate case to action the enquiry. 
Then go to section Log an activity or internal note to the case. 
For example, if the participant is calling to update their address, create an Update 
Person Account case. 
o  If no follow-up action is required, go to section Log an activity or internal note 
to the person account. 
Decide if a follow-up action is required – 7 
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5  Log an activity or internal note to the case 
You must log an activity every time you contact or meet an applicant, participant, their 
provider, or authorised representative, For example, when you: 
  contact a person about an access or plan decision, information gathering or requesting 
more evidence 
  support a participant to use their plan 
  arrange or conduct a meeting. For example, information gathering or check-in 
  provide support to link to community and mainstream supports 
  update the person's account. For example, updates to their profile, roles or authorities, 
or their my NDIS contact 
  respond to a complaint or incident. 
You must also log an activity to create an Internal Note when you contact an NDIS team 
member or when leaving information for them to review or action. 
1.  From the Person Account screen, select Cases. 
2.  Select the relevant Case. 
3.  Select Log Activity on the Activity panel on the right. 
4.  Select Create New or Add. 
5.  At Name, make sure the person is listed and add related contacts. For example, the 
applicant or participant. Do not leave this blank. You must add the person and related 
contacts, otherwise this activity or internal note will not appear on the person's account. 
6.  Select the Activity Type: 
o  Inbound Phone Call 
o  Outbound Phone Call 
o  Inbound Email 
o  Outbound Email 
o  Webchat 
o  Internal Note 
o  Face to Face 
o  Virtual 
o  SMS. 
7.  Select an Outcome, depending on the Activity Type you choose. 
8.  Select a Subject: 
o  Contact with Participant 
o  Contact with Authorised Person 
o  Contact with Provider 
o  Contact with Unauthorised Person 
o  Contact Attempt 
o  Internal Communication. 
9.  Add Comments that are relevant to the case type. To learn more, read articles relevant 
to the case type. 
10.  Select Save. 
Log an activity or internal note to the case – 8 
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Note: When you log an activity, it displays on the Person Account Timeline and the 
Activity tab. To learn more, go to article View the Person Account Timeline. 
11.  After you record comments, continue working through the case using the articles 
relevant to the case type. 
Log an activity or internal note to the case – 9 
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6  Log an activity or internal note to the person 
If there is no related open case and no further follow-up action or review is required, add the 
activity or internal note to the person account. 
Do not log an activity to the person account if there is a related open case, a new case is 
required, or follow-up action is required. 
1.  Navigate to the relevant Person Account. 
2.  Select Log Activity on Account from the highlight panel. 
3.  Select the Activity Type: 
o  Inbound Phone Call 
o  Inbound Email 
o  Webchat 
o  Face to Face 
o  Virtual. 
4.  Select a Subject: 
o  Contact with Participant 
o  Contact with Authorised Person 
o  Contact with Provider 
o  Contact with Unauthorised Person. 
5.  Select the Category: 
o  Information about the NDIS 
o  Reports and Evidence 
o  Plan or Budget 
o  Portal or App 
o  Provider 
o  General Question 
6.  Add Comments that are relevant to the enquiry. 
7.  Select Save. 
Note: When you log an activity, it displays on the Person Account Timeline and the 
Activity tab. To learn more, go to article View the Person Account Timeline. 
8.  No further action required. 
Log an activity or internal note to the person account – 10 
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7  Tips for JAWS users 
7.1  Quickly navigate to the activity panel 
  Press Control plus End to go to the end of the screen. 
  Press Shift plus H to skip to Headings. 
  Press the down arrow key to go to the Activity tab. The Activity tab is the default. 
  Continue to use the down arrow key to go to the Log Activity sub-panel. 
  You can also press B to go directly to the Create New dot dot dot button then press 
Enter to activate. The Log Activity form displays. 
7.2  Fill in the Log Activity form 
  The Name field auto-fills the Contact for the case. To change the Contact use the 
Name field to search the NDIS number or name. 
  Select an Activity Type. The Activity Type determines the value in the Outcome field. 
If the Outcome field is not active, an Activity Type is not required. For example, 
Internal Notes does not need an Outcome. 
  Select the Subject field from the list of five choices. 
  When tabbing from the Subject field, JAWS will announce 'Please add additional notes 
here'. This is a tool tip. Press Tab again to get to the input area to type your comments 
for the activity. 
Note: To go back to review information in the form, switch to virtual PC mode and use arrow 
keys to navigate. There is a known issue when using Shift Tab to navigate back. If Shift Tab is 
used to go back from the Comment field, it will announce 'Insert Quick Text Button'. This button 
is not announced when navigating forward. If Shift Tab is used again JAWS reads out the 
name of the case and case number. 
Tips for JAWS users – 11 
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When to refer the participant for an 
eligibility reassessment 
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SGP KP Publishing – When to refer the participant for an eligibility reassessment 
Table of Contents 

Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4 

Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5 

Consider an eligibility reassessment ................................................................................. 6 
Automatic eligibility reassessment referrals ....................................................................... 6 
Manual eligibility reassessment referrals ........................................................................... 6 

Complete an eligibility pre-check by reviewing available information ........................... 7 
Check the participant has received funding for 14 months ................................................ 7 
Check for any open ER or Leaving cases .......................................................................... 7 
Review evidence on the participant record ........................................................................ 7 
Review the participants original access decision and information ..................................... 8 

When to refer the participant for an eligibility reassessment ......................................... 9 
Commence an eligibility reassessment referral.................................................................. 9 
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – When to refer the participant for an eligibility reassessment 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood partner or planner 
delegate to: 
  consider an eligibility reassessment 
  complete an eligibility pre-check by reviewing available information 
  understand when to refer the participant for an eligibility reassessment. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1  Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Guidance updated: 
  to reflect legislation changes from 3 October 2024 
  title has been updated from 'Understand eligibility reassessment referral requirements' 
to 'When to refer the participant for an eligibility reassessment' 
  content from article Complete and eligibility reassessment referral, relating to 
referral decisions has been placed here 
  content on creating the case and contacting the participant has been moved to article 
Complete an eligibility reassessment referral. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have read and understood: 
  Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) 
  Our Guideline – Leaving the NDIS (external) section Are you still eligible for the 
Early childhood partners have read and understood articles: 
  EC: Guide – Check-in eligibility conversations for children younger than 6 with 
developmental delay 
  EC: Guide – Evidence sources to demonstrate if an impairment is likely to be 
permanent for children who previously met access for developmental delay. 
To learn more about leaving the NDIS read: 
  Our Guideline – Reviewing our decisions (external) 
  article Understand the leaving case.  
Before you start – 5 
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SGP KP Publishing – When to refer the participant for an eligibility reassessment 
3  Consider an eligibility reassessment 
We may need to check a participant's eligibility if information shows they may no longer be 
eligible, or their disability support needs, or situation has changed. We call this an eligibility 
reassessment. For more information see Our Guideline – Leaving the NDIS (external). 
If the participant met disability requirements, we don't need to check their eligibility at every plan 
reassessment. We only need to check if we get evidence they may no longer be eligible. 
If the participant met the early intervention requirements, an automatic referral may be created. 
3.1  Automatic eligibility reassessment referrals 
An eligibility reassessment case will be generated automatically when the participant: 
  with developmental delay turns 6 
  with global development delay turns 7 
  who is eligible under the early intervention requirement has a primary impairment of 
hearing loss and turns 26. 
If an automatic case has been generated, the participant's my NDIS contact will be notified via 
the Omni-Channel to start an eligibility reassessment checklist. They will consider all 
information to determine if an eligibility reassessment is needed. 
When completing an automatic referral, check for more information about the participant before 
completing the referral. 
1.  Complete section Review evidence on the participant record. 
2.  Complete section Review the participants original access decision and 
3.  Then continue to article Complete an eligibility reassessment referral. 
3.2  Manual eligibility reassessment referrals 
Sometimes you will need to manually create an eligibility reassessment referral. For example, if 
you receive a report from the participant's treating professional that says their disability support 
needs have changed. 
If the participant's situation has changed and you think they need an eligibility reassessment, 
you can manually make an eligibility reassessment referral. This can take place: 
  as part of the plan reassessment process 
  at check-in 
  at any other time. 
First you need to complete an eligibility pre-check to confirm whether you need to create an 
eligibility reassessment referral. Continue to section Complete an eligibility pre-check by 
reviewing available information. 
Consider an eligibility reassessment – 6 
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4  Complete an eligibility pre-check by reviewing 
available information 
4.1  Check the participant has received funding for 14 months 
1.  Go to the participant's Person Account. 
2.  Go to the Account Timeline in the navigation pane. 
3.  Find the first Plan Approval case in the Timeline. 
Note: this will usually be at the bottom of the list. 
4.  Check the date of the Access Decision date. Is this more than 14 months ago? 
Note: If there is no date in PACE, check SAP CRM for this information. If: 
o  Yes: continue to section Check for any open ER or Leaving cases. 
o  No: the eligibility reassessment will not continue to be considered until after the 
participant has received NDIS funding for 14 months. It will remain in the 
Eligibility Reassessment Hold Queue until the 14 months are up. If you choose 
to continue with the referral, go to section Check for any open ER or Leaving 
4.2  Check for any open ER or Leaving cases 
1.  Go to the participant's Person Account, Cases tab. 
2.  Check Open Cases for an existing: 
o  Eligibility Reassessment case 
o  Leaving the NDIS case 
3.  Is there an existing case in progress? If: 
o  Yes: they cannot be referred for an eligibility reassessment. End of process. 
o  No: continue to section Review evidence on the participant record. 
4.3  Review evidence on the participant record 
1.  Check all available information to make sure you give an accurate referral based on the 
participant's current situation. Check: 
o  any relevant documents on the participant's record 
o  medical, clinical, diagnostic or assessment reports 
o  provider reports and assessments such as progress reports 
o  early childhood partner documents 
o  information from family members and carers, such as a carer impact statement. 
Note: You don't need to ask the participant to give any new or additional 
information to pre-check eligibility. 
Complete an eligibility pre-check by reviewing available information – 7 
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4.4  Review the participants original access decision and 
The Decisions, Justifications and Evidence (DJE) framework of the Access Decision case 
records evidence used. It helps record decisions to meet the requirements of the participant 
service guarantee and the NDIS Act (2013). 
1.  Go to the participant's Person Account, Decisions tab. 
2.  In the Decision Name column, select Access Decision. 
3.  Review all information within the Details tab to understand how the participant met the 
access criteria for the NDIS. 
4.  Go to the Decisions tab, and review all Justifications and sub-criterion decisions 
made for the access decision. 
5.  Review all Evidence/explanation, read the type of evidence and documents recorded 
to support the access decision. 
6.  In Sub-decisions, read the Decision Name and how the participant met the access 
criteria for the NDIS. 
Complete an eligibility pre-check by reviewing available information – 8 
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5  When to refer the participant for an eligibility 
1.  Has the participant's support needs or circumstances changed? If: 
o  Yes, continue to step 2. 
o  No, they cannot be referred for an eligibility reassessment. End of process. 
2.  Check whether the participant that met access under the disability requirements, now 
appears to no longer meet residence requirements, or no longer meet the disability and 
early intervention requirements. If: 
o  Yes: continue to section Commence an eligibility reassessment referral. 
o  No: they cannot be referred for an eligibility reassessment. End of process. 
3.  Check whether the participant that met access under the early intervention 
requirements, and now they are likely to no longer meet residence requirements, or no 
longer meet the early intervention requirements, and now meet disability requirements. 
o  Yes, go to section Commence an eligibility reassessment referral. 
o  No, they cannot be referred for an eligibility reassessment. End of process. 
Note: A participant can meet both the disability and early intervention 
5.1  Commence an eligibility reassessment referral 
1.  Create a new eligibility reassessment case using article Complete an eligibility 
reassessment referral. 
When to refer the participant for an eligibility reassessment – 9 
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What evidence of disability is 
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SGP KP Publishing – What evidence of disability is required 
Table of Contents 

Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4 

Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5 

Who can provide evidence of disability? .......................................................................... 6 

What evidence does the NDIA require? ............................................................................. 7 

How to check evidence ........................................................................................................ 8 

What if the applicant lives in a remote region? ................................................................ 9 

Next steps ........................................................................................................................... 10 
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – What evidence of disability is required 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood partner, or access 
delegate to understand: 
  who can provide evidence of disability 
  what evidence does the NDIA require 
  how to check evidence 
  what to do if the applicant lives in a remote region. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1  Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Linked article title changed from How to complete the access request case form to Complete 
form in the access request case. 
Updates to improve accessibility and consistency with related articles. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have read and understood Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) including 
section Do you meet the disability requirements? 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Who can provide evidence of disability? 
A person's treating professional must provide disability evidence. 
Evidence provided by treating professionals – such as medical reports – needs to consist of 
genuine, original documents. The information must also be specific to the person applying. 
Before accepting evidence from a treating professional, you should read the article Check 
treating professional details. 
Who can provide evidence of disability? – 6 
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4  What evidence does the NDIA require? 
Anyone applying for the NDIS needs to have evidence of disability, regardless of what NDIS 
support they are asking for. A person's evidence needs to show they meet all of the disability 
The person should provide this evidence with their application. This could be either when they 
first submit, or during the eligibility check stage. 
You can't submit the access request case until you have evidence of disability from the person. 
What evidence does the NDIA require? – 7 
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5  How to check evidence 
Before the person's NDIS eligibility decision can be made, you need to check that the person's 
disability evidence: 
  Is from a treating professional registered with AHPRA (the Australian Health 
Practitioner Regulation Agency). Use article Check treating professional details. 
  Provides enough information to show if the person is eligible for priority application 
decision. Use article Request priority eligibility decision. 
  Records any requests for an exemption. Use article: Log an activity or internal note. 
  Demonstrates that the person has a condition from List A (external), List B (external) or 
List D (external). 
  Shows if the person meets all 5 of the disability requirements. Use article Understand 
disability requirements. 
If the evidence does not show each of the above, the applicant wil  need to provide additional 
How to check evidence – 8 
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6  What if the applicant lives in a remote region? 
The NDIA makes some exceptions to the evidence requirements for people living in remote 
regions of Australia. In such regions it may be difficult to provide evidence – or even obtain it in 
the first place. 
When you support applicants who live in very remote communities, you must record 
information about their: 
  local health service 
  consent for the NDIA to talk to the local health service 
  local community connection contact 
  Council and/or Department of Social Services contact in the area. 
To be eligible for an exemption, the person must live in a Remote or Very Remote location. This 
would mean an 'MM6' or 'MM7' region, under the Modified Monash Model (external). 
If this is the case, you should talk with your team leader about the application. They can help 
you consider options and alternatives for the person's circumstances. 
What if the applicant lives in a remote region? – 9 
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7  Next steps 
If you are completing an access request case, continue following the guidance in article 
Complete form in the access request case. 
Next steps – 10 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand disability requirements 
Table of Contents 

Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4 

Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5 

Overview ............................................................................................................................... 6 

Disability requirements ....................................................................................................... 7 
Check eligibility for disability requirements ......................................................................... 7 
Additional considerations.................................................................................................... 7 

How to weigh evidence of disability .................................................................................. 8 

Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 9 
Table of Contents – 2 
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FOI 24/25-0368
SGP KP Publishing – Understand disability requirements 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to understand: 
  eligibility under the disability requirements 
  how to weigh evidence of disability. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand disability requirements 
1  Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Updates to reflect legislation changes from 3 October 2024: 
  applicants may now meet both disability and early intervention requirements, instead of 
just one 
  the disability requirement has changed from lifetime supports under the NDIS to NDIS 
supports for their lifetime. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have: 
  read and understood Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external), including section 
Do you meet the disability requirements? 
  read article What evidence of disability is required? 
  read article Check eligibility – age and residence requirements. 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Overview 
To be eligible for NDIS, the person must meet the requirements for: 
  age 
  residence 
  disability, early intervention, or both. 
Overview – 6 
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4  Disability requirements 
To meet the disability requirements, we must have evidence of all of the following: 
  their disability is related to an impairment 
  their impairment is likely to be permanent 
  their permanent impairment significantly reduces their functional capacity to undertake 
one or more of the following activities: moving around, communicating, socialising, 
learning, or undertaking self-care or self-management tasks 
  their permanent impairment affects their ability to work, study or take part in social life 
  they'll likely need NDIS support for their lifetime. 
4.1  Check eligibility for disability requirements 
Use these articles to check evidence for a decision: 
  Check eligibility – DIS – disability caused by an impairment 
  Check eligibility – DIS – likely permanence 
  Check eligibility – DIS – significant functional impact 
  Check eligibility – DIS – social and economic impact 
  Check eligibility – DIS – NDIS supports for life. 
4.2  Additional considerations 
Use these articles before you check evidence for a decision. 
Check if there is evidence of a condition on List A. Go to Check eligibility – List A condition. 
Note: A person is likely to meet the disability requirements if they provide evidence of their 
Check if there is evidence of a condition on List B. Go to Check eligibility – List B condition. 
Note: A person is likely to meet some of the disability requirements if they provide evidence of 
their diagnosis. 
Disability requirements – 7 
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5  How to weigh evidence of disability 
When you weigh the relevance and importance of the provided disability evidence, consider: 
  who is providing the evidence of disability? 
  how old is the evidence of disability (particularly relevant for functional capacity 
For further information, refer to Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external), including 
  What information do we need in your application? 
  Who can give us evidence of your impairments? 
  How do we weigh evidence of disability? 
How to weigh evidence of disability – 8 
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6  Next steps 
To consider the early intervention requirements, go to article Understand early intervention 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to make an access decision, continue to article Make an access decision – pre-
legislation changes or Make an access decision – post legislation changes. 
  to make an eligibility reassessment decision, continue to article Finalise eligibility 
reassessment decision. 
Next steps – 9 
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Check treating professional details 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check treating professional details 
Table of Contents 

Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4 

Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5 

Check treating health professional details ........................................................................ 6 

Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7 
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check treating professional details 
This article provides guidance for an access delegate to check treating health professional 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check treating professional details 
1  Recent updates 
November 2023 
  Title changed from ‘Check treating health professional details to come into line with 
companion article ‘Record treating professional details’ and OG – Applying 
  AHPRA URL added to 2nd instruction to check details of treating health professional. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have read and understood: 
  Our Guideline – Applying, in particular How do we decide if you’re eligible? 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Check treating health professional details 
When assessing a person’s NDIS application, you must check that evidence regarding a 
person’s disability is provided from a suitably accredited and/or registered treating professional. 
To check and confirm their details, use the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency 
(AHPRA) website. 
For all evidence of disability documents: 
1.  Obtain the treating health practitioner details 
2.  Refer to the AHPRA website 
3.  Navigate to the Look up a practitioner section in the top right-hand corner of the page 
4.  Review the list of professions that can be confirmed in AHPRA 
5.  Search for each treating health professional via Name or Registration Number 
6.  Use the filters if you need to refine the search results 
7.  Select the relevant treating professional 
8.  Review to check they have current qualifications and registration. 
Note: All evidence from a treating professional with a profession listed in AHPRA must be 
checked to make sure they are currently registered. For a list of AHPRA regulated professions 
visit the AHPRA website. 
If you have any concerns about the evidence of the treating professional details, you should 
escalate as an integrity issue. 
Check treating health professional details – 6 
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4  Next steps 
1.  To learn more about integrity issues, refer to article Escalate application integrity issue. 
2.  To record the AHPRA registration number of a treating professional refer to article 
Record treating professional details. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility – age and residence 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – age and residence requirements 
Table of Contents 

Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4 

Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5 

Make a decision on age requirements ............................................................................... 6 

Make a decision on residence requirements .................................................................... 7 
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – age and residence requirements 
This article provides guidance for an access delegate, local area coordinator, early childhood 
partner and review officer to understand how to: 
  make a decision on age requirements 
  make a decision on residence requirements. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1  Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
 Article title changed from Check evidence for a decision – Age and residence requirements to 
Check eligibility – age and residence requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have read and understood Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external). 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Make a decision on age requirements 
When assessing an application for a person to become a participant of the NDIS, you must first 
assess they meet the age requirements. 
To learn more, refer to Do you meet the age requirements? (external) In Our Guideline – 
Applying to the NDIS. 
Make a decision on age requirements – 6 
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4  Make a decision on residence requirements 
The next step when assessing an application for a person to become a participant of the NDIS, 
you must assess they meet the residence requirements. 
To verify a person's residence details, if Centrelink consent has been given check the person's 
Centrelink record to confirm residence status. If consent has not been given, review the 
residence documentation provided to support the person's application. 
To learn more, refer to Do you meet the residence requirements? (external) in Our Guideline – 
Applying the NDIS. 
To learn more regarding evidence of age and residence, see article Understand age and 
residence evidence. 
Make a decision on residence requirements – 7 
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Check eligibility - DIS – disability 
caused by an impairment 
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Table of Contents 

Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4 

Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5 

Evidence an impairment is caused by a disability ........................................................... 6 
How to find evidence a disability is related to an impairment ............................................. 6 
What to consider when making an eligibility decision ........................................................ 6 

Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7 
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - DIS – disability caused by an impairment 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to understand: 
  how to find evidence showing disability is related to an impairment 
  what to consider when making an eligibility decision for this requirement. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - DIS – disability caused by an impairment 
1  Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
  Article title changed from Check evidence for a decision – disability caused by 
impairment to Check eligibility – DIS – disability caused by an impairment 
  When we say DIS in a title, we mean disability requirements. We've added this to help 
you quickly identity which articles are for disability or early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have read: 
  and understood Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) section Do you meet 
the disability requirements? 
  article Understand disability requirements 
  article What evidence of disability is required? 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Evidence an impairment is caused by a disability 
3.1  How to find evidence a disability is related to an 
You need to review all available information about the person's impairment and disability before 
making a decision. To do this, check their application and evidence in PACE. 
3.2  What to consider when making an eligibility decision 
To make an eligibility decision about this disability requirement, consider: 
  the person's impairment 
  their disability 
  our legislation and guidance 
  if we have enough evidence to decide or need more. 
The disability requirements are just one of the eligibility requirements. To be eligible for the 
NDIS, the applicant must also meet the age and residence requirements. Go to article Check 
eligibility – Age and residence requirements. 
Evidence an impairment is caused by a disability – 6 
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4  Next steps 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to determine eligibility, continue to follow guidance in article Make an access decision - 
pre-legislation changes or article Make an access decision – post-legislation changes. 
  to check the timeframes to make a decision, follow guidance in article Check decision – 
Legislative timeframes. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility – DIS – likely 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – DIS – likely permanence 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Evidence of likely permanence ........................................................................................... 6
Review evidence of likely permanence .............................................................................. 6 
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to review evidence of likely 
Recent updates – 3 
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1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
  Article title changed from Check evidence for a decision – Disability requirements – 
Likely permanence to Check eligibility – DIS – likely permanence. 
  When we say DIS in a title, we mean disability requirements. We've added this to help 
you quickly identity which articles are for disability or early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have read: 
 and 
Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) section Do you meet 
the disability requirements? 
 article 
Understand disability requirements 
 article 
What evidence of disability is required? 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Evidence of likely permanence 
3.1  Review evidence of likely permanence 
You need evidence an applicant will have the impairment for their lifetime to be eligible for the 
NDIS. To confirm their permanent impairment, we need evidence from their doctor or specialist. 
The impairment may be episodic or vary in intensity. This means it will still be permanent due to 
the overall impact on their life and likelihood they'll be impacted across their lifetime. 
Even when their condition or diagnosis is permanent, we'll also check if the impairment is 
permanent as well. For example, they may not be eligible if the impairment is temporary, still 
being treated or if there are known, available and appropriate evidence-based clinical, medical 
or other remaining treatments options that are likely to remedy the impairment. 
We'll generally consider if their impairment is likely to be permanent, after all available and 
appropriate treatment options have been pursued. 
If an applicant gives us evidence they're diagnosed with a List B (external) condition, we'll 
usually decide if their disability from an impairment is likely to be permanent. 
For more information, go to section Is your impairment likely to be permanent? In Our 
Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external). 
The disability requirements are just one of the eligibility requirements. To be eligible for the 
NDIS, the applicant must also meet age and residence requirements. Go to article Check 
eligibility – Age and residence requirements. 
Evidence of likely permanence – 6 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – DIS – likely permanence 
4 Next steps 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to determine eligibility, continue to follow guidance in article Make an access decision - 
pre-legislation changes or article Make an access decision – post-legislation changes. 
  to check the timeframes to make a decision, follow guidance in article Check decision – 
Legislative timeframes. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility – DIS – NDIS 
supports for life 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – DIS – NDIS supports for life 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Review evidence .................................................................................................................. 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – DIS – NDIS supports for life 
This article provides guidance for an access delegate to review evidence to check if a person is 
likely to need NDIS supports for their lifetime. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Updates to reflect legislation changes from 3 October 2024. 
Article title changed from Determine lifetime support eligibility to Check eligibility - DIS – NDIS 
supports for life. 
When we say DIS in a title, we mean disability requirements. We've added this to help you 
quickly identity which articles are for disability or early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have read and understood: 
 article 
Understand disability requirements 
 article 
Understand early intervention requirements 
  Our Guideline - Applying to the NDIS (external) section Will you likely need NDIS 
support for your lifetime? 
Before you start – 5 
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3 Review evidence 
To be eligible for the NDIS, a person must likely need NDIS supports for their lifetime. To 
approve their application, you need to see evidence showing this. NDIS supports are the 
services, items and equipment that can be funded by the NDIS. NDIS supports are investments 
that help a participant build or maintain their functional capacity and independence, and help 
them work, study or take part in social life. 
When we decide if an applicant will likely need NDIS supports for their lifetime, we consider: 
  their life circumstances 
  the nature of their long-term support needs 
  whether their needs could be best met by the NDIS, or by other government and 
community services. 
When you're deciding if a person is eligible, you need to review: 
  how old the evidence is 
  who provided the evidence. 
If a person provides more than one piece of evidence, you may need to consider one as more 
relevant than others. We call this weighing evidence. 
For further information: 
 read 
Our Guideline - Applying to the NDIS (external) section, How we weigh evidence 
of disability? 
  refer to article What evidence of disability is required?. 
Review evidence – 6 
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4 Next steps 
To consider the other disability requirements, go to article Understand disability requirements. 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to make an access decision, continue to article Make an access decision – pre-
legislation changes or Make an access decision – post legislation changes. 
  to make an eligibility reassessment decision, continue to article Finalise eligibility 
reassessment decision. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility – DIS – significant 
functional impact 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – DIS – significant functional impact 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Evidence of significant functional impact ......................................................................... 6
Review evidence of the impairment that substantially reduces functional capacity ........... 6 
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to review evidence of the 
impairment that substantially reduces functional capacity 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – DIS – significant functional impact 
1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
  Article title changed from article - Check evidence for a decision - Significant functional 
impact to Check eligibility – DIS – significant functional impact. 
  When we say DIS in a title, we mean disability requirements. We've added this to help 
you quickly identity which articles are for disability or early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) including the section Does your 
impairment substantially reduce your functional capacity? 
 read 
Understand disability requirements, What evidence of disability is 
required? and Make an access decision. 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Evidence of significant functional impact 
3.1  Review evidence of the impairment that substantially 
reduces functional capacity 
We need to learn about the person's impairment before we can make a decision about their 
To do this you need to check their application and evidence in PACE. 
You need evidence the person's impairment substantially reduces their functional capacity in 
one or more of the following areas: 
 communication 
 social 
 learning 
 mobility 
 self-care 
  self-management (if older than 6). 
A person's needs might vary from time to time. This means they may go up and down each day 
or each month. A good example of this can be progressive multiple sclerosis. We consider a 
person's ability over time and take into account how their ability fluctuates. 
When a person's impairment substantially reduces their functional capacity, they usually need 
disability-specific supports to join in or do these tasks and activities. 
These disability-specific supports include: 
  support from other people, such as physical assistance, guidance, supervision or 
  assistive technology, equipment or home modifications prescribed by the person's 
doctor, allied health professional or other medical professional. 
To decide if a person is eligible, you need to determine their capacity and where they need 
more help. To decide if a support is reasonable and necessary, you need to consider what 
information you have available to identify if the person meets the NDIS funding criteria 
If a person has more than one permanent impairment, you will need to consider them together 
to see if their functional capacity is reduced substantially. 
You need to consider: 
  the person's involvement in different areas of life, like at home, school, work and in the 
  how they carry out tasks and activities 
  any other factors impacting their everyday life. 
The disability requirements are just one of the eligibility requirements. To be eligible for the 
NDIS, the applicant must also meet the age and residence requirements. Go to article Check 
eligibility – Age and residence requirements. 
Evidence of significant functional impact – 6 
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4 Next steps 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to determine eligibility, continue to follow guidance in article Make an access decision - 
pre-legislation changes or article Make an access decision – post-legislation changes. 
  to check the timeframes to make a decision, follow guidance in article Check decision – 
Legislative timeframes. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility – DIS – social and 
economic impact 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – DIS – social and economic impact 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understanding evidence of social and economic impact of an impairment for 
disability requirements ............................................................................................................... 6
What is evidence of a social and economic impact? .......................................................... 6 
When you need to ask for technical advice ...................................................................... 7
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
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This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to: 
  understand what evidence of social and economic impact is 
  know when to ask for technical advice. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – DIS – social and economic impact 
1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
  Article title changed from Check evidence for a decision – Disability requirements – 
social and economic impact to Check eligibility – DIS – social and economic impact 
  When we say DIS in a title, we mean disability requirements. We've added this to help 
you quickly identity which articles are for disability or early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – DIS – social and economic impact 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) including sections Does your 
impairment affect your social, work or study life? and Do you meet the disability 
 read 
Understand disability requirements and What evidence of disability is 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Understanding evidence of social and economic 
impact of an impairment for disability requirements 
3.1  What is evidence of a social and economic impact? 
We need evidence of how an impairment affects a person's ability to work, study or take part in 
social life. 
This means evidence of the impact on how the applicant can find and keep a job, contribute to 
the community, or join social activities because of their permanent impairment. 
For children with evidence of social or economic impact or both, go to article Understand early 
intervention requirements. 
Understanding evidence of social and economic impact of an impairment for disability requirements – 6 
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4  When you need to ask for technical advice 
You must request advice from the Technical Advice and Practice Improvement Branch (TAPIB) 
if you are considering an access met decision for a person with a chronic health condition. Go to 
article Create a technical advice case. 
To learn more, read Requesting TAPIB Advice on the NDIA Intranet. 
The disability requirements are just one of the eligibility requirements. To be eligible for the 
NDIS, the applicant must also meet the age and residency requirements. Go to article Check 
eligibility – Age and residence requirements. 
When you need to ask for technical advice – 7 
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5 Next steps 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to determine eligibility, continue to follow guidance in article Make an access decision - 
pre-legislation changes or article Make an access decision – post-legislation changes. 
  to check the timeframes to make a decision, follow guidance in article Check decision – 
Legislative timeframes. 
Next steps – 8 
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Check eligibility - EI - Developmental 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - EI - Developmental delay 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
How to find developmental delay evidence ....................................................................... 6
How to find developmental delay evidence ........................................................................ 6 
What to consider when checking eligibility ......................................................................... 6 
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - EI - Developmental delay 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to understand how to find 
developmental delay evidence. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
  Updates to reflect legislation changes from 3 October 2024. 
  Article title changed from Check evidence for a decision – developmental delay to 
Check eligibility – EI – Developmental delay. 
  When we say EI in titles we mean early intervention requirements. We've added this to 
help you identify articles about early intervention or disability requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - EI - Developmental delay 
2  Before you start 
You have read and understood: 
  Our Guideline - Applying to the NDIS (external), what about children younger than 6 
with developmental delay? 
  Our Guideline - Early childhood approach (external) 
 article 
Understand early intervention requirements 
 article 
Check eligibility – age and residence 
Before you start – 5 
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3  How to find developmental delay evidence 
3.1  How to find developmental delay evidence 
You need to review all available information about the child's impairment and developmental 
delay before you make an access decision. To do this, check their application and linked 
evidence in PACE. To find linked evidence in PACE select the Documents tab. This will 
provide a list of the documents that have been linked as evidence. For example, the completed 
Form – Evidence of development delay. 
3.2  What to consider when checking eligibility 
When you review evidence to check if the child is eligible under this early intervention 
requirement, consider: 
  the child is younger than 6 
  the child's impairment 
  the child's developmental delay 
  the recommended early intervention supports 
  if the early intervention supports recommended are NDIS support 
  recommendation have been made by the right early childhood professional 
  our legislation and guidance 
  if we have enough evidence to decide or need more. 
How to find developmental delay evidence – 6 
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4 Next steps 
To consider the other early intervention requirements, go to article Understand early 
intervention requirements. 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to make an access decision, continue to either article Make an access decision – pre-
legislation changes or Make an access decision – post legislation changes. 
  to make an eligibility reassessment decision, continue to article Finalise eligibility 
reassessment decision. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility - EI - hearing loss 0-
25 years of age 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - EI - hearing loss 0-25 years of age 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Check evidence .................................................................................................................... 6
Consider eligibility for hearing loss ................................................................................... 7
Priority eligibility decision – child younger than 7 ........................................................... 8
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 9
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - EI - hearing loss 0-25 years of age 
This article provides guidance for an access delegate and review officer to: 
  check for an eligible hearing impairment for a person aged between 0 and 25 
  consider NDIS eligibility under early intervention requirements 
  make a priority eligibility decision for children younger than 7. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - EI - hearing loss 0-25 years of age 
1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Article title changed from Check evidence for a decision - Hearing Loss 0-25 years of age to 
Check eligibility – EI - hearing loss 0-25 years of age. 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - EI - hearing loss 0-25 years of age 
2  Before you start 
You have 
  read and understood Our Guideline - Applying to the NDIS (external) including sections: 
Do you need early intervention?What about people aged between 0 and 25 with a 
hearing impairment?
 read 
Understand early intervention requirements 
  followed guidance in article Make an access decision. 
Before you start – 5 
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3 Check evidence 
1. From 
Access Decision case, select Decision tab to view Dashboard
2. At 
Key Information, check Age to confirm the person is 25 or younger. 
3. Scroll 
Disability Evidence
4. Select 
View link to open auditory, neuropathy or hearing loss evidence, which must: 
o  be from a specialist audiological assessment 
o  be a hearing loss at least 25 decibels in either ear at 2 or more adjacent 
o  show the hearing loss is likely to be permanent. 
5.  Review their hearing loss level with the current eligible standards for early intervention. 
If required, request further information. 
Check evidence – 6 
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4  Consider eligibility for hearing loss 
A person aged 0 to 25 with an eligible hearing impairment will meet early intervention 
Consider eligibility for hearing loss – 7 
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5  Priority eligibility decision – child younger than 7 
If a child younger than 7 is identified by Hearing Australia or an Early Childhood Partner as 
newly diagnosed with a hearing impairment, a priority eligibility decision must be made within 2 
business days once the evidence has been validated. 
For more information about action to take in this circumstance refer to article Consider priority 
eligibility decision. 
Priority eligibility decision – child younger than 7 – 8 
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6 Next steps 
  To determine eligibility, continue to follow guidance in article Make an access decision - 
pre-legislation changes or article Make an access decision – post-legislation changes. 
The sub-criterion decisions will be made based on these evidence selections. 
  For a person aged 26 or older with hearing loss, they may be eligible under disability or 
early intervention requirements. For further information read Our Guideline - Applying to 
the NDIS (external). 
Next steps – 9 
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Check eligibility – EI – Impairment is 
likely permanent 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – EI – Impairment is likely permanent 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Evidence the impairment is likely to be permanent ......................................................... 6
Review evidence of a permanent impairment .................................................................... 6 
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – EI – Impairment is likely permanent 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to: 
  review evidence of a permanent impairment 
  use this information to support the person to understand the eligibility requirements. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – EI – Impairment is likely permanent 
1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
  Article title changed from (EI) Check evidence for a decision – Impairment is likely to be 
permanent to Check eligibility – EI – Impairment is likely permanent. 
  When we say EI in a title, we mean early intervention requirements. We've added this to 
help you identity which articles are for disability or early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have: 
  read and understood Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) section How will 
early intervention benefit you? 
 read 
Understand early intervention requirements. 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Evidence the impairment is likely to be permanent 
3.1  Review evidence of a permanent impairment 
Review the available evidence to consider if the person has one or more impairments that is 
permanent or is likely to be permanent. 
You will need to review the available evidence that says they are likely to have the impairment 
for their lifetime. 
They might have some periods in their life where there is a smaller impact on their daily life, 
because their impairment may be episodic or fluctuate in intensity. Their impairment can still be 
permanent due to the overall impact on their life, and the likelihood that they will be impacted 
across their lifetime. 
Even when their condition or diagnosis is permanent, you need to check if the impairment is 
permanent too. For example, a person may not be eligible if their impairment is temporary, still 
being treated, or if there are known, available and appropriate evidence-based clinical, medical 
or other remaining treatments options that are likely to remedy the impairment. 
Generally, you'll consider whether an impairment is likely to be permanent after all available and 
appropriate treatment options have been pursued. 
For more information, go to section Do you have an impairment that's likely to be 
 in Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external). 
Early intervention requirements are just one of the eligibility requirements. To be eligible for the 
NDIS under early intervention, the applicant must also meet the age and residence 
requirements. Go to article Check eligibility – Age and residence requirements. 
Evidence the impairment is likely to be permanent – 6 
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4 Next steps 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to determine eligibility, continue to follow guidance in article Make an access decision - 
pre-legislation changes or article Make an access decision – post-legislation changes. 
  to check the timeframes to make a decision, follow guidance in article Check decision – 
Legislative timeframes. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility – EI – likely to 
improve or reduce deterioration of 
functional capacity or strengthen 
informal supports 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – EI – likely to improve or reduce deterioration of functional capacity 
or strengthen informal supports 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Review evidence of functional capacity or informal supports ........................................ 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – EI – likely to improve or reduce deterioration of functional capacity 
or strengthen informal supports 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to understand how to: 
  review evidence of functional capacity or informal supports 
  use this information to support the person to understand the eligibility requirements. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – EI – likely to improve or reduce deterioration of functional capacity 
or strengthen informal supports 
1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
  Article title changed from '(EI) Check evidence for a decision – Likely to improve or 
reduce deterioration of functional capacity or strengthen informal supports' to 'Check 
eligibility – EI – likely to improve or reduce deterioration of functional capacity or 
strengthen informal supports'. 
  When we say EI in a title, we mean early intervention requirements. We've added this to 
help you identity which articles are for disability or early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – EI – likely to improve or reduce deterioration of functional capacity 
or strengthen informal supports 
2  Before you start 
You have read: 
 and 
Our Guideline - Applying to the NDIS (external), section, How will 
early intervention help you? 
 article 
Understand early intervention requirements. 
Before you start – 5 
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or strengthen informal supports 
3  Review evidence of functional capacity or informal 
Review the available evidence to consider if early intervention supports are likely to help the 
person with at least one of the following: 
  address the impact of their impairment on their ability to move around, communicate, 
socialise, learn, look after themselves and organise their lives 
  prevent their functional capacity from getting worse 
  improve their functional capacity 
  support their informal supports, which includes building their skills to help them. 
Before making an eligibility decision, you must find out about the person's functional capacity 
and informal supports. You do this by checking their application and evidence. 
To make an eligibility decision about this early intervention requirement, you must consider: 
  how early intervention will help the person 
  their functional capacity 
  their informal supports 
  our legislation and guidance 
  if we have enough evidence to decide or need more. 
Early intervention requirements are just one of the eligibility requirements. To be eligible for the 
NDIS under early intervention, the applicant must also meet the age and residence 
requirements. Refer to Check eligibility – Age and residence requirements. 
Review evidence of functional capacity or informal supports – 6 
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or strengthen informal supports 
4 Next steps 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to determine eligibility, continue to follow guidance in article Make an access decision - 
pre-legislation changes or article Make an access decision – post-legislation changes. 
  to check the timeframes to make a decision, follow guidance in article Check decision – 
Legislative timeframes. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility – EI – likely to 
reduce future support needs 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – EI – likely to reduce future support needs 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Review evidence to determine the likelihood that future supports may be reduced ... 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – EI – likely to reduce future support needs 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to understand to understand how 
  review evidence to determine the likelihood that future supports may be reduced 
  use this information to support the person to understand the eligibility requirements. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
  Article title changed from '(EI) Check evidence for a decision – Likely to reduce future 
support needs' to 'Check eligibility – EI – likely to reduce future support needs'. 
  When we say EI in a title, we mean early intervention requirements. We've added this to 
help you identity which articles are for disability or early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have: 
  read and understood Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) in section, How 
will early intervention help you? 
 read 
Understand early intervention requirements. 
  evidence early intervention is likely to reduce future support needs 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Review evidence to determine the likelihood that 
future supports may be reduced 
Review the available evidence to consider if early intervention supports will mean the person is 
likely to need less NDIS supports in the future. 
To determine if early intervention will help reduce the person's need for future supports, you 
need to look at: 
  how their impairment might change over time 
  how long they have had their impairment 
  if there's been a significant change to their impairment 
  if their needs are likely to change soon, such as if they are finishing school. 
Early intervention requirements are just one of the eligibility requirements. To be eligible for the 
NDIS under early intervention, the person must also meet the age and residence requirements. 
Go to article Check eligibility – Age and residence requirements. 
Review evidence to determine the likelihood that future supports may be reduced – 6 
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4 Next steps 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to determine eligibility, continue to follow guidance in article Make an access decision - 
pre-legislation changes or article Make an access decision – post-legislation changes 
  to check the timeframes to make a decision, follow guidance in article Check decision – 
Legislative timeframes. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility - EI - Supports will 
be NDIS supports 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - EI - Supports will be NDIS supports 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Review evidence .................................................................................................................. 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - EI - Supports will be NDIS supports 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to review evidence to check if early 
intervention supports that are likely to benefit the person will be NDIS supports. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
  Updates to reflect legislation changes from 3 October 2024. 
  Article title changed from (EI) check evidence for a decision – Support most 
appropriately funded by NDIS to Check eligibility - EI – Supports will be NDIS supports. 
  When we say EI in a title, we mean early intervention requirements. We've added this to 
help you identity which articles are for disability or early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have read and understood: 
  Our Guideline - Applying to the NDIS (external) section, Will the support you need be 
NDIS supports? 
 Article 
Understand early intervention requirements. 
Before you start – 5 
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3 Review evidence 
To decide if early intervention supports that will benefit the person will be NDIS supports, you 
must consider: 
  the recommended early intervention supports 
  if an appropriate treating professional has made the recommendation 
  what is provided by mainstream and community supports 
  if the supports are the services, items and equipment that are NDIS supports 
  our legislation and guidance 
  if we have enough evidence to decide or need more. 
Review evidence – 6 
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4 Next steps 
To consider the other early intervention requirements, go to article Understand early 
intervention requirements. 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to make an access decision, continue to article Make an access decision – pre-
legislation changes or Make an access decision – post legislation changes. 
  to make an eligibility reassessment decision, continue to article Finalise eligibility 
reassessment decision. 
Next steps – 7 
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Check eligibility - List A condition 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List A condition 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 6
Check for a List A condition ............................................................................................... 7
How to find evidence of a List A Condition? ....................................................................... 7 
If the person has a List A condition .................................................................................... 7 
If the person doesn't have a List A condition ......................................................................  7 
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List A condition 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to check for a List A condition. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List A condition 
1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Updates made to improve the knowledge article and merge information from the archived article 
Evidence Guide – List A conditions. 
Article name changed from 'Check evidence for a decision – List A condition' to 'Check eligibility 
– List A condition.' 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List A condition 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) 
 read 
Understand disability requirements 
 read 
Understand early intervention requirements 
  considered the age and residence requirements using article Check eligibility – Age and 
residence requirements. 
Before you start – 5 
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3 Overview 
To be eligible for the NDIS, the person must meet the requirements for: 
 age 
 residence 
  disability, early intervention, or both. 
When a person gives us evidence that they've been diagnosed with one or more conditions on 
List A: Conditions that are likely to meet the disability requirements (external) they'll likely meet 
the disability requirements. 
Overview – 6 
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4  Check for a List A condition 
4.1  How to find evidence of a List A Condition? 
A person may inform us that they have a List A condition, or we might identify it when reviewing 
their disability evidence. 
Before making an eligibility decision, make sure you review the application and any provided 
disability evidence for any diagnosed List A: Conditions that are likely to meet the disability 
requirements (external). 
4.2  If the person has a List A condition 
If there's evidence of a List A condition, the disability requirements are met. 
You also need to think about the early intervention requirements. Go to article Understand early 
intervention requirements. 
4.3  If the person doesn't have a List A condition 
If the person doesn't have a List A condition, think about all the disability and early intervention 
requirements using articles: 
  Understand disability requirements 
  Understand early intervention requirements. 
Check for a List A condition – 7 
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5 Next steps 
If you're an access delegate: 
  to make an access decision, continue to article Make an access decision – pre-
legislation changes or Make an access decision – post legislation changes. 
  to make an eligibility reassessment decision, continue to article Finalise eligibility 
reassessment decision. 
Next steps – 8 
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Check eligibility - List B condition 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List B condition 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 6
Check for a List B condition ............................................................................................... 7
How to find evidence that a person has a List B condition? ............................................... 7 
If the person has a List B condition .................................................................................... 7 
If the person doesn't have a List B condition ......................................................................  7 
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List B condition 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to check for a List B condition. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List B condition 
1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Updates made to improve the knowledge article and merge information from the archived article 
Evidence Guide – List B conditions. 
Article name changed from Check evidence for a decision – List B condition to Check eligibility 
– List B condition. 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List B condition 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) 
 read 
Understand disability requirements 
 read 
Understand early intervention requirements 
  considered the age and residence requirements using article Check eligibility – Age and 
residence requirements. 
Before you start – 5 
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3 Overview 
To be eligible for the NDIS, the person must meet the requirements for: 
 age 
 residence 
  disability, early intervention, or both. 
When a person gives us evidence that they've been diagnosed with one or more conditions on 
List B: Conditions that are likely to result in a permanent impairment (external), they'll meet 
some of the disability requirements and early intervention requirements
Overview – 6 
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4  Check for a List B condition 
4.1  How to find evidence that a person has a List B condition? 
A person may inform us that they have a List B condition, or we might identify it when reviewing 
their disability evidence. 
Before making an eligibility decision, make sure you review the application and any disability 
evidence for any diagnosed List B: Conditions that are likely to result in a permanent impairment 
4.2  If the person has a List B condition 
If the person has evidence of a list B condition, only some of the disability and early 
intervention requirements are met. 
The following disability requirements are met: 
  the person has a disability that us caused by one or more impairments (s24(1)(a)). 
  the person's impairment or impairments are likely to be permanent (s24(1)(c)). 
The following early intervention requirement is met: 
  the person has one or more impairments that are likely to be permanent (s24(1)(a)). 
You'll need to then think about the remaining disability and early intervention requirements 
using articles: 
  Understand disability requirements. 
  Understand early intervention requirements. 
4.3  If the person doesn't have a List B condition 
If the person doesn't have a List B condition, think about all of the disability and early 
intervention requirements using articles: 
  Understand disability requirements 
  Understand early intervention requirements. 
Check for a List B condition – 7 
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5 Next steps 
If you're an access delegate: 
  to make an access decision, continue to article Make an access decision – pre-
legislation changes or Make an access decision – post legislation changes. 
  to make an eligibility reassessment decision, continue to article Finalise eligibility 
reassessment decision. 
Next steps – 8 
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Check eligibility - List D condition 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List D condition 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 6
Check for a List D condition ............................................................................................... 7
How to find evidence if a child younger than 7 has a List D condition? ............................. 7 
If the person has a List D condition .................................................................................... 7 
If the person doesn't have a List D condition ..................................................................... 7 
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List D condition 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to check for a List D condition 
(children younger than 7 only). 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility - List D condition 
1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Updates made to improve the knowledge article and merge information from the archived article 
Evidence Guide – List D conditions
Article name changed from Check evidence for a decision – List D condition to Check eligibility 
– List D condition. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) 
 read 
Understand disability requirements 
 read 
Understand early intervention requirements 
  considered the age and residence requirements using article Check eligibility – age and 
residence requirements. 
Before you start – 5 
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3 Overview 
To be eligible for the NDIS, the person must meet the requirements for: 
 age 
 residence 
  disability, early intervention, or both. 
When a family or carer gives us evidence that a child younger than 7 has been diagnosed with 
one or more conditions on List D (external), they will meet the early intervention requirements. 
Overview – 6 
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4  Check for a List D condition 
4.1  How to find evidence if a child younger than 7 has a List D 
A family or carer may inform us that a child younger than age 7 has a List D condition or we 
might identify it when reviewing their disability evidence. 
Before making an eligibility decision, make sure you review the application and any provided 
disability evidence for any diagnosed List D conditions (external). 
4.2  If the person has a List D condition 
If there is evidence of a list D condition, the early intervention requirements are met. 
You also need to consider the disability requirements. Go to article Understand disability 
4.3  If the person doesn't have a List D condition 
If the person is not a child younger than 7 with a List D condition, consider all of the disability 
requirements and early intervention requirements using articles: 
  Understand disability requirements. 
  Understand early intervention requirements. 
Check for a List D condition – 7 
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5 Next steps 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to make an access decision, continue to article Make an access decision – pre-
legislation changes or Make an access decision – post legislation changes. 
  to make an eligibility reassessment decision, continue to article Finalise eligibility 
reassessment decision. 
Next steps – 8 
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Check eligibility – Terminal illness 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – Terminal il ness 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Priority access pathway for people with terminal illness ................................................ 6
Identify if the applicant may have a terminal illness ........................................................ 7
Check for evidence the applicant needs palliative care supports .................................. 8
Make an eligibility decision for an applicant with a terminal  illness .............................. 9
Next steps ........................................................................................................................... 10
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Check eligibility – Terminal il ness 
This article provides guidance for an access delegate and review officer to: 
  understand the priority access pathway for people with terminal illness 
  identify if the applicant may have a terminal illness 
  check for evidence the applicant needs palliative care supports 
  make an eligibility decision for an applicant with a terminal illness. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Article title changed from Check evidence for a decision – terminal illness to Check eligibility – 
Terminal illness 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have read and understood: 
  Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) including section Will you likely need 
NDIS supports for your lifetime? 
  Our Guideline – Mainstream and community support (external) 
 article 
Understand palliative care 
 article 
Understand disability requirements 
 article 
Make an access decision - pre-legislation changes or article Make an access 
decision – post-legislation changes 
 article 
Guide – Conversation style guide and appendix B in sections Sensitive 
conversations and Explaining your access or planning decisions
You have reviewed: 
  any evidence of informal, mainstream or community palliative care supports. 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Priority access pathway for people with terminal 
NDIS applications from people with terminal illness are submitted through the priority access 
pathway. For more information, read article Request priority eligibility decision. 
The Priority Health Access Team will make the eligibility decision within 5 days. 
If an access met decision is made, the new participant will be streamed to the Aged Care and 
Hospital Interface branch if they have palliative support care needs. The Aged Care and 
Hospital Interface branch will develop the participant's plan within 30 days. 
Priority access pathway for people with terminal illness – 6 
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4  Identify if the applicant may have a terminal illness 
In a person's NDIS application, their primary disability may indicate there is an underlying health 
condition which may reduce their quality or expected length of life. For example, if their disability 
is described as an acquired brain injury. 
The person may also specify that they have a terminal illness. Terminal illnesses may include 
many different types of cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or end-stage 
kidney or liver diseases. 
Other illnesses may also be terminal but have a relatively long life expectancy. Conditions 
including Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's Disease and dementias may be terminal, but 
applicants with these conditions may not require palliative care supports at the time of their 
access application. 
Note: These conditions do not automatically mean the applicant is suitable for the priority 
planning pathway. 
Information in an NDIS application may indicate the person has a terminal illness and may need 
palliative care supports funded by the health system. This information might include: 
  a prognosis category, such as 'guarded' or 'poor' 
  time-framed prognosis, for example 3 to 18 months to live 
  terminal or end-stage illness 
  staged health condition, for example stage 3, 4 or 5 
  no longer suitable for active treatment – treatment is for symptom management 
  reference to pain management related to comfort 
  references to past treatments, for example chemotherapy, immunotherapy, 
  organ failure, for example lung, heart, liver, or kidney 
  high levels of nursing support 
  specialist or community palliative care team involvement. 
Identify if the applicant may have a terminal illness – 7 
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5  Check for evidence the applicant needs palliative 
care supports 
Before making an eligibility decision for a disability caused by a terminal illness, you must make 
sure the applicant meets the age and residence requirements. Learn more in article Make an 
access decision - pre-legislation changes or article Make an access decision – post-legislation 
You then need to understand any evidence of palliative care support needs. 
Information about current treatments, goals of care, and stage of illness can help you 
understand the applicant's support needs. A suitably qualified treating health professional must 
provide this evidence. 
Evidence may include information about: 
  current and future treatments designed to make people comfortable or slow disease 
progression rather than make them better 
  anticipated outcomes of the treatments 
  evidence of the stage of disease progression 
  level of care and clinical supports required 
  current and future goals of care. 
You may need to request further information from a treating health professional. 
Talking about dying and terminal illness can be hard. But it's important to talk about it so people 
can be prepared. 
To help you prepare to talk with an applicant with a terminal illness, go to article Navigate 
conversations about life-limiting conditions. 
Check for evidence the applicant needs palliative care supports – 8 
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6  Make an eligibility decision for an applicant with a 
terminal illness 
A specialised access team, called the Priority Health Access Team, makes decisions about 
access eligibility for people with terminal illness and disability. 
If you identify an applicant may have a terminal illness, you must request advice from the 
Technical Advice and Practice Improvement Branch (TAPIB). This is regardless of the proposed 
eligibility decision. To learn more, go to Requesting Advice or article Create a technical advice 
Before an eligibility decision is made, we'll need to understand the applicant's disability and its 
impact on their life. 
Information in the technical advice case helps TAPIB understand the applicant's situation. 
This could include information about if the applicant: 
  is applying to the NDIS because of an identified terminal illness 
  is applying to the NDIS because of another reported impairment that's a direct result of 
a terminal illness or treatment 
  has declining function because of the progression of a terminal illness 
  has palliative support needs, for example supports intended for quality-of-life purposes 
rather than improving social and economic participation 
  requires a high level of skilled clinical support, for example palliative pain management 
or specialist nursing care. 
Note: The free-text field in the technical advice case has a limit of 255 characters. You can use 
these as examples to provide a brief summary of the participant's situation. Follow the guidance 
in article Create a technical advice case to complete the case and provide supporting 
Make an eligibility decision for an applicant with a terminal illness – 9 
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7 Next steps 
1.  To determine eligibility after you have received advice from TAPIB, continue to follow 
guidance in article Make an access decision - pre-legislation changes or article Make 
an access decision – post-legislation changes. 
2.  If the participant is eligible for the priority pathway and an access met decision is made, 
the participant will be streamed to the Aged Care and Hospital Interface branch. The 
Aged Care and Hospital Interface branch will develop the participant's plan within 30 
Next steps – 10 
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Understand early intervention 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand early intervention requirements 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 6
Early intervention requirements ......................................................................................... 7
Check eligibility for early intervention requirements ........................................................... 7 
Additional considerations .................................................................................................... 7 
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand early intervention requirements 
This article provides guidance for all NDIA staff and partners to understand eligibility under the 
early intervention requirements. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand early intervention requirements 
1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Updates to reflect legislation changes from 3 October 2024: 
  applicants may now meet both disability and early intervention requirements, instead of 
just one. 
  the requirements for early intervention have changed from early intervention you need 
is most appropriately funded by the NDIS to Early intervention supports that are likely to 
benefit you will be NDIS supports. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) including section, Do you need 
early intervention? 
 read 
What evidence of disability is required? 
 read 
Check eligibility – age and residence requirements 
Before you start – 5 
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3 Overview 
To be eligible for NDIS, the person must meet the requirements for: 
 age 
 residence 
  disability, early intervention, or both. 
The purpose of early intervention is to lessen the impact of a person's impairment by providing 
support at the earliest possible stage. 
Early intervention support is intended to benefit a person by reducing their future need for 
supports and by strengthening informal supports. For example, building the capacity of their 
Early intervention is for both children and adults and may be required only for a short time. 
A person may not need supports for life, so their treating professional or early childhood partner 
will advise us how early intervention could benefit the person or child. 
Overview – 6 
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4  Early intervention requirements 
To meet the early intervention requirements, we must have evidence of all of the following: 
  they have an impairment that's likely to be permanent, or they're a child younger than 6 
with developmental delay 
  early intervention supports are likely to reduce their future support needs 
  early intervention supports are likely to benefit them 
  the early intervention supports they need are NDIS supports. 
4.1  Check eligibility for early intervention requirements 
Use these articles to check evidence for a decision: 
  Check eligibility – EI – impairment is likely permanent. 
  Check eligibility – EI – likely to reduce future support needs. 
  Check eligibility – EI – likely to improve or reduce deterioration of functional capacity or 
strengthen informal supports. 
  Check eligibility – EI – supports will be NDIS supports. 
4.2 Additional considerations 
Use these articles before you check evidence for a decision: 
  if the child is younger than 7, check if there is evidence of a condition on List D. Go to 
article Check eligibility – List D condition. 
Note: A child is likely to meet the early intervention requirements if they provide 
evidence of their diagnosis. 
  check if the person is diagnosed with a condition on List B, Go to article Check eligibility 
– List B condition. 
Note: A person is likely to meet one of the early intervention requirements if they 
provide evidence of their diagnosis. 
  if the child is younger than 6, check if they have a developmental delay. Go to article 
Check eligibility – EI – developmental delay 
  if the person if aged between 0 and 25 with a hearing impairment, go to article Check 
eligibility – EI – hearing loss 0-25 years of age. 
Early intervention requirements – 7 
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5 Next steps 
To consider the disability requirements, go to article Understand disability requirements. 
If you are an access delegate: 
  to make an access decision, continue to article Make an access decision – pre-
legislation changes or Make an access decision – post legislation changes. 
  to make an eligibility reassessment decision, continue to article Finalise eligibility 
reassessment decision. 
Next steps – 8 
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Finalise eligibility reassessment 
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Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Complete a check for procedural fairness ........................................................................ 6
Finalise the eligibility reassessment decision .................................................................. 7
Complete a manual procedural fairness check ................................................................ 8
Check correspondence ....................................................................................................... 8 
Check contact attempts ...................................................................................................... 8 
Check for outstanding enquiries ......................................................................................... 8 
Check evidence extension requests ................................................................................... 8 
Complete the ER Outcome tab and contact participant to let them know the eligibility 
reassessment decision ............................................................................................................. 10
Next steps for access met, disability change outcomes, or once the QDO approves a 
revoke outcome ......................................................................................................................... 12
Next steps ........................................................................................................................... 13
Table of Contents – 2 
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This article provides guidance for an access delegate to: 
  complete a check for procedural fairness 
  finalise the eligibility reassessment decision 
  complete a manual procedural fairness check 
  complete the eligibility reassessment (ER) outcome tab and contact participant to let 
them know the eligibility reassessment decision 
  next steps for access met, disability change outcomes, or once the QDO approves a 
revoke outcome. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Guidance updates: 
  to reflect legislation changes effective from 3 October 2024 
  new section added Complete a manual procedural fairness check when the decision is 
to revoke 
  additional detail added to Finalise the eligibility reassessment decision 
  removed section Create a reminder to revoke access on SAP CRM in 28 days, as this 
is completed by a quality development officer. 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have: 
  read about eligibility in Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) and Our 
Guideline – Leaving the NDIS (external) 
  checked if there is a request to voluntarily leave the NDIS. If so, close out the Eligibility 
Reassessment case and create a Leaving the NDIS case. For more information see 
article Understand the leaving case. Assign this to the My NDIS contact. 
 accepted 
eligibility reassessment case 
You have read articles: 
  When to refer the participant for an eligibility reassessment 
  Understand procedural fairness and eligibility reassessment requirements 
  Contact attempts and unable to contact in an eligibility reassessment case. 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Complete a check for procedural fairness 
1. Go 
ER Outcome tab. 
2. Complete 
Procedural Fairness Checklist
Note: You can't commence the eligibility reassessment decision until the Procedural 
Fairness Checklist
 has been completed. For more information see article Accept a 
case from the eligibility reassessment queue and complete the procedural fairness 
Note: If the eligibility reassessment outcome is to revoke access, the manual procedural 
fairness check will also need to be completed. See section Complete a manual procedural 
fairness check

