This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'NDIA and the National Autism Strategy'.

Row_number File_class
7 Email
Boundary Principles for NAS and NRIMHAP and Response from AHPRA [SEC=OFFICIAL]
11 Email
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
12 Email
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]
17 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
18 Email
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
25 Email
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
31 Attachment
Draft National Autism Strategy 2024
33 Email
RE: Tentative: Eleventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
44 Email
RE: Accepted: Fifth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
45 Email
National Autism Strategy: Consultations now OPEN [SEC=OFFICIAL]
50 Email
Re: PLACEHOLDER: National Autism Strategy Working Groups - Talking about Autism and Working Together Session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
52 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
53 Email
FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
54 Email
RE: FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
58 Email
National Autism Strategy engagement statistics for the week ending 6 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
60 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
61 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
62 Attachment
autism; National Autism Strategy
63 Email
RE: FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
64 Email
RE: THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
66 Email
RE: Apology for National Autism Strategy workshop [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
68 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
71 Email
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
79 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council in person meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
80 Email
RE: Declined: Twelfth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
85 Email
Recent Announcement re Investment in the NAS
86 Email
RE: Outcomes from Diagnosis, Services and Supports Working Group collaboration meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
87 Email
Diagnosis, Services and Supports Working Group - Forward Work Plan [SEC=OFFICIAL]
88 Email
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]
89 Attachment
framework; national autism strategy
92 Email
Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
93 Email
RE: Briefing for Sam Taylor with Luke Mansfield on National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
95 Email
RE: Accepted: Eleventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting - Online [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
97 Email
RE: Declined: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
98 Email
Your availability for the four proposed 2023–24 National Autism Strategy Oversight Council standing meetings to task the working groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
99 Email
For review and comment: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council draft 2 November virtual meeting agenda [SEC=OFFICIAL]
100 Email
RE: Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
101 Email
Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
102 Email
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September meeting actions; engagement statistics for the week ending 29 September 2023; and proposed 2023–24 Council meeting dates and 2023–24 Work Plan [SEC=OFFICIAL]
111 Email
Re: Eighth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
112 Attachment
113 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
114 Email
RE: THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
115 Email
Your visitor parking arrangements for your attendance at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting at the Department of Social Services on Wednesday 16 August 2023 [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
126 Email
Reminder: National Autism Strategy - Commonwealth Agencies Mapping Exercise [SEC=OFFICIAL]
127 Attachment
128 Email
Briefing for Sam Taylor National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
129 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=OFFICIAL]
130 Email
RE: Declined: Oversight Council and Working Group Co-Chairs weekly meeting [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
131 Email
RE: Accepted: Seventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
140 Email
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
141 Email
FW: National Autism Strategy engagement statistics for the week ending 6 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
142 Email
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]

145 Email
RE: Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
148 Email
RE: Accepted: Fourth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting on Wednesday 16 August 2023 in Canberra [SEC=OFFICIAL]
153 Email
FOR CONFIRMATION PLEASE: Samantha Taylor attending the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council in person meeting  [SEC=OFFICIAL]
176 Attachment
framework; national autism strategy
188 Email
RE: Accepted: FW: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
189 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
190 Email
Re: PLACEHOLDER: National Autism Strategy Working Groups - Talking about Autism and Working Together Session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
193 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=OFFICIAL]
194 Email
For Information: Summary of National Autism Strategy Submissions to 2 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
202 Email
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 25 July meeting with the preferred supplier for national consultations – meeting agenda and supporting papers [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
204 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
205 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
206 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy - Collaborative workshop 1 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
207 Email
RE: Your availability for the four proposed 2023–24 National Autism Strategy Oversight Council standing meetings to task the working groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
208 Email
RE: Briefing for Sam Taylor National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
210 Email
Follow Up- National Autism Strategy - Commonwealth Agencies Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
211 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy - Commonwealth Agencies Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
212 Email
RE: Declined: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
213 Email
RE: Briefing for Sam Taylor National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
214 Email
RE: Briefing for Sam Taylor with Luke Mansfield on National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
215 Email
RE: FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
216 Email
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
218 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
221 Email
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
226 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council virtual meeting with the Strategy Phase 2 national consultation supplier [SEC=OFFICIAL]
227 Email
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Economic Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
230 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
234 Email
RE: Accepted: Fifth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
235 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
236 Email
CAUTION: Email may contain unverified link [be careful if proceeding]Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
237 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
238 Email
National Autism Strategy Stakeholder Toolkit [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
251 Email
RE: Accepted: PLACEHOLDER: National Autism Strategy Working Groups - Talking about Autism and Working Together Session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
252 Email
For review and comment: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council draft 2 November virtual meeting agenda [SEC=OFFICIAL]
253 Email
FOR INFORMATION: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting papers and communications for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL]
254 Email
RE: Accepted: Ninth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - In-Person [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
