Our Ref: MPCFOI2024/25
John Flymore
Via email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx
Dear John Flymore,
I refer to your application under section 30 of the
Freedom of Information Act 2016 (the Act),
received via directorate transfer from Transport Canberra & City Services Directorate (TCCS) to
Infrastructure Canberra (iCBR), formerly Major Projects Canberra.
As advised, via e-mail correspondence the transfer was accepted by iCBR on 1 November 2024.
In your information access request, you sought access to:
Under FOI legislation I request documents that contain the following information:
1. Delays on the rollout or progress of the LRV project, specifically stage 2A/2B
2. WHS incidents that have occurred on LRV projects, specifically Notifiable Incidents. To reduce
scope of inquiry, I am specifically after incident date, type, and outcome (if possible). No
personal information or records.
3. Costs associated with the producing the monthly updates specifically, the 'Monthly Look
Ahead’ documents
I am an Information Officer appointed by the Director General under section 18 of the Act to deal
with access applications made under Part 5 of the Act.
Decision on access
The iCBR Freedom of Information (FOI) team facilitated meetings with the appropriate iCBR business
unit and subsequent team. Following initial meetings, searches were completed for relevant
information as falling within the scope of your access application and we have confirmed the
Point one:
No information held on the basis that the Territory has not received any
contractual notification of delay on the Light Rail Vehicle Procurement, Retrofit and Depot
Expansion contract.
Point two:
No information held on the basis that there have been no notifiable incidents on
the Light Rail Vehicle Procurement, Retrofit and Depot Expansion Project
Point three:
The average monthly cost to produce the monthly construction look-ahead
newsletter based on the past 12 months is $1934.54. Please see Attachment A
for more
Infrastructure Canberra
GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | www.act.gov.au
My decision in relation to the information relevant to your request summarised as follows:
• Full release
My decision is detailed further in the following Statement of Reasons.
Statement of Reasons
In making my decision on disclosing government information, I must identify all relevant factors in
Schedule 2 of the Act and determine, on balance, where the public interest lies.
In reaching my access decision, I have taken the following into account:
Factors favouring disclosure in the public interest (Schedule 2, Section 2.1)
Section 2.1(a)(i) – promote open discussion of public affairs and enhance the governments
Section 2.1(a)(ii) - contribute to positive and informed debate on important issues or matters of
public interest;
Section 2.1(a)(iv) ensure effective oversight of expenditure of public funds;
I am satisfied that these are relevant considerations favouring disclosure in this case, and in the
interests of enhancing open discussion, I afford them significant weight.
I have decided to waive any charges in relation to this Freedom of Information application.
Online Publishing – Disclosure Log
Under section 28 of the Act, iCBR maintains an official online record of access applications called a
Disclosure Log. Your original access application, my decision and documents released to you in
response to your access application will be published on the iCBR Disclosure Log within three to ten
working days after the date of the decision.
Your personal details will not be published.
You may view the iCBR Disclosure Log at: Disclosure log - Infrastructure Canberra (act.gov.au).
Infrastructure Canberra
GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | www.act.gov.au
Ombudsman Review
My decision on your access request is a reviewable decision as identified in Schedule 3 of the Act.
You have the right to seek ombudsman review of this outcome under section 73 of the Act within 20
working days from the day that my decision is published on the iCBR Disclosure Log, or a longer
period allowed by the Ombudsman.
If you wish to request a review of my decision you may write to the Ombudsman at:
The ACT Ombudsman
GPO Box 442
Via email: xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx
ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) Review
Under section 84 of the Act, if a decision is made under Section 82(2) on an Ombudsman review, you
may apply to ACAT for review of the Ombudsman decision.
Further information may be obtained from the ACAT at:
ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Level 4, 1 Moore Street
GPO Box 370
Telephone: (02) 6207 1740
Should you have any queries in relation to your request, please contact me by telephone on
(02) 6205 5288, or via email xxxx.xxx@xxx.xxx.xx.
Please ensure you quote your reference number:
Yours sincerely,
Daisy Baker
Information Officer
Infrastructure Canberra
5 December 2024
Infrastructure Canberra
GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | www.act.gov.au
Attachment A:
Table 1: Monthly Costs – Lookahead Newsletter
Cost (inc GST)
September 2024 $1,672
August 2024 $1,672
July 2024 $2,128
June 2024 $2,508
May 2024 $2,128
April 2024 $2,052
March 2024 $1,976
February 2024 $2,204
December 2023/January 2024 $1,596
November 2023 $1,368
October 2023 $1,976
TOTAL $21,280
Infrastructure Canberra
GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 | www.act.gov.au