Complete a check for procedural fairness – 6 
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4  Finalise the eligibility reassessment decision 
It is the participant's responsibility to provide evidence that they continue to meet the eligibility 
1. Review 
Eligibility Check tab to understand the background of the eligibility 
reassessment, including: 
o  why the previous access delegate progressed the eligibility reassessment case. 
o  the eligibility criteria we were checking the participant continues to meet. 
2. If 
Eligibility Check tab indicates the participant may not meet the: 
o  residence requirements – assess the residence, disability and early 
intervention criteria. 
o  disability and early intervention requirements – assess the disability and 
early intervention criteria. 
Note: If the participant joined the NDIS under a NSW prescribed program, only 
consider the disability and early intervention requirements. Do not consider the 
residence requirements. 
3.  To finalise the eligibility reassessment decision, review all information and evidence on 
the participant's Person Account, relating to eligibility. If there isn't clear evidence the 
person continues to meet all eligibility criteria, their eligibility needs to be reassessed. 
4.  Check for outstanding evidence related to the participant's eligibility including in the: 
o  Enquiry inbox. Check and action any relevant emails 
o  eligibility reassessment case under Evidence or Documents tabs 
o  Person Account under Document or My Profile then Evidence tabs 
o  related enquiry case (if relevant) 
o participant's 
SAP CRM record Inbound Documents (if relevant). 
5.  If the evidence isn't already in the eligibility reassessment case, you must link it to the 
case. Use article Upload evidence to support an eligibility reassessment (ER) case 
section Upload evidence to support the eligibility reassessment case
Note: You don't need to upload documents in SAP CRM to PACE
6.  There will be three possible outcomes for the eligibility reassessment. Use Our 
Guideline – Applying to the NDIS (external) section Appendices, to either: 
o  maintain the participant's status as eligible for the NDIS. Continue to section 
Complete the ER Outcome tab and contact participant to let them know 
the eligibility reassessment decision

o  change the eligibility criteria. Continue to section Complete the ER Outcome 
tab and contact participant to let them know the eligibility reassessment 

o  revoke the participant status. Continue to section Complete a manual 
procedural fairness checkNote: you cannot revoke a participant due to a 
lack of information or evidence if they have not been given reasonable 
opportunity to respond. 
Note: Decisions for participant's who are living with terminal illness must only be 
completed by delegates in the Priority Health Access team. 
Note: If TAPIB advice is required, go to article Create a technical advice case. 
Finalise the eligibility reassessment decision – 7 
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5  Complete a manual procedural fairness check 
If the outcome is to revoke the participant status, you must complete a manual procedural 
fairness check. Start at section Check correspondence. 
If you are not revoking the participant's status, go to section Complete the ER Outcome tab 
and contact participant to let them know the eligibility reassessment decision