255 Email
RE: Update on the release of the draft National Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
256 Email
For Noting: National Autism Strategy engagement statistics at 19 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
257 Email
RE: Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
259 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
260 Email
RE: FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
261 Email
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
263 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
268 Attachment
framework; national autism strategy
269 Email
RE: Declined: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
271 Email
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
277 Email
Your visitor parking arrangements for your attendance at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting at the Department of Social Services on Wednesday 16 August 2023 [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
279 Email
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
288 Email
For Information: Summary of National Autism Strategy Submissions to 2 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
297 Email
RE: Accepted: Third National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
298 Email
RE: Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
299 Email
FOR FOLLOW-UP WITH SAM TAYLOR PLEASE: Sam Taylor's introduction at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting on Wednesday 16 August 2023 (10 am to 5 pm) [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
314 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
316 Email
RE: THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]

322 Attachment
National Autism Strategy
324 Email
FOR ACTION PLEASE: Remove unused placeholders from your managers' calendars for Monday 15 May and Tuesday 16 May for a meeting of Australian Government members of the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council [SEC=OFFICIAL]
329 Email
RE: Accepted: Fourth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting on Wednesday 16 August 2023 in Canberra [SEC=OFFICIAL]
330 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council in person meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
332 Email
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]
343 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
344 Email
RE: THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
345 Attachment
National Autism Strategy
346 Email
RE: FOR CONFIRMATION PLEASE: Samantha Taylor attending the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council in person meeting  [SEC=OFFICIAL]
347 Email
Action Items Document from Working Group Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
348 Email
RE: Briefing for Sam Taylor with Luke Mansfield on National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
349 Email
RE: FOR FOLLOW-UP WITH SAM TAYLOR PLEASE: Sam Taylor's introduction at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting on Wednesday 16 August 2023 (10 am to 5 pm) [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
350 Email
RE: FOR URGENT ACTION PLEASE: Placeholders in calendars for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council members from Australian Government departments for a meeting on Monday 15 May or Tuesday 16 May 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
358 Email
RE: Briefing for Sam Taylor National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
360 Email
Re: Eleventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
362 Attachment
Communication toolkit for the National Autism Strategy community consultations
363 Email
RE: Declined: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
369 Email
RE: FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
370 Email
THANK YOU: Jess Walker's position title for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chairs – virtual meeting on Tuesday 25 July 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
371 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council virtual meeting with the Strategy Phase 2 national consultation supplier [SEC=OFFICIAL]
376 Email
RE: Accepted: Eighth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - Online [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
377 Email
Re: Update on the release of the draft National Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
378 Email
Draft National Autism Strategy - revised for Discussion on 12 December [SEC=OFFICIAL]
380 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Stakeholder Toolkit [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
384 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
385 Email
CAUTION: Email may contain unverified link [be careful if proceeding]Re: National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
394 Attachment
autism; National Autism Strategy
396 Attachment
National Autism Strategy development and Oversight Council
397 Email
RE: FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
398 Email
For Comment COB Wed 20/12 -  Draft National Autism Strategy -Proposed Draft National Commitments [SEC=OFFICIAL]
402 Email
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting Papers - 7 May 2024 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
403 Email
For Comment COB Wed 20/12 -  Draft National Autism Strategy -Proposed Draft National Commitments [SEC=OFFICIAL]
404 Email
RE: Update on the release of the draft National Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
409 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
410 Attachment
National Autism Strategy
411 Email
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Diagnosis, Services and Supports Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
413 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy  Oversight Council - pre brief [SEC=OFFICIAL]
421 Email
RE: Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
426 Email
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
429 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
430 Email
FW: National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
442 Email
FW: National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
450 Email
FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
451 Email
RE: FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
452 Email
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
455 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
457 Email
Re: PLACEHOLDER: National Autism Strategy Working Groups - Talking about Autism and Working Together Session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
460 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy LGBTQIA+ Focus group [SEC=OFFICIAL]
464 Email
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
465 Email
Your availability for the four proposed 2023–24 National Autism Strategy Oversight Council standing meetings to task the working groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
473 Email
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
474 Email
RE: FOR URGENT ACTION PLEASE: Placeholders in calendars for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council members from Australian Government departments for a meeting on Monday 15 May or Tuesday 16 May 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
475 Email
RE: Declined: Eleventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
476 Email
RE: Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]

478 Email
Your visitor parking arrangements for your attendance at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting at the Department of Social Services on Wednesday 17 May 2023 [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
480 Email
Draft agenda for Tenth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
483 Email
RE: Declined: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
484 Attachment
National Autism Strategy
485 Email
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
492 Email
RE: FOR FOLLOW-UP PLEASE: Jess Walker's position title for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chairs – virtual meeting on Tuesday 25 July 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
493 Email
For Noting: National Autism Strategy engagement statistics at 19 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
494 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
495 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
501 Email
National Autism Strategy  Oversight Council - pre brief [SEC=OFFICIAL]
502 Email
RE: FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
