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FOI 24/25-0223 
Focussed response 
Document 4
For Internal Use Only 
Exercise physiology and stroke 
The content of this document is OFFICIAL. 
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The research and literature reviews collated by our TAB Research Team are not to be shared 
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The Research Team are unable to ensure that the information listed below provides an 
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Research question: What is the evidence for the use of Exercise Physiology in addition to 
Neurological Physiotherapy for adults with Stroke? 
What frequency of Exercise Physiology direct intervention has evidence (when provided in 
addition to Neurological Physiotherapy)? 
Can Exercise Physiology programs for adults with Stroke be effectively delegated for 
implementation by others, implemented through a home program, and/or implemented 
through group programs? 
Date: 10/08/2023 
Requestor: s47F - personal privacy 
Endorsed by: Katrin R
s47F - personal 
Researcher: Aaron Hs47F - personal priva 
Cleared by: Aaron Hs47F - personal priva 
Exercise and stroke 
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FOI 24/25-0223 
Focussed response 
Document 4
For Internal Use Only 
1.  Contents 
Exercise physiology and stroke .................................................................................................. 1 
Contents ....................................................................................................................... 2 
Summary ...................................................................................................................... 2 
Scope of practice .......................................................................................................... 3 
Efficacy ......................................................................................................................... 3 
4.1  Delivery ...................................................................................................................... 4 
4.2  Dosage ...................................................................................................................... 4 
References ................................................................................................................... 5 
2. Summary 
Exercise is likely effective to improve outcomes for people after stroke. There is evidence for 
the effectiveness of different forms of exercise including unassisted walking, treadmil  training, 
cardiorespiratory exercise, resistance training, pilates, seated exercise and others. 
There is less clear evidence regarding dosage and delivery of exercise programs. There is 
some evidence that exercise programs of at least 12 weeks, delivered for between 120 and 
150 minutes per week, are more effective than shorter programs. However, the evidence is of 
low certainty and most studies reviewed were unable to draw conclusions around dosage. 
Home-based programs may achieve similar outcomes to centre- or hospital-based programs 
for people with stroke, though studies show inconsistent results. Home-based programs may 
also be supervised by an allied health professional via telehealth. Therefore, evidence for 
home-based programs may not equate to evidence for unsupervised exercise activity. 
Both exercise physiologists and neurophysiotherapists can develop and prescribe exercise 
programs. Most interventions reviewed were delivered by a physiotherapist. Few studies 
specified whether the intervention was developed or supervised by either a specialist 
neurophysiotherapist or by an exercise physiologist. No evidence was found regarding the 
comparative efficacy of interventions provided by an exercise physiologist or 
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3.  Scope of practice 
Neurological physiotherapy or neurophysiotherapy is a specialty within physiotherapy 
focussing on management of neurological conditions. As physiotherapists, they can diagnose 
and assess conditions, offer hands on treatment, prescribe tailored exercise programs, 
develop treatment plans and offer education about symptoms (Allied Health Professionals 
Australia (AHPA), n.d a; Health Direct, 2021; Very Wel  Health, 2021). 
In the context of neurological conditions, exercise physiologists can develop specialised 
exercise programs to address fitness, strength and mobility within the capacity of the client 
(AHPA, n.d b). 
There is overlap between the role of the physiotherapist and exercise physiologist. They can 
both prescribe exercise programs, though a physiotherapist is also trained in manual 
techniques. A physiotherapist can diagnose conditions whereas an exercise physiologist will 
usually be referred to after diagnosis (AHPA, n.d a-b; Health Direct, 2021; Very Well Health, 
4.  Efficacy 
The type of exercise as well as the environment, supervision, use of mechanical devices or 
assistive technology, frequency and duration of exercise can influence its efficacy for people 
with stroke. 
A 2020 Cochrane review of physical fitness interventions found: 
cardiorespiratory fitness training, particularly involving walking, can improve fitness, 
balance and walking after stroke. The improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness may 
reduce the chance of stroke hospitalisation by 7%. Mixed training improves walking 
ability and improves balance. Strength training may have a role in improving balance. 
So, overall it seems likely that people with stroke are likely to benefit the most from 
training that involves cardiorespiratory training and that involves some walking. 
However, there was not enough information to draw reliable conclusions about the 
impact of fitness training on other areas such as quality of life, mood, or cognitive 
function. Cognitive function is under-investigated despite being a key outcome of 
interest for stroke survivors (Saunders et al, 2020, p.2). 
More recently, systematic reviews have shown possible effects of exercise programs on 
cognitive and motor skills, mobility, upper and lower limb function, performance in daily 
activities, bone health and quality of life (Amanzonwe et al, 2023; Cronin et al, 2023; Mackie & 
Eng, 2023; Zhang et al 2023; Mah et al, 2023; Westlake et al, 2023; Wen & Wang, 2022; 
Sallehudin et al, 2022; Ali et al, 2021). There is less clear evidence for the comparative 
efficacy of different types of exercise or exercise program. 
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4.1  Delivery 
Much of the efficacy data is based on controlled trials which compare specific types of exercise 
with standard rehabilitation treatment after stroke. This standard treatment often also includes 
an exercise component delivered or monitored by a physiotherapist. A handful of studies 
explicitly note neurophysiotherapy used as an active control (Mackie & Eng, 2023; Zhang et al, 
2023) though no studies were found that compared the delivery of the same exercise therapy 
by different professions (e.g. physiotherapy compared to exercise physiology or physiotherapy 
plus exercise physiology compared to physiotherapy alone). 
Different formal or informal supports can provide varying degrees of supervision for exercise 
programs. The level and type of supervision as well as the environment in which the program 
is completed, may influence how effective the intervention is. 