5.1 Check correspondence 
Check the participant, their nominee or child representative was sent correspondence to notify 
them about the eligibility reassessment. 
1.  Check whether the participant has a correspondence nominee or child representative. 
Go to the participant's Person Account. Select Relationships, then Authorised Reps
Any child representative or nominee roles will appear here. For more information go to 
article Check consent, nominee, child representative or self-representation authorities. 
2.  If the participant has a child representative or correspondence nominee, navigate to the 
representatives Person Account. Otherwise stay in the participant's Person Account
3. Select 
Documents tab. 
4.  Review the eligibility reassessment correspondence sent to the participant. Check 
either the Letter - Eligibility Reassessment Evidence Request or Letter – Eligibility 
Reassessment opportunity to respond
 were sent. If a letter was not sent, notify your 
team leader. 
5.  Open the correspondence and review whether the participant had at least 28 days from 
the date of the letter to provide information. 
5.2  Check contact attempts 
1.  Go to the Eligibility Reassessment case. 
2. Select 
Case Activity tab. Select Activity History
3.  Check the correct number of contact attempts were made to notify the participant of the 
eligibility reassessment. See article Contact attempts and unable to contact in an 
eligibility reassessment case. 
4.  If one or more phone call attempts have not been completed, discuss this with your 
team leader. 
5.3  Check for outstanding enquiries 
Check if the participant has any outstanding eligibility reassessment enquiries. 
1. Go 
Person AccountCases tab. 
2. Select 
Cases, then All Cases
3. In 
Case Record Type column, check for any open Enquiry cases created after the 
eligibility reassessment commenced. 
4.  Action any eligibility reassessment enquiries before proceeding. 
5.4  Check evidence extension requests 
Check if the participant has any outstanding evidence extension requests. 
Complete a manual procedural fairness check – 8 
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1. Go 
Person AccountCases tab. 
2. Select 
Cases, then All Cases
3. In 
Case Record Type column, check for extension of time requests by reviewing 
Enquiry and Evidence Extension cases created after the eligibility reassessment 
Note: NCC may create enquiry cases for extension requests. 
4.  If there is an outstanding evidence extension request, continue to article Action 
evidence extension request for eligibility reassessment case. 
Complete a manual procedural fairness check – 9 
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6  Complete the ER Outcome tab and contact 
participant to let them know the eligibility 
reassessment decision 

Make sure you're confident in your final decision and enter it accurately into the ER Outcome 
Do not select Back at any point, as this may prevent the case from progressing. If you need to 
make changes to the decision after you have entered it into the ER Outcome tab, contact your 
team leader for support. They will check whether Back can be selected, and if not, raise an ICT 
ticket to resolve this. 
1.  Check the participant has a my NDIS contact assigned in PACE using article Update 
the My NDIS Contact. A PACE task won't begin if there isn't a my NDIS contact 
assigned, which means any updates won't be picked up until their next check-in. 
2. Select 
ER outcome tab and complete the steps. 
3. At 
Impairment assessment select the primary and secondary impairments. 
4. At 
Residence Section 23 Sub Criterion answer all questions. 
Note: At Is the applicant currently living in Australia? and Is the applicant an 
Australian citizen or a current eligible visa holder? Select N/A when the participant 
may not meet the residence requirements and they joined under a NSW prescribed 
5.  If the participant is 7 years or older complete Disability Section 24 Sub Criterion. If 
not, go to step 7. The questions will automatically generate from the answer to the 
earlier question Does the reassessment impairment belong to List A, B or D? 
6.  All eligibility criteria sections must be answered. If you select No for any criteria, select 
the correct justification from the dropdown options. If section 24(1)(b) is not met, then 
the remaining criteria will not be met. 
Note: Due to NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024, section 
25(3) and section 24(1)(e) will not be correctly reflected in PACE. You will still need to 
select whether this requirement is met or not by selecting Yes or No in the System. You 
will be advised later in this article to record an Internal Note explaining that you have 
applied the correct legislation. 
7. At 
The participant is likely to require lifetime supports under the NDIS select Yes 
or No
Note: Due to NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024, section 
24(1)(e) will not be correctly reflected in the System. You will still need to select whether 
this requirement is met or not by selecting Yes or No in PACE. You will be advised later 
in this article to record an Internal Note explaining that you have applied the correct 
8.  If the participant is younger than 7 complete Early Intervention Section 25 Sub 
Criterion. All eligibility criteria sections must be answered. If you select No for any 
criteria, select the correct justification from the dropdown options. If section 25(1)(a) is 
not met, then the remaining criteria will not be met. 
Note: Due to NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024, section 
25(3) will not be correctly reflected in PACE. You will still need to select whether this 
requirement is met or not by selecting Yes or No in the System. You will be advised 
later in this article to record an Internal Note explaining that you have applied the 
correct legislation. 
Complete the ER Outcome tab and contact participant to let them know the eligibility reassessment 
decision – 10 
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9. At 
The participant has one or more identified intellectual, cognitive, neurological, 
sensory or physical impairments that are, or are likely to be permanent; or one or 
more identified impairments that are attributable to a psychiatric condition that 
are, or are likely to be, permanent
 select Yes or No
Note: If you answer Yes, sub criteria 2, 3, sub criteria 4 will not appear. 
10.  Review the recorded Sub Criterion and Overall Criteria Summary. Depending on 
whether the outcome is maintain, change or revoke, additional pages will populate. 
Note: If the decision is not correct, contact your team leader for support. 
11.  If you are updating the primary impairment, complete Access Disability Change
Updating the Primary Impairment will update the person account automatically. The 
existing primary impairment will become a secondary impairment in the person account. 
If you need to update the secondary impairment, update this in the person account. See 
article Update a person account. Select Next
12.  If the outcome is to: 
o  revoke, continue to step 13. 
o  access met or disability criteria change, continue to step 14. 
13.  Record the evidence used to make the revoke decision using article Log an activity or 
internal note. Use the below template. 
Template for evidence considered for revoke outcome 
I have reviewed the following documents as part of the eligibility reassessment. 
The following documents are available in the person's PACE record: 
<Type of document> <from/with> <Title and person's name> <Profession or 
relationship> dated <date of document>. Evidence located in <SAP CRM/SAP CRM 
and PACE>.
14. Review the Summary information. Select Next
Note: If the decision is to revoke, then the ER Outcome cannot be completed by the 
delegate. When you select Next at the Summary screen, the case will route to the ER 
Revocation Queue
 for a quality development officer (QDO). The QDO will review the 
case and either approve to revoke access or request an adjustment. The QDO will send 
the case back to you to finalise the revocation process or adjust the decision. 
Complete the ER Outcome tab and contact participant to let them know the eligibility reassessment 
decision – 11 
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7  Next steps for access met, disability change 
outcomes, or once the QDO approves a revoke 

1. For 

revoke outcome, if the QDO send an adjustment request, continue with article 
Review the quality feedback (QDO). Otherwise continue to step 2. 
2. In 
ER Outcome tab, review the Decision. Select Next
3. Review 
Justification. If the justification is: 
o  not correct, contact your team leader for support. 
o correct, 
Next, then Evidence
4. Review 
Evidence. Select Next and complete the ER Outcome
5.  Record an internal note using article Log an activity or internal note. Use the below 
Eligibility Reassessment legislative decision 
The Eligibility Reassessment was valid for a decision on <DD/MM/YYY>. The <Eligibility 
Check/ER Outcome> decision has been made under NDIS Amendment (Getting the 
NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024. Section 24(1)(e) and section 25(3) of the sub 
criterion questions incorrectly reflect the NDIS Act 2013 legislation. All external 
communication including letters and phone calls reflect the correct 2024 legislation. 
6.  Contact the participant to let them know the Eligibility Reassessment Decision, and 
send them a letter with the decision. Use article Contact the participant to explain the 
outcome of their eligibility reassessment. 
7.  If the participant's status is: 
o  maintained or changed, they will continue to be a NDIS participant. No further 
action is required. End of process
o  revoked, they are no longer eligible for the NDIS. A Leaving the NDIS case 
will automatically be created and routed to the my NDIS contact to complete the 
final checklist. The letter will inform the participant that this will take effect in 28 
days. Continue to step 8. 
8.  Where the participant has an active record you must check for a person record in SAP 
CRM and revoke access in SAP CRM if there is. You can only complete this 28 days 
after the decision is made as revoking access in SAP CRM will immediately cease 
access to funded supports. 
Next steps for access met, disability change outcomes, or once the QDO approves a revoke outcome – 12 
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8 Next steps 
1.  If the participant has been revoked, revoke access on SAP CRM after 28 days. 
Next steps – 13 
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Understand procedural fairness and 
eligibility reassessment 
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Table of Contents 
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 4
Understand procedural fairness ......................................................................................... 5
What is procedural fairness? .............................................................................................. 6
What is the purpose of the procedural fairness checklist? ............................................. 7
What about manual procedural fairness checks? ............................................................ 8
Has the My NDIS contact been able to contact the participant? ..................................... 9
Review information and evidence .................................................................................... 10
Consider the eligibility requirements ...............................................................................  11
Consider residence requirements .................................................................................... 12
Consider early Intervention requirements ................................................................... 13
Consider disability requirements ................................................................................. 14
Consider the participant’s impairment ......................................................................... 15
Consider the assessment summary ............................................................................. 16
Next steps ....................................................................................................................... 17
Table of Contents – 2 
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This article provides guidance for an access assessor to: 
  understand procedural fairness 
  consider the eligibility requirements 
  consider the participant’s impairment 
  consider the assessment summary. 
To complete the Eligibility Check in PACE, you need to understand these requirements. 
When we talk about contacting a participant, we mean the participant or their authorised 
Before you start – 3 
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1  Before you start 
You have read: 
  Are you eligible for the NDIS? in Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS 
  What happens if we check your eligibility? in Our Guideline – Leaving the NDIS. 
You have been asked to: 
  draw down an eligibility reassessment referral 
  complete an eligibility check 
  decide if an eligibility reassessment should commence 
  decide if the participant needs an access status change. 
Before you start – 4 
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2 Understand procedural fairness 
You will complete an Eligibility Check in PACE. The Eligibility Check will help you decide if an 
eligibility reassessment should commence. The Procedural Fairness Checklist is the first part 
of the check. 
The procedural fairness check will automatically check who has progressed the case and 
created the referral. If you approved the participants access, you must select Yes when 
prompted and the case will be routed back to the eligibility reassessment queue. 
Understand procedural fairness – 5 
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3  What is procedural fairness? 
Procedural fairness is about making sure we give participants a reasonable opportunity to have 
their say and provide us with evidence about their situation.  It is also about making sure our 
decisions are fair and unbiased. When we say fair and unbiased, we mean our decisions are 
made by someone who wouldn’t benefit from the decision or be impacted by it. 
What is procedural fairness? – 6 
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4  What is the purpose of the procedural fairness 
The checklist has questions to make sure you are an independent delegate. This is how we 
make sure we our decisions are fair and unbiased.  
You aren’t an independent delegate if you have: 
  a personal interest in the participant’s status, or 
  a personal relationship with the participant (outside the NDIA), or 
  been involved in making the original eligibility decision or any planning decisions. 
What is the purpose of the procedural fairness checklist? – 7 
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5  What about manual procedural fairness checks? 
Procedural fairness is also about: 
  being transparent with the participant 
  giving them reasonable opportunity to provide information, and to present a case to 
support their continued eligibility. 
There are steps you will take to make sure we follow procedural fairness. That is what we mean 
when we say manual procedural fairness checks. 
What about manual procedural fairness checks? – 8 
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6  Has the My NDIS contact been able to contact the 
This is an important manual procedural fairness check. The My NDIS contact will record their 
contact with the participant in PACE. You will check PACE. If the My NDIS contact is unable to 
contact the participant, do not make an eligibility reassessment referral. 
If the My NDIS contact made an eligibility reassessment referral without contacting the 
  do not commence an eligibility reassessment 
  close the eligibility reassessment case – read article Action if ER not required to learn 
If the My NDIS contact was able to contact the participant, continue with the eligibility 
reassessment. Do this even if you are unable to contact them. 
Has the My NDIS contact been able to contact the participant? – 9 
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7  Review information and evidence 
You will make sure we follow procedural fairness by thoroughly reviewing existing information 
and evidence. 
Some sources of existing information include: 
  conversations about the participant’s situation recorded in PACE 
  any relevant documents on the participant’s record 
  medical or clinical reports, diagnostic and assessment information 
  service provider reports and assessments such as progress reports 
  information provided with the participant’s access to the NDIS 
  early childhood partner documents 
  information from family members and carers. 
Review information and evidence – 10 
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8  Consider the eligibility requirements 
After you complete the procedural fairness checklist, you will consider the eligibility 
requirements to complete the impairment assessment. PACE will pre-populate responses for 
each eligibility requirement based on the: 
  Referral checklist 
  Impairment assessment. 
This means some responses will already be pre-populated in PACE. 
Consider the eligibility requirements – 11 
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9  Consider residence requirements 
Read Do you meet the residence requirements in Our Guidelines – Applying to the NDIS. 
This will help you consider the residence requirements if you need to. 
Consider residence requirements – 12 
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10 Consider early Intervention requirements 
Read Do you need early intervention in Our Guidelines – Applying to the NDIS to learn more. 
This will help you consider the early intervention requirements if you need to. 
Consider early Intervention requirements – 13 
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11 Consider disability requirements 
Read Do you meet the disability requirements in Our Guidelines – Applying to the NDIS. 
This will help you consider the disability requirements if you need to. 
Consider disability requirements – 14 
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12 Consider the participant’s impairment 
An impairment assessment is another part of the eligibility check. The impairment 
 asks you to consider if the reassessment impairment belongs to List A, B or D. 
You will use the Appendices in Our Guidelines – Applying to the NDIS to consider if the 
impairment belongs to List A, B or D. 
Consider the participant’s impairment – 15 
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13 Consider the assessment summary 
The last part of the eligibility check is the assessment summary. This part of the eligibility 
check asks you to consider: 
  Has the participant’s primary impairment changed? 
  Have changes been made to the secondary impairments listed in the Participant’s 
You will answer Yes or No and select the reassessed impairment, if needed. Your 
responses will be based on your thorough review of the participant’s information and evidence. 
PACE will pre-populate Yes or No for primary disability change or access status change
The pre-populated response is based on the answers you entered about the participant’s 
impairment and eligibility. 
Consider the assessment summary – 16 
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14 Next steps 
You will: 
  make a decision about the participant’s eligibility 
 use 
the eligibility check tab in PACE to record your decision making. 
To learn more about using the eligibility check tab in PACE read articles: 
  Draw down a referral and check procedural fairness for an ER case 
  Review and link participant evidence to the eligibility reassessment case
Next steps – 17 
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Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Check legislative timeframes .............................................................................................. 6
Complete disability evidence .............................................................................................. 7
Request further information ................................................................................................ 8
Check correspondence ....................................................................................................... 8 
Notify the justice liaison officer (JLO) (if relevant) .............................................................. 9 
Create the enquiry case ................................................................................................................ 9 
Assign the enquiry case ................................................................................................................ 9 
Approve or override the streaming case ......................................................................... 10
Record access decision .................................................................................................... 11
Age and Residency Sub Criterion .................................................................................... 11 
Age Criterion 1: (Section 22(1)(a)) .............................................................................................. 11 
Residency Criterion 1: (Section 23(1)(a)) .................................................................................... 11 
Residency Criterion 2: (Section 23(1)(b)) .................................................................................... 11 
Early Intervention Sub Criteria ......................................................................................... 12 
Early Intervention Criterion 1: (Section 25(1)(a)) ......................................................................... 12 
Early Intervention Criterion 2: (Section 25(1)(b)) ......................................................................... 12 
Early Intervention Criterion 3: (Section 25(1)(c)) ......................................................................... 12 
Early Intervention Criterion 4: (Section 25 (d)) ............................................................................ 12 
Disability Sub Criterion ..................................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 1: (Section 24 (1)(a)) ..................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 2: (Section 24 (1)(b)) ..................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 3: (Section 24 (1)(c)) ..................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 4: (Section 24 (1)(d)) ..................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 5: (Section 24 (1)(e)) ..................................................................................... 13 
Evidence Used for Decisions (access not met only) ........................................................ 13 
Decision Main Criteria ...................................................................................................... 14 
If access met for applicant with chronic health condition............................................................. 15 
If access met and the applicant resides in hospital ..................................................................... 15 
Submit decision for quality check .................................................................................... 16
Submit proposed decision for potential quality check ...................................................... 16 
Review quality check feedback ........................................................................................ 16 
Approve access decision .................................................................................................. 16 
Complete access decision correspondence ................................................................... 17
Automated Access Met letter ........................................................................................... 17 
Check correspondence ............................................................................................................... 17 
Manual Access Not Met letter........................................................................................... 17 
Notify early childhood partner of access not met decision (developmental delay 
only) 18
Check disabilities tab (access met only) ..................................................................... 19
Assign plan approval case (Motor neurone disease only) ......................................... 20
Next steps ....................................................................................................................... 21
Table of Contents – 2 
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This article provides guidance for an access delegate (assessor) to: 
  check legislative timeframes 
  complete disability evidence 
  request further information 
  approve or override the streaming case 
  record access decision 
  submit decision for quality check 
  complete access decision correspondence 
  notify early childhood partner of access not met decision (developmental delay only) 
  check disabilities tab (access met only) 
  assign plan approval case (Motor neurone disease only). 
The legislation you need to use automatically populates in the access decision case based on 
what is selected in the access request case. 
Go to article Complete pre-assessment of access decision to decide which version of the 
legislation and article you need to use to make an access decision. 
Use this article if you need to use the post-legislation changes version of the legislation to 
make an access decision. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 
Updated guidance to: 
  reflect legislation changes from 3 October 2024 
  Update title from Make access decision to make it clear to use this article when making 
a decision using the post-legislation changes version of the legislation. 
  Remove step to consider if the person is from a defined program as defined programs 
no longer apply. 
  To be eligible under the disability requirements, there must be evidence the person 
requires NDIS supports for their lifetime. NDIS supports are the services, items and 
equipment that can be funded by the NDIS. 
  To be eligible under the early intervention requirements, there must be evidence that 
supports that are likely to benefit the person will be NDIS supports. 
  If the age and residence requirements are met, you must consider both the disability 
and early intervention requirements. The person may meet both, rather than only one or 
the other. 
  If eligible, you must select the impairments that met the requirements for disability, early 
intervention requirements or both. Impairments include intellectual, cognitive, 
neurological, sensory, physical, or impairments to which a psychological disability is 
attributable. Or you can select developmental delay, and you do not need to select 
  New step to advise the justice liaison officer (JLO) when requesting more evidence (if 
  New step to notify early childhood partner of access not met decision (developmental 
delay only) 
  New step to assign plan the approval case (Motor neurone disease only). 
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have: 
  completed the pre-assessment and checked you need to use the post-legislation 
changes version of the legislation to make an access decision using article Complete 
pre-assessment for an access decision 
  checked there is evidence of identity or an internal note to explain why it can't be 
  checked the application is complete with evidence of consent to apply, age, residence 
and disability 
 read 
Check eligibility – age and residence requirements 
 read 
Understand disability requirements 
 read 
Understand early intervention requirements. 
Before you start – 5 
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3  Check legislative timeframes 
You have 21 days to make a decision or request further information. 
When a request for further information has been made, you have 14 days from the date that the 
last information or report was received to make a decision. 
1. Use 
Check decision – legislative timeframes to check if your decision or request 
for further information will be outside legislative timeframes. If: 
o  inside legislative timeframes: go to section Complete disability evidence
o  outside legislative timeframes: use article Check decision – legislative 
timeframes to record an internal note. Then go to section Complete disability 