505 Attachment
National Autism Strategy
506 Email
RE: Accepted: Sixth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
511 Email
RE: Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
514 Email
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Diagnosis, Services and Supports Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
518 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
522 Email
FOR URGENT ACTION PLEASE: Placeholders in calendars for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council members from Australian Government departments for a meeting on Monday 15 May or Tuesday 16 May 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
523 Email
For Information - Consulting for Australia's National Autism Strategy: CALD/CARM People in Focus - Focus Group Report - FINAL [SEC=OFFICIAL]
525 Email
RE: Accepted: Twelfth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
526 Email
RE: Fifth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
528 Attachment
framework; national autism strategy
532 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
533 Email
National Autism Strategy engagement statistics at 12 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
534 Email
Your availability for the proposed 2023–24 National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meetings [SEC=OFFICIAL]
536 Email
RE: Accepted: FW: National Autism Strategy Social Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
539 Email
Update on the release of the draft National Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
542 Email
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Economic Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
547 Email
RE: National Autism Strategy - Collaborative workshop 1 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
549 Attachment
National Autism Strategy
558 Email
RE: Accepted: Sixth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - updated MS teams link [SEC=OFFICIAL]
560 Email
FW: National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
561 Email
FOR FOLLOW-UP PLEASE: Jess Walker's position title for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chairs – virtual meeting on Tuesday 25 July 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
564 Email
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]
569 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Stakeholder Toolkit [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
570 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
575 Email
Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
581 Email
RE: FOR INFORMATION: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting papers and communications for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Boundary Principles for NAS and NRIMHAP and Response from AHPRA [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Tentative: Eleventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Fifth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy: Consultations now OPEN [SEC=OFFICIAL]
PLACEHOLDER: National Autism Strategy Working Groups - Talking about Autism and Working Together Session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
National Autism Strategy engagement statistics for the week ending 6 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
Apology for National Autism Strategy workshop [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council in person meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Declined: Twelfth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Recent Announcement re Investment in the NAS
Outcomes from Diagnosis, Services and Supports Working Group collaboration meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Diagnosis, Services and Supports Working Group - Forward Work Plan [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy
Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Briefing for Sam Taylor with Luke Mansfield on National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Eleventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting - Online [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Declined: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Your availability for the four proposed 2023–24 National Autism Strategy Oversight Council standing meetings to task the working groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
For review and comment: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council draft 2 November virtual meeting agenda [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September meeting actions; engagement statistics for the week ending 29 September 2023; and proposed 2023–24 Council meeting dates and 2023–24 Work Plan [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Eighth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
Your visitor parking arrangements for your attendance at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting at the Department of Social Services on Wednesday 16 August 2023 [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Reminder: National Autism Strategy - Commonwealth Agencies Mapping Exercise [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Briefing for Sam Taylor National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Declined: Oversight Council and Working Group Co-Chairs weekly meeting [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Accepted: Seventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
National Autism Strategy engagement statistics for the week ending 6 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Fourth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting on Wednesday 16 August 2023 in Canberra [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR CONFIRMATION PLEASE: Samantha Taylor attending the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council in person meeting  [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy
Accepted: FW: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
PLACEHOLDER: National Autism Strategy Working Groups - Talking about Autism and Working Together Session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=OFFICIAL]
For Information: Summary of National Autism Strategy Submissions to 2 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 25 July meeting with the preferred supplier for national consultations – meeting agenda and supporting papers [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Collaborative workshop 1 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Your availability for the four proposed 2023–24 National Autism Strategy Oversight Council standing meetings to task the working groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Briefing for Sam Taylor National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Follow Up- National Autism Strategy - Commonwealth Agencies Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy - Commonwealth Agencies Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Declined: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Briefing for Sam Taylor National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Briefing for Sam Taylor with Luke Mansfield on National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council virtual meeting with the Strategy Phase 2 national consultation supplier [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Economic Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Fifth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
CAUTION: Email may contain unverified link [be careful if proceeding]Re: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Stakeholder Toolkit [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Accepted: PLACEHOLDER: National Autism Strategy Working Groups - Talking about Autism and Working Together Session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
For review and comment: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council draft 2 November virtual meeting agenda [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting papers and communications for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Ninth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - In-Person [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Update on the release of the draft National Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
For Noting: National Autism Strategy engagement statistics at 19 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy
Declined: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
