This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Documents related to FOI 23-24/072'.

Released by the Department of Finance  
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
FOI 23-24/127 - Document 4
FOI Requests
Vickers, Marc
FOI Requests; Clarkson, Sharyn; s22
FOI 23-24/072 - Notice of nomination as DM/PA [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 22 December 2023 12:28:48 PM
FOI xx-xx-xx Human resource costs (to be completed).docx
FOI Request