Check legislative timeframes – 6 
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4  Complete disability evidence 
Links to evidence documents in the access request case will display here. 
1. At 
Have you verified the Evidence of Disability?, select Yes. This is based on 
section Check evidence of disability in article Complete pre-assessment of access 
2. At 
Select assessed Impairment, enter text into the field and a list will display. Select 
relevant option. 
3.  Make a note of the assessed impairment name and ICD code. You will need this for 
section Decision Main Criteria
4. At 
What evidence was used to confirm the Impairment?, select the appropriate 
NoteDefined Program no longer populates the access decision. 
5. At 
Does the applicant's impairment belong to List A, B or D?, select the appropriate 
Note: This no longer populates the access decision. 
6.  For more information about list conditions, go to articles: 
o  Check eligibility – List A condition 
o  Check eligibility – List B condition 
o  Check eligibility – List D condition. 
7. Select 
Add next to Impairment Assessment to record additional impairments. If an: 
o  access met decision, add all impairments that meet eligibility requirements 
o  access not met decision, add all reported impairments. 
Complete disability evidence – 7 
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5  Request further information 
1.  Decide if you need more information to make an access decision. Only request more 
information if: 
o  the application is complete 
o  you need more evidence after receiving the applicant's disability evidence. 
2.  If the applicant is a child with developmental delay turning 6 within the next 90 days, 
ask your team leader before requesting more information. 
In this situation, it may be more appropriate to make an access not met decision. For an 
access request, the child must be younger than 6 on the day the access decision is 
made. For an internal review, the child must have been younger than 6 at the time of 
the access not met decision. This reduces the risk of the child turning 6 before an 
access decision is made. 
3. At 
Do you require further information from the applicant?, select Yes or No. If: 
o  No, select Next, then go to section Approve or override streaming case
o  Yes, continue to next step. 
4. At 
Enter the Required Information below, copy relevant templates from Templates for 
requesting further information to make a decision – Post-legislation changes. 
5. Select 
6.  Select one or more of the criteria for the requested information from the provided tick 
7. Select 
8. Select 
9. Select 
10. At Do you want to preview the document before sending it?, select Yes
11. Complete Select a Recipient for preview to preview the letter. 
12.  If correct, select Next. If incorrect, select Previous to update the fields that populate the 
13. Select Submit Correspondence
14. Select Next. A letter will automatically be sent to the applicant or their authorised 
representative to request further information. The access decision case is automatically 
5.1 Check correspondence 
1. From 
Person Account case, select the Documents tab. 
2. Check 
Further Information Requested letter. Category will be Outbound 
Correspondence. If: 
o  Yes, if there is a justice liaison officer, go to section Notify the justice liaison 
officer (JL) (if relevant). If not, go to section Next steps
o  No, go to next step. 
3. Submit 

Report a defect with PACE, my NDIS Provider or Participant Portal, or my 
NDIS App ticket 
4.  Share the ticket with your team leader and assistant director. 
Request further information – 8 
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5.  If there is a justice liaison officer, go to section Notify the justice liaison officer (JL) (if 
relevant). If not, go to section Next steps
5.2  Notify the justice liaison officer (JLO) (if relevant) 
5.2.1  Create the enquiry case 
1. Create 
Enquiry case and reassign to the MyNDIS Contact using article Create an 
enquiry case. 
2. At 
Requested By, select General Enquiry Only
3. At 
Case Origin, select Internal
4. At 
Enquiry Type, select Access
5. At 
Category, select Access Request
6. At 
Sub Category, select Escalation Enquiry
7. In 
Enquiry Notes, use the following template: 
Further information requested to support <Applicant's name> NDIS application.  
More information is needed about <permanency/functional capacity/lifetime supports/future 
support needs/whether the NDIS is the most appropriate service> of 
<Impairment/Impairments>. <Reason this information is being requested>. 
Refer to Request for More Evidence letter in the person account for more information. 
Support the applicant to provide more evidence by <Date> (90 days). 
8. At 
Enquiry Outcome select Keep enquiry open - Do not re-assign. This will allow 
you to assign the case to the JLO later with an email notification. 
5.2.2  Assign the enquiry case 
1. From 
Enquiry case, select the Change Owner icon next to the current Case 
2. At 
Search Users free text field, search for the MyNDIS Contact
3.  Select the tick box next to Send notification email
4. Select 
Change Owner
5.  Go to section Next Steps
Request further information – 9 
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6  Approve or override the streaming case 
The streaming case is critical to make sure the Typical Support Package (TSP) is generated for 
eligible applicants, and they're assigned to the correct team. This is important to make sure they 
receive the support level they need to engage with the NDIS. 
Generally, the streaming case is completed by a local area coordinator, early childhood partner 
or planner and the case routes to an access delegate for approval. 
1.  Check for a streaming case. A streaming case must be completed and approved 
before completing the access decision case. If: 
o  Yes, continue to next step. 
o  No, create a streaming case. Go to article Complete a streaming case 
(Streaming and Restreaming). Then continue to next step. 
2.  Go to article Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming) to 
approve or override the streaming case. 
Approve or override the streaming case – 10 
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7 Record access decision 
7.1  Age and Residency Sub Criterion 
1. Use 
Check eligibility – age and residence requirements to help you decide if the 
age and residence requirements are met. 
7.1.1  Age Criterion 1: (Section 22(1)(a)) 
1. At 
Is the applicant under the age of 65 years old? select Yes or No. If 
o  Yes, go to section Residency Criterion 1: (Section 23(1)(a)) to consider the 
next criteria. 
o  No, continue to next step. 
2. Select 
3. Select 
N/A for all early intervention and disability requirements. You don't need to 
consider the remaining eligibility requirements. 
4.  Go to section Evidence Used for Decisions
7.1.2  Residency Criterion 1: (Section 23(1)(a)) 
1. At 
Is the applicant currently living in Australia? select Yes or No. If: 
o  Yes, go to section Residency Criterion 2: (Section 23(1)(b)) to consider the 
next criteria. 
o  No, continue to next step. 
2. Select 
3. Select 
N/A for all early intervention and disability requirements. You don't need to 
consider the remaining eligibility requirements. 
4.  Go to section Evidence Used for Decisions
7.1.3  Residency Criterion 2: (Section 23(1)(b)) 
1. At 
Is the applicant an Australian Citizen or a Current Eligible Visa Holder? select 
Yes or No. If: 
o  Yes, select Next and go to section Early Intervention Sub Criteria to consider 
the next criteria. 
o  No, continue to next step. 
2. At 
Why does the applicant not meet the sub criteria?, select the relevant option. 
3. Select 
4. Select 
N/A for all early intervention and disability requirements. You don't need to 
consider the remaining eligibility requirements. 
5.  Go to section Evidence Used for Decisions
6. Select 
Record access decision – 11 
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7.2  Early Intervention Sub Criteria 
1. Use 
Understand early intervention requirements to help you decide if the early 
intervention requirements are met. 
2.  Consider if the applicant has an impairment on List B or D. This no longer populates in 
the access decision. You need to select the relevant criteria manually. If: 
o  list D and the child is younger than 7, select Yes to all early intervention 
requirements and select Next
o  list B, select Yes to Early Intervention Criterion 1: (Section 25(1)(a)) and 
Early Intervention Criterion 2: (Section 25(1)(b)). Then consider the 
remaining early intervention requirements based on the evidence. 
3.  If none of the above, consider each early intervention requirement based on the 
evidence. All early intervention requirements must be answered. 
4.  If you select No for any criteria, select the reason the early intervention requirement is 
not met. 
7.2.1 Early Intervention Criterion 1: (Section 25(1)(a)) 
1. At 
Is there one or more identified intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory or 
physical impairments that are, or are likely to be permanent (section 25(1)(a)(i) or 
is there one or more identified impairments that are attributable to a psychiatric 
condition that are, or are likely to be, permanent (section 25(1)(a)(ii))?

o Select 
Yes or No
o If 
No and the applicant is younger than 6, there will be questions to consider if 
the child has a developmental delay that meets the early intervention 
7.2.2 Early Intervention Criterion 2: (Section 25(1)(b)) 
1. At 
Is the provision of early intervention supports likely to benefit the person by 
reducing the person's future needs for supports in relation to disability?  
o Select 
Yes or No
7.2.3 Early Intervention Criterion 3: (Section 25(1)(c)) 
1. At 
Is the provision of early intervention supports likely to improve, or reduce 
deterioration, of functional capacity or strengthen sustainability of informal 