Your visitor parking arrangements for your attendance at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting at the Department of Social Services on Wednesday 16 August 2023 [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council and Working Groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
For Information: Summary of National Autism Strategy Submissions to 2 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Third National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR FOLLOW-UP WITH SAM TAYLOR PLEASE: Sam Taylor's introduction at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting on Wednesday 16 August 2023 (10 am to 5 pm) [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]

FOR ACTION PLEASE: Remove unused placeholders from your managers' calendars for Monday 15 May and Tuesday 16 May for a meeting of Australian Government members of the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Fourth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting on Wednesday 16 August 2023 in Canberra [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council in person meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
FOR CONFIRMATION PLEASE: Samantha Taylor attending the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council in person meeting  [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Action Items Document from Working Group Meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Briefing for Sam Taylor with Luke Mansfield on National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR FOLLOW-UP WITH SAM TAYLOR PLEASE: Sam Taylor's introduction at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting on Wednesday 16 August 2023 (10 am to 5 pm) [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
FOR URGENT ACTION PLEASE: Placeholders in calendars for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council members from Australian Government departments for a meeting on Monday 15 May or Tuesday 16 May 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Briefing for Sam Taylor National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Eleventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Communication toolkit for the National Autism Strategy community consultations
Declined: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
THANK YOU: Jess Walker's position title for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chairs – virtual meeting on Tuesday 25 July 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council virtual meeting with the Strategy Phase 2 national consultation supplier [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Eighth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - Online [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Update on the release of the draft National Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Draft National Autism Strategy - revised for Discussion on 12 December [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Stakeholder Toolkit [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
CAUTION: Email may contain unverified link [be careful if proceeding]Re: National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
For Comment COB Wed 20/12 -  Draft National Autism Strategy -Proposed Draft National Commitments [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting Papers - 7 May 2024 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
For Comment COB Wed 20/12 -  Draft National Autism Strategy -Proposed Draft National Commitments [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Update on the release of the draft National Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Diagnosis, Services and Supports Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy  Oversight Council - pre brief [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Proposed alternative National Autism Strategy Oversight Council December 2023 meeting date [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
FOR INFORMATION: A pre-brief with Luke Mansfield, DSS National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
THANK YOU AND FOR CONSIDERATION: Your signed National Autism Strategy Oversight Council membership pack and a brief chat with the DSS Council co-chair [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
PLACEHOLDER: National Autism Strategy Working Groups - Talking about Autism and Working Together Session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy LGBTQIA+ Focus group [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Your availability for the four proposed 2023–24 National Autism Strategy Oversight Council standing meetings to task the working groups [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR URGENT ACTION PLEASE: Placeholders in calendars for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council members from Australian Government departments for a meeting on Monday 15 May or Tuesday 16 May 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Declined: Eleventh National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]

Your visitor parking arrangements for your attendance at the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting at the Department of Social Services on Wednesday 17 May 2023 [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Draft agenda for Tenth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - Online [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Declined: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council - Testing parts of the Strategy session [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR FOLLOW-UP PLEASE: Jess Walker's position title for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chairs – virtual meeting on Tuesday 25 July 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
For Noting: National Autism Strategy engagement statistics at 19 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy  Oversight Council - pre brief [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION AND COMPLETION PLEASE: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council background information and Council membership pack for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive]
Accepted: Sixth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Diagnosis, Services and Supports Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council workshop to discuss what the Strategy might look like [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR URGENT ACTION PLEASE: Placeholders in calendars for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council members from Australian Government departments for a meeting on Monday 15 May or Tuesday 16 May 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
For Information - Consulting for Australia's National Autism Strategy: CALD/CARM People in Focus - Focus Group Report - FINAL [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Twelfth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council Meeting [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Fifth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy
National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy engagement statistics at 12 October 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Your availability for the proposed 2023–24 National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meetings [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: FW: National Autism Strategy Social Inclusion Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Update on the release of the draft National Autism Strategy [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Economic Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Collaborative workshop 1 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Accepted: Sixth National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting - updated MS teams link [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council Social Inclusion Working Group Representative [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR FOLLOW-UP PLEASE: Jess Walker's position title for National Autism Strategy Oversight Council co-chairs – virtual meeting on Tuesday 25 July 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Draft National Autism Strategy - Oversight Council and Working Groups Collaborative Workshop [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Stakeholder Toolkit [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Diagnosis, Supports and Services Working Group meeting [SEC=OFFICIAL]
National Autism Strategy Oversight Council 26 September virtual meeting agenda and update on Strategy engagement activities [SEC=OFFICIAL]
FOR INFORMATION: National Autism Strategy Oversight Council meeting papers and communications for Samantha Taylor [SEC=OFFICIAL]