Home based exercise programs have been shown to improve outcomes for people with stroke. 
Evidence varies when comparing efficacy with hospital or clinic-based exercise programs. Ali 
et al (2021) find more consistent benefits to health-related quality of life for home-based 
exercise programs. There is evidence that home-based exercise programs have similar 
efficacy compared with centre-based programs in improving cognition, mood, arm activity, 
balance, walking speed, mobility and participation (Nascimento et al, 2022; Westlake et al, 
2023; also refer to RES 233 Virtual reality as a support tool for further information on virtual 
reality exercise programs for people with stroke). Efficacy of home-based programs may not 
indicate the value of unsupervised exercise as many such programs stil  involve supervision 
via virtual reality or telehealth (Ali et al, 2021). 
A 2016 Cochrane review found very low to moderate quality evidence that exercise programs 
delivered with the assistance of a carer or family member could improve outcomes for people 
with stroke. 
4.2  Dosage 
Most systematic reviews considered here found insufficient evidence to recommend an optimal 
dose of exercise therapy (Zhang et al, 2023; Mah et al, 2023; Wen & Wang et al, 2022; 
Saunders et al, 2020). However, there is some evidence that programs longer than 12 weeks 
that include 120-150 minutes of training per week are more effective than shorter programs 
(Amanzonwe et al, 2023; Ali et al, 2021; Saunders et al, 2020). Due to the progressive nature 
of many exercise programs, dosage is highly variable by design. Saunders et al offer this 
With regard to dose, the reality of progression is that dose is not fixed and should 
constantly change to drive adaptations. In those who respond more, progression may 
occur faster whilst being more conservative in those who adapt slower. A 'one-size-fits-
all' dose, particularly in terms of intensity and progression, does not seem realistic and 
should instead be personalised. With regard to a starting dose, perhaps this is less 
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important because progression wil  move things on quickly; just doing something wil  be 
a good start and help familiarise patients with what is involved (2020, pp.43-44). 
5.  References 
Ali, A., Tabassum, D., Baig, S. S., Moyle, B., Redgrave, J., Nichols, S., McGregor, G., Evans, 
K., Totton, N., Cooper, C., & Majid, A. (2021). Effect of Exercise Interventions on 
Health-Related Quality of Life After Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack: A Systematic 
Review and Meta-Analysis. Stroke52(7), 2445–2455. 
Al ied Health Professions Australia. (n.d. a). Physiotherapy.
Al ied Health Professions Australia. (n.d. b). Exercise Physiotherapy ied-health-professions/exercise-physiology/ 
Amanzonwé, E. R., Tedesco Triccas, L., Codjo, L., Hansen, D., Feys, P., & Kossi, O. (2023). 
Exercise dosage to facilitate the recovery of balance, walking, and quality of life after 
stroke. The South African journal of physiotherapy, 79(1), 1846. 
Cronin, E., Broderick, P., Clark, H., & Monaghan, K. (2023). What are the effects of pilates in 
the post stroke population? A systematic literature review & meta-analysis of 
randomised controlled trials. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 33, 223–
Health Direct. (2022). Allied Heath. 
Health Direct. (2021). Physiotherapy. 
Mackie, P., & Eng, J. J. (2023). The influence of seated exercises on balance, mobility, and 
cardiometabolic health outcomes in individuals living with a stroke: A systematic review 
and meta-analysis. Clinical rehabilitation, 37(7), 927–941. 
Mah, S. M., Goodwill, A. M., Seow, H. C., & Teo, W. P. (2022). Evidence of High-Intensity 
Exercise on Lower Limb Functional Outcomes and Safety in Acute and Subacute 
Stroke Population: A Systematic Review. International journal of environmental 
research and public health
, 20(1), 153. 
Nascimento, L. R., Rocha, R. J., Boening, A., Ferreira, G. P., & Perovano, M. C. (2022). 
Home-based exercises are as effective as equivalent doses of centre-based exercises 
for improving walking speed and balance after stroke: a systematic review. Journal of 
, 68(3), 174–181. 
Sallehuddin, H., Ong, T., Md Said, S., Ahmad Tarmizi, N. A., Loh, S. P., Lim, W. C., 
Nadarajah, R., Lim, H. T., Mohd Zambri, N. H., Ho, Y. Y., & Shariff Ghazali, S. (2022). 
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Non-pharmacological interventions for bone health after stroke: A systematic review. 
PloS one
, 17(2), e0263935. 
Saunders, D. H., Sanderson, M., Hayes, S., Johnson, L., Kramer, S., Carter, D. D., Jarvis, H., 
Brazzelli, M., & Mead, G. E. (2020). Physical fitness training for stroke patients. The 
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Very Well Health. (2021). Neurological Physical Therapy: Conditions Treated, Uses 
Vloothuis, J. D., Mulder, M., Veerbeek, J. M., Konijnenbelt, M., Visser-Meily, J. M., Ket, J. C., 
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Wen, H., & Wang, M. (2022). Backward Walking Training Impacts Positive Effect on Improving 
Walking Capacity after Stroke: A Meta-Analysis. International journal of environmental 
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Westlake, K., Akinlosotu, R., Udo, J., Goldstein Shipper, A., Waller, S. M., & Whitall, J. (2023). 
Some home-based self-managed rehabilitation interventions can improve arm activity 
after stroke: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Frontiers in neurology, 14, 
Zhang, Y., Qiu, X., Chen, J., Ji, C., Wang, F., Song, D., Liu, C., Chen, L., & Yuan, P. (2023). 
Effects of exercise therapy on patients with poststroke cognitive impairment: A 
systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in neuroscience, 17, 1164192. 
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