o Select 
Yes or No
7.2.4 Early Intervention Criterion 4: (Section 25 (d)) 
1. At 
Are any early intervention supports that would be likely to benefit the person 
as mentioned in paragraphs 25(1)(b) and (c) NDIS supports?
o Select 
Yes or No
2. Select 
Record access decision – 12 
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7.3 Disability Sub Criterion 
1. Use 
Understand disability requirements to help you decide if the disability 
requirements are met. 
2.  Consider if the applicant has an impairment on List A or B. This no longer populates in 
the access decision. You need to select the relevant criteria manually. If: 
o  list A, the disability requirements are met. Select Yes to all disability 
requirements and select Next
o  list B, select Yes to Disability Criterion 1: (Section 24 (1)(a)) and Disability 
Criterion 2: (Section 24 (1)(b)). Then consider the remaining disability 
requirements based on the evidence. 
3.  If none of the above, consider each disability requirement based on the evidence. All 
disability requirements must be answered. 
4.  If you select No for any criteria, select the reason the disability requirement is not met. 
7.3.1 Disability Criterion 1: (Section 24 (1)(a)) 
1. At 
Are the impairment(s) attributable to one or more intellectual, cognitive, 
neurological, sensory or physical impairments or to psychiatric condition(s)?
o Select 
Yes or No
7.3.2  Disability Criterion 2: (Section 24 (1)(b)) 
1. At 
Are the impairment(s) permanent, or are they likely to be permanent?
o Select 
Yes or No
7.3.3 Disability Criterion 3: (Section 24 (1)(c)) 
1. At 
Does the impairment(s) result in substantially reduced functional capacity?
o Select 
Yes or No
7.3.4  Disability Criterion 4: (Section 24 (1)(d)) 
1. At 
Does the impairment affect the person's capacity for social and economic 
o Select 
Yes or No
7.3.5 Disability Criterion 5: (Section 24 (1)(e)) 
1. At 
Is the person likely to require support under the NDIS for their lifetime?: 
o Select 
Yes or No
2. Select 
7.4  Evidence Used for Decisions (access not met only) 
1.  For any access criteria the person does not meet, record: 
o  Evidence type 
o  Evidence (if required) – start to enter the linked evidence name, then select 
relevant document. 
Record access decision – 13 
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o  Explanation – record Criteria not met – see linked evidence. 
2. Select 
7.5  Decision Main Criteria 
1.  These questions will automatically be completed with Access MetAccess Not Met or 
o  Does the person meet Age Criteria 
o  Does the person meet Residency Criteria 
o  Does the person meet Disability Criteria 
o  Does the person meet Early Intervention Criteria 
o  Overall decision
Note: An applicant may meet both the disability and early intervention 
2. If 
Overall decision is: 
o  Access Not Met, go to step 9. 
o  Access Met, go to next step. 
3. Open 
Impairment Categories Guide to complete the next steps. 
4. Search 
ICD 10 Code or Condition name for all impairments that meets the 
requirements for disability, early intervention, or both. 
5. Note 
Required impairment category column. 
6.  Consider if any of the Optional impairment categories in the guide apply based on 
the evidence provided: 
o  Intellectual – such as how they speak and listen, read and write, solve 
problems, and process and remember information. 
o  Cognitive – such as how they think, learn new things, use judgment to make 
decisions, and pay attention. 
o  Neurological – such as how their body functions. 
o  Sensory – such as how they see or hear. 
o  Physical – such as the ability to move parts of their body. 
o  Psychosocial - This means they have reduced capacity to do daily life 
activities and tasks due to your mental health. 
7.  If the early intervention requirements are met, at Which of the following meet the 
eligibility criteria for access?, select options that apply for all eligible impairments 
that met the early intervention requirements: 
o  Intellectual 
o  Cognitive 
o  Neurological 
o  Sensory 
o  Physical 
o  One or more impairments to which a psychological disability is 
o  Developmental Delay
Record access decision – 14 
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8.  If the disability requirements are met, at Which of the following meet the eligibility 
criteria for access?, select options that apply for all eligible impairments that met the 
disability requirements: 
o  Intellectual 
o  Cognitive 
o  Neurological 
o  Sensory 
o  Physical 
o  One or more impairments to which a psychological disability is 
Note: This is important as we only fund NDIS supports for eligible impairments that 
meet the requirements for disability, early intervention or both. 
9.  If the decision isn't correct: Select Back
o  Re-check and update previous criteria as per above steps. 
10.  If the decision is correct: 
o  Select Save for later
7.5.1  If access met for applicant with chronic health condition 
You must request technical advice from the Technical Advisory and Practice Improvement 
branch (TAPIB). 
1.  First send a technical support request to SEB.QUALITY to request Quality 
Development Officer (QDO) feedback. 
2.  If the QDO agrees, request technical advice from TAPIB using the following articles: 
o  Create a technical advice case 
o  Complete the risk matrix for a technical advice case 
o  Review and action returned technical advice case. 
Note: You can review relevant article in the TAPIB Digest to help you refine 
your request. 
If access met for applicant younger than 25 with primary psychosocial disability 
You must receive endorsement from your team leader or assistant director. 
  First send a technical support request (Review Request: Under 25 Psychosocial) to 
SEB.QUALITY to request QDO feedback. 
  If the QDO agrees, they will email your team leader or assistant director to request 
7.5.2  If access met and the applicant resides in hospital 
You must ask for QDO feedback. 
1.  Send a technical support request to SEB.QUALITY to request QDO feedback. They will 
decide if TAPIB advice is required. 
Record access decision – 15 
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8  Submit decision for quality check 
8.1 Submit proposed decision for potential quality check 
1. Complete 
Access Assessor Outcome Form to submit the proposed access decision 
for a potential quality check. An email will advise you if the proposed decision is sent for 
quality check. If: 
o  not sent for quality check, go to section Approve access decision 
o  sent for quality check, go to section Review quality check feedback
8.2  Review quality check feedback 
1.  Review quality check feedback when received by email. If: 
o  no adjustment required and you agree with the feedback, go to section 
Approve access decision 
o  adjustment required and you agree with the feedback, continue to next step. 
2.  Re-assess and amend access decision in line with the feedback. 
3. From 
Decision Main Criteria screen, select Save for later
4.  Go to section above Submit proposed decision for potential quality check to re-
submit for a potential quality check. 
Note: For technical support to understand the legislative criteria, please send a technical 
support request to SEB.QUALITY. 
If you don't agree with the feedback, contact your team leader about the 
reconsideration process. 
8.3  Approve access decision 
1. Return 
Decision Main Criteria view. 
2. Select 
Approve to submit decision. 
3.  Go to section Complete access decision correspondence
Submit decision for quality check – 16 
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9  Complete access decision correspondence 
9.1  Automated Access Met letter 
1.  Check the correspondence preferences of the applicant are correct. Select Next
2. At 
Do you want to preview the document before sending it? select Yes or No
3.  If you select Yes, you need to Select a Recipient for preview?. Select the applicant 
you wish to preview the correspondence for and select Next
4.  A letter preview will generate. 
5.  If correct, select Next. If incorrect, select Previous to update the fields that populate the 
6. Select 
Submit Correspondence. An automatic access met decision letter will be sent 
to the person or authorised representative. 
7. At 
Correspondence Summary select Next
8. Select 
Done to close the access decision case. 
9.1.1 Check correspondence 
1. In 
Access Decision case, select the Documents tab. 
2. Check 
Outcome of Application – Eligible letterCategory is Outbound 
Correspondence. If: 
o  Yes, go to section Check disabilities tab 
o  No, go to next step. 
3. Submit 

Report a defect with PACE, my NDIS Provider or Participant Portal, or my 
NDIS App ticket, 
4.  Share the ticket with your team leader and assistant director. 
5.  Go to section Next steps
9.2  Manual Access Not Met letter 
PACE won't generate an automatic Access Not Met letter. You need to complete and send a 
manual letter. 
1. Select 
Done to close the access decision case. 
2.  Complete the manual access not met letter using these articles: 
o  Letter –Access not met decision 
o  Template – Access not met decision – post legislation changes. 
Note: Only the letter text is required from this resource. Interactions are not 
3. Use 
Send a manual letter to complete this process. 
Complete access decision correspondence – 17 
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10 Notify early childhood partner of access not met 
decision (developmental delay only) 
If the child is younger than 6 with a developmental delay, you need to notify the early childhood 
partner of the access not met decision. 
1. Create 
Enquiry case and reassign to the MyNDIS Contact using article Create an 
enquiry case. 
2. At 
Requested By, select General Enquiry Only
3. At 
Case Origin, select Internal
4. At 
Enquiry Type, select Partner Supported Access
5. At 
Category, select General Information
6. In 
Enquiry Notes, use the following template: 
7.  Access not met decision for developmental delay made on <Date>
Evidence provided does not support the developmental delay criteria because <provide a 
summary of the justification for the decision e.g. the applicant does not have a 
significantly lower ability to do everyday activities, when compared to children of the 
same age>. 
<If the child is turning 6 within 90 days: The child is turning 6 within 90 days. It may be 
more appropriate to support the applicant with an internal review, rather than a new 
access request. For an access request, the child must be younger than 6 on the day the 
access decision is made. For an internal review, the child must have been younger than 
6 at the time of the access not met decision. This reduces the risk of the child turning 6 
before an access decision is made.
Access request outcome will be communicated to the applicant's authorised 
representative – refer to case activity for updates. 
Please support applicant with next steps such as early connections. 
8. At 
Enquiry Outcome select Re-assign this enquiry to another user. 
9. At 
Case Re-assignment Reason select Referral to Partner
10. At Select User or Queue select User
11. At Case Owner enter the applicant's MyNDIS Contact
Notify early childhood partner of access not met decision (developmental delay only) – 18 
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11 Check disabilities tab (access met only) 
The Disabilities tab must include all impairments that meet the requirements for disability, 
early intervention or both as this affects planning. 
There may be impairments that you need to add or remove. 
1. From 
Person Account, select My Profile
2. Select 
Disabilities tab. 
3. Review 
Active status to see what impairments are current. 
4.  If required, use article Update a person account to: 
o add 
impairments that meet the eligibility requirements 
o  remove any impairments that don't meet the eligibility requirements by adding 
an End Date
Check disabilities tab (access met only) – 19 
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12 Assign plan approval case (Motor neurone disease 
If you are in the Priority Health Access Team and have made an access met decision for an 
applicant with Motor neurone disease (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease or Amyotrophic 
lateral sclerosis), assign the Plan Approval case to the Aged Care Referral Routing Queue
In all other situations, a plan approval case will automatically route to the relevant queue. 
1. In 
Plan Approval case, select the Change Owner icon next to the current Case 
2. Select 
Users icon (on the left of the search bar) then select Queues
3. At 
Search Users free text field, search and select Aged Care Referral Routing 
4. Select 
Change Owner
Assign plan approval case (Motor neurone disease only) – 20 
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13 Next steps 
1.  After you complete the access decision case, an automatic contact applicant task will 
create. Contact the applicant or their authorised representative. If: 
o  Access met or access not met, go to article Contact to advise outcome of 
access decision. 
o  Further information requested, go to article Contact to request further 
information for access decision. 
2.  For an access met decision, a plan approval case will automatically route to the 
relevant queue for a planner to develop their first participant NDIS plan. 
Next steps – 21 
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Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Check legislative timeframes .............................................................................................. 6
Complete disability evidence .............................................................................................. 7
Request further information ................................................................................................ 8
Check correspondence ....................................................................................................... 8 
Notify the justice liaison officer (JLO) (if relevant) .............................................................. 9 
Create the enquiry case ................................................................................................................ 9 
Assign the enquiry case ................................................................................................................ 9 
Approve or override the streaming case ......................................................................... 10
Record access decision .................................................................................................... 11
Age and Residency Sub Criterion .................................................................................... 11 
Age Criterion 1: (Section 22(1)(a)) .............................................................................................. 11 
Residency Criterion 1: (Section 23(1)(a)) .................................................................................... 11 
Residency Criterion 2: (Section 23(1)(b)) .................................................................................... 11 
Early Intervention Sub Criteria ......................................................................................... 12 
Early Intervention Criterion 1: (Section 25(1)(a)) ......................................................................... 12 
Early Intervention Criterion 2: (Section 25(1)(b)) ......................................................................... 12 
Early Intervention Criterion 3: (Section 25(1)(c)) ......................................................................... 12 
Early Intervention Criterion 4: (Section 25(3)) ............................................................................. 12 
Disability Sub Criterion ..................................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 1: (Section 24(1)(a)) ...................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 2: (Section 24(1)(b)) ...................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 3: (Section 24(1)(c)) ...................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 4: (Section 24(1)(d)) ...................................................................................... 13 
Disability Criterion 5: (Section 24(1)(e)) ...................................................................................... 14 
Evidence Used for Decisions (access not met only) ........................................................ 14 
Decision Main Criteria ...................................................................................................... 14 
If access met for applicant with chronic health condition............................................................. 14 
If access met for applicant younger than 25 with primary psychosocial disability ....................... 15 
If access met and the applicant resides in hospital ..................................................................... 15 
Submit decision for quality check .................................................................................... 16
Submit proposed decision for potential quality check ...................................................... 16 
Review quality check feedback ........................................................................................ 16 
Approve access decision ............................................................................................................ 16 
Complete access decision correspondence ................................................................... 17
Automated Access Met letter ........................................................................................... 17 
Check correspondence ............................................................................................................... 17 
Manual Access Not Met letter........................................................................................... 17 
Notify early childhood partner of access not met decision (developmental delay 
only) 18
Check disabilities tab (access met only) ..................................................................... 19
Assign plan approval case (Motor neurone disease only) ......................................... 20
Next steps ....................................................................................................................... 21
Table of Contents – 2 
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This article provides guidance for an access delegate (assessor) to: 

check legislative timeframes

complete disability evidence

request further information

approve or override the streaming case

record access decision

submit decision for quality check

complete access decision correspondence

notify early childhood partner of access not met decision (developmental delay only)

check disabilities tab (access met only)

assign plan approval case (Motor neurone disease only).
The legislation you need to use automatically populates in the access decision case based on 
what is selected in the access request case. 
Go to article Complete pre-assessment of access decision to decide which version of the 
legislation and article you need to use to make an access decision. 
Use this article if you need to use the pre-legislation changes version of the legislation to 
make an access decision. 
Recent updates – 3 
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1 Recent updates 
3 October 2024 

Updated guidance to reflect legislation changes from 3 October 2024

Update title from Make access decision to make it clear to use this article when making
a decision using the pre-legislation changes version of the legislation

New step to advise the justice liaison officer (JLO) when requesting more evidence (if

New step to notify early childhood partner of access not met decision (developmental
delay only)

New step to assign plan the approval case (Motor neurone disease only).
Recent updates – 4 
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2  Before you start 
You have: 

completed the pre-assessment and checked you need to use the pre-legislation
 version of the legislation to make an access decision using article Complete
pre-assessment for an access decision

checked there is evidence of identity or an internal note to explain why it can't be

checked the application is complete with evidence of consent to apply, age, residence
and disability

Check eligibility – age and residence requirements

Understand disability requirements

Understand early intervention requirements.
Before you start – 5 
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3  Check legislative timeframes 
You have 21 days to make a decision or request further information. 
When a request for further information has been made, you have 14 days from the date that the 
last information or report was received to make a decision. 
1. Use 
Check decision – legislative timeframes to check if your decision or request
for further information will be outside legislative timeframes. If:
inside legislative timeframes, go to section Complete disability evidence.
outside legislative timeframes, use article Check decision – legislative
timeframes to record an internal note. Then go to section Complete disability

Check legislative timeframes – 6 
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4  Complete disability evidence 
Links to evidence documents in the access request case will display here. 
1. At 
Have you verified the Evidence of Disability?, select Yes. This is based on
section Check evidence of disability in article Complete pre-assessment of access
2. At 
Select assessed Impairment, enter text into the field and a list will display. Select
relevant option.
3. At 
What evidence was used to confirm the Impairment?, select the appropriate
NoteDefined Program no longer populates the access decision. 
4. At 
Does the applicant's impairment belong to List A, B or D?, select the appropriate
Note: This no longer populates the access decision. 
5. For more information about list conditions, go to articles:
Check eligibility – List A condition
Check eligibility – List B condition
Check eligibility – List D condition.
6. Select 
Add next to Impairment Assessment to record additional impairments. If an:
access met decision, add all impairments that meet eligibility requirements
access not met decision, add all reported impairments.
Complete disability evidence – 7 
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5  Request further information 
1. Decide if you need more information to make an access decision. Only request more
information if:
the application is complete
you need more evidence after receiving the applicant's disability evidence.
2. If the applicant is a child with developmental delay turning 6 within the next 90 days,
check with your team leader before requesting more information.
In this situation, it may be more appropriate to make an access not met decision. For an 
access request, the child must be younger than 6 on the day the access decision is 
made. For an internal review, the child must have been younger than 6 at the time of 
the access not met decision. This reduces the risk of the child turning 6 before an 
access decision is made. 
3. At 
Do you require further information from the applicant?, select Yes or No. If:
No, select Next, then go to section Approve or override streaming case.
Yes, continue to next step.
4. At 
Enter the Required Information below, copy relevant templates from Templates for
requesting further information to make a decision – Pre-legislation changes.
5. Select 
6. Select one or more of the criteria for the requested information from the provided tick
7. Select 
8. Select 
9. Select 
10. At Do you want to preview the document before sending it?, select Yes.
11. Complete Select a Recipient for preview to preview the letter.
12. If correct, select Next. If incorrect, select Previous to update the fields that populate the
13. Select Submit Correspondence.
14. Select Next. A letter will automatically be sent to the applicant or their authorised
representative to request further information. The access decision case is automatically
5.1 Check correspondence 
1. From 
Person Account case, select the Documents tab.
2. Check 
Further Information Requested letter. Category will be Outbound
Correspondence. If:
Yes, if there is a justice liaison officer, go to section Notify the justice liaison
officer (JL) (if relevant)
. If not, go to section Next steps.
No, go to next step.
3. Submit 

Report a defect with PACE, my NDIS Provider or Participant Portal, or my
NDIS App ticket.
4. Share the ticket with your team leader and assistant director.
Request further information – 8 
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5.  If there is a justice liaison officer, go to section Notify the justice liaison officer (JL) (if 
relevant). If not, go to section Next steps
5.2  Notify the justice liaison officer (JLO) (if relevant) 
5.2.1  Create the enquiry case 
1. Create 
Enquiry case and reassign to the MyNDIS Contact using article Create an 
Enquiry case. 
2. At 
Requested By, select General Enquiry Only
3. At 
Case Origin, select Internal
4. At 
Enquiry Type, select Access
5. At 
Category, select Access Request
6. At 
Sub Category, select Escalation Enquiry
7. In 
Enquiry Notes, use the following template: 
Further information requested to support <Applicant's name> NDIS application. 
More information is needed on <permanency/functional capacity/lifetime 
supports/future support needs/whether the NDIS is the most appropriate service> 
of <Impairment/Impairments><Reason this information is being requested>
Refer to Request for More Evidence letter in the person account for more information. 
Support the applicant to provide more evidence by <Date> (90 days). 
8. At 
Enquiry Outcome select Keep enquiry open - Do not re-assign. This will allow 
you to assign the case to the JLO later with an email notification. 
5.2.2  Assign the enquiry case 
1. From 
Enquiry case, select the Change Owner icon next to the current Case 
2. At 
Search Users free text field, search for the MyNDIS Contact
3.  Select the tick box next to Send notification email
4. Select 
Change Owner
5.  Go to section Next Steps
Request further information – 9 
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6  Approve or override the streaming case 
The streaming case is critical to make sure the Typical Support Package (TSP) is generated for 
eligible applicants, and they're assigned to the correct team. This is important to make sure they 
receive the support level they need to engage with the NDIS. 
Generally, the streaming case is completed by a local area coordinator, early childhood partner 
or planner and the case routes to an access delegate for approval. 
1.  Check for a streaming case. A streaming case must be completed and approved 
before completing the access decision case. If: 
o  Yes, continue to next step. 
o  No, create a streaming case. Go to article Complete a streaming case 
(Streaming and Restreaming). Then continue to next step. 
2.  Go to article Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming) to 
approve or override the streaming case. 
Approve or override the streaming case – 10 
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7 Record access decision 
7.1  Age and Residency Sub Criterion 
1. Use 
Check eligibility – age and residence requirements to help you decide if the 
age and residence requirements are met. 
7.1.1  Age Criterion 1: (Section 22(1)(a)) 
1. At 
Is the applicant under the age of 65 years old? select Yes or No. If 
o  Yes, go to section Residency Criterion 1: (Section 23(1)(a)) to consider the 
next criteria. 
o  No, continue to next step. 
2. Select 
3. Select 
N/A for all early intervention and disability requirements. You don't need to 
consider the remaining eligibility requirements. 
4.  Go to section Evidence Used for Decisions
7.1.2  Residency Criterion 1: (Section 23(1)(a)) 
1. At 
Is the applicant currently living in Australia? select Yes or No. If: 
o  Yes, go to section Residency Criterion 2: (Section 23(1)(b)) to consider the 
next criteria. 
o  No, continue to next step. 
2. Select 
3. Select 
N/A for all early intervention and disability requirements. You don't need to 
consider the remaining eligibility requirements. 
4.  Go to section Evidence Used for Decisions
7.1.3  Residency Criterion 2: (Section 23(1)(b)) 
1. At 
Is the applicant an Australian Citizen or a Current Eligible Visa Holder? select 
Yes or No. If: 
o  Yes, select Next and go to section Early Intervention Sub Criteria to consider 
the next criteria. 
o  No, continue to next step. 
2. At 
Why does the applicant not meet the sub criteria?, select the relevant option. 
3. Select 
4. Select 
N/A for all early intervention and disability requirements. You don't need to 
consider the remaining eligibility requirements. 
5.  Go to section Evidence Used for Decisions
6. Select 
Record access decision – 11 
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7.2  Early Intervention Sub Criteria 
1. Use 
Understand early intervention requirements to help you decide if the early 
intervention requirements are met. 
2.  Consider if the applicant is from a defined program in WA or has an impairment on List 
A, B or D. This no longer populates in the access decision. You need to select the 
relevant criteria manually. If: 
o  defined program in WA, all the disability requirements are met. Select N/A to 
all early intervention requirements and select Next. If the applicant is from a 
defined program not in WA or was a former participant, this is no longer 
relevant to the decision. They need to meet all eligibility requirements. 
o  list A, all the disability requirements are met. Select N/A to all early intervention 
requirements and select Next
o  list D and the child is younger than 7, select Yes to all early intervention 
requirements and select Next
o  list B, select Yes to Early Intervention Criterion 1: (Section 25(1)(a)) and 
Early Intervention Criterion 2: (Section 25(1)(b)). Then consider the 
remaining early intervention requirements based on the evidence. 
o applicant 
7 or older, first consider the disability requirements. If the disability 
requirements are met, select N/A to all early intervention requirements and 
select Next
3.  If none of the above, consider each early intervention requirement based on the 
evidence. All early intervention requirements must be answered. 
4.  If you select No for any criteria, select the reason the early intervention requirement is 
not met. 
7.2.1 Early Intervention Criterion 1: (Section 25(1)(a)) 
1. At 
Is there one or more identified intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory or 
physical impairments that are, or are likely to be permanent (section 25(1)(a)(i) or 
is there one or more identified impairments that are attributable to a psychiatric 
condition that are, or are likely to be, permanent (section 25(1)(a)(ii))?

o Select 
Yes or No
7.2.2 Early Intervention Criterion 2: (Section 25(1)(b)) 
1. At 
Is the provision of early intervention supports likely to benefit the person by 
reducing the person's future needs for supports in relation to disability?
o Select 
Yes or No
7.2.3 Early Intervention Criterion 3: (Section 25(1)(c)) 
1. At 
Is the provision of early intervention supports likely to improve, or reduce 
deterioration, of functional capacity or strengthen sustainability of informal 

o Select 
Yes or No
7.2.4 Early Intervention Criterion 4: (Section 25(3)) 
1. At 
Are early intervention supports most appropriately funded or provided through 
the NDIS, and not through another service system?
o Select 
Yes or No
Record access decision – 12 
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2. Select 
7.3 Disability Sub Criterion 
1. Use 
Understand disability requirements to help you decide if the disability 
requirements are met. 
2.  Consider if the applicant is from a defined program in WA or has an impairment on List 
A, B or D. This no longer populates in the access decision. You need to select the 
relevant criteria manually. If: 
o  defined program in WA, all the disability requirements are met. Select Yes to 
all disability requirements and select Next. If the applicant is from a defined 
program not in WA or was a former participant, this is no longer relevant to the 
decision. They need to meet all eligibility requirements. 
o  list A, the disability requirements are met. Select Yes to all disability 
requirements and select Next
o  list D and the child is younger than 7, the early intervention requirements are 
met. Select N/A to all disability requirements and select Next
o  list B, select Yes to Disability Criterion 1: (Section 24 (1)(a)) and Disability 
Criterion 2: (Section 24 (1)(b)). Then consider the remaining disability 
requirements based on the evidence. 
o the 
younger than 7 and meets the early intervention requirements, 
select N/A to disability requirements and select Next
3.  If none of the above, consider each disability requirement based on the evidence. All 
disability requirements must be answered. 
4.  If you select No for any criteria, select the reason the disability requirement is not met. 
7.3.1  Disability Criterion 1: (Section 24(1)(a)) 
1. At 
Are the impairment(s) attributable to one or more intellectual, cognitive, 
neurological, sensory or physical impairments or to psychiatric condition(s)?
o Select 
Yes or No
7.3.2  Disability Criterion 2: (Section 24(1)(b)) 
1. At 
Are the impairment(s) permanent, or are they likely to be permanent?
o Select 
Yes or No
7.3.3  Disability Criterion 3: (Section 24(1)(c)) 
1. At 
Does the impairment(s) result in substantially reduced functional capacity?
o Select 
Yes or No
7.3.4  Disability Criterion 4: (Section 24(1)(d)) 
1. At 
Does the impairment affect the person's capacity for social and economic 
o Select 
Yes or No
Record access decision – 13 
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7.3.5  Disability Criterion 5: (Section 24(1)(e)) 
1. At 
Is the person likely to require support under the NDIS for their lifetime?: 
o Select 
Yes or No
2. Select 
7.4  Evidence Used for Decisions (access not met only) 
1.  For any access criteria the person does not meet, record: 
o  Evidence type 
o  Evidence (if required) – start to enter the linked evidence name, then select 
relevant document. 
o  Explanation – record Criteria not met – see linked evidence. 
2. Select 
7.5  Decision Main Criteria 
These questions will automatically be completed with Access MetAccess Not Met or N/A
  Does the person meet Age Criteria 
  Does the person meet Residency Criteria 
  Does the person meet Disability Criteria 
  Does the person meet Early Intervention Criteria 
  Overall decision
1.  If the decision isn't correct: Select Back
o  Re-check and update previous criteria as per above steps. 
2.  If the decision is correct: 
o Select 
Save for later
7.5.1  If access met for applicant with chronic health condition 
You must request technical advice from the Technical Advisory and Practice Improvement 
branch (TAPIB). 
1.  First send a technical support request to SEB.QUALITY to request Quality 
Development Officer (QDO) feedback. 
2.  If the QDO agrees, then request technical advice from TAPIB using the following 
o  Create a technical advice case 
o  Complete the risk matrix for a technical advice case 
o  Review and action returned technical advice case. 
Note: You can review relevant article in the TAPIB Digest to help you refine your 
Record access decision – 14 
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7.5.2  If access met for applicant younger than 25 with primary 
psychosocial disability 
You must receive endorsement from your team leader or assistant director. 
1.  First send a technical support request (Review Request: Under 25 Psychosocial) to 
SEB.QUALITY to request QDO feedback. 
2.  If the QDO agrees, the QDO will email your team leader or assistant director to request 
7.5.3  If access met and the applicant resides in hospital 
You must ask for QDO feedback. 
1.  Send a technical support request to SEB.QUALITY to request QDO feedback. They will 
decide if TAPIB advice is required. 
Record access decision – 15 
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8  Submit decision for quality check 
8.1 Submit proposed decision for potential quality check 
1. Complete 
Access Assessor Outcome Form to submit the proposed access decision 
for a potential quality check. An email will advise you if the proposed decision is sent for 
quality check. If: 
o  not sent for quality check, go to section Approve access decision 
o  sent 
for quality check, go to section Review quality check feedback
8.2  Review quality check feedback 
1.  Review quality check feedback when received by email. If: 
o  no adjustment required and you agree with the feedback, go to section 
Approve access decision 
o  adjustment required and you agree with the feedback, continue to next step. 
2.  Re-assess and amend access decision in line with the feedback. 
3. From 
Decision Main Criteria screen, select Save for later
4.  Go to section above Submit proposed decision for potential quality check to re-
submit for a potential quality check. 
Note: For technical support to understand the legislative criteria, please send a technical 
support request to SEB.QUALITY. 
If you don't agree with the feedback, contact your team leader about the reconsideration 
8.2.1 Approve access decision 
1. Return 
Decision Main Criteria view. 
2. Select 
Approve to submit decision. 
3.  Go to section Complete access decision correspondence
Submit decision for quality check – 16 
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9  Complete access decision correspondence 
9.1  Automated Access Met letter 
1.  Check the correspondence preferences of the applicant are correct. Select Next
2. At 
Do you want to preview the document before sending it? select Yes or No
3.  If you select Yes, you need to Select a Recipient for preview?. Select the applicant 
you wish to preview the correspondence for and select Next
4.  A letter preview will generate. 
5.  If correct, select Next. If incorrect, select Previous to update the fields that populate the 
6.  If all is correct, select Submit Correspondence. An automatic access met decision 
letter will be sent to the person or authorised representative. 
7. At 
Correspondence Summary select Next
8. Select 
Done to close the access decision case. 
9.1.1 Check correspondence 
1. In 
Access Decision case, select the Documents tab. 
2. Check 
Outcome of Application – Eligible letterCategory is Outbound 
Correspondence. If: 
o  Yes, go to section Check disabilities tab 
o  No, go to next step. 
3. Submit 

Report a defect with PACE, my NDIS Provider or Participant Portal, or my 
NDIS App ticket 
4.  Share the ticket with your team leader and assistant director. 
5.  Go to section Next steps
9.2  Manual Access Not Met letter 
PACE won't generate an automatic Access Not Met letter. You need to complete and send a 
manual letter. 
1. Select 
Done to close the access decision case. 
2.  Complete the manual access not met letter using these articles
o  Letter – Access not met decision 
o  Template – Access not met decision - Pre-legislation changes. 
Note: Only the letter text is required from this resource. Interactions are not 
3. Use 
Send a manual letter to complete this process. 
Complete access decision correspondence – 17 
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10 Notify early childhood partner of access not met 
decision (developmental delay only) 
If the child is younger than 6 with a developmental delay, you need to notify the early childhood 
partner of the access not met decision. 
1. Create 
Enquiry case and reassign to the MyNDIS Contact using article Create an 
Enquiry case. 
2. At 
Requested By, select General Enquiry Only
3. At 
Case Origin, select Internal
4. At 
Enquiry Type, select Partner Supported Access
5. At 
Category, select General Information
6. In 
Enquiry Notes, use the following template: 
Access Not Met decision for developmental delay made on <Date>
Evidence provided does not support the developmental delay criteria because <provide a 
summary of the justification for the decision e.g. the applicant does not have a 
significantly lower ability to do everyday activities, when compared to children of 
the same age>

<If the child is turning 6 within 90 days: The child is turning 6 within 90 days. It may be 
more appropriate to support the applicant with an internal review, rather than a new 
access request. For an access request, the child must be younger than 6 on the day the 
access decision is made. For an internal review, the child must have been younger than 
6 at the time of the access not met decision. This reduces the risk of the child turning 6 
before an access decision is made.> 
Access request outcome will be communicated to the applicant's authorised representative 
– refer to case activity for updates. 
Please support applicant with next steps such as early connections. 
7. At 
Enquiry Outcome, select Re-assign this enquiry to another user. 
8. At 
Case Re-assignment Reason, select Referral to Partner
9. At 
Select User or Queue, select User
10. At Case Owner, enter the applicant's MyNDIS Contact
Notify early childhood partner of access not met decision (developmental delay only) – 18 
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11 Check disabilities tab (access met only) 
The Disabilities tab must include all impairments that meet the requirements for disability, 
early intervention or both as this affects planning. 
There may be impairments that you need to add or remove. 
1. From 
Person Account, select My Profile
2. Select 
Disabilities tab. 
3. Review 
Active status to see what impairments are current. 
4.  If required, use article Update a person account to: 
o  add impairments that meet the eligibility requirements 
o  remove any impairments that don't meet the eligibility requirements by adding 
an End Date
Check disabilities tab (access met only) – 19 
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12 Assign plan approval case (Motor neurone disease 
If you are in the Priority Health Access Team and have made an access met decision for an 
applicant with Motor neurone disease (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease or Amyotrophic 
lateral sclerosis), assign the Plan Approval case to the Aged Care Referral Routing Queue
In all other situations, a plan approval case will automatically route to the relevant queue. 
1. In 
Plan Approval case, select the Change Owner icon next to the current Case 
2. Select 
Users icon (on the left of the search bar), then select Queues
3. At 
Search Users free text field, search and select Aged Care Referral Routing 
4. Select 
Change Owner
Assign plan approval case (Motor neurone disease only) – 20 
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13 Next steps 
1.  After you complete the access decision case, an automatic contact applicant task will 
create. Contact the applicant or their authorised representative. If: 
o  Access met or access not met, go to article Contact to advise outcome of 
access decision. 
o  Further information requested, go to article Contact to request further 
information for access decision. 
2.  For an access met decision, a plan approval case will automatically route to the 
relevant queue for a planner to develop their first participant NDIS plan. 
Next steps – 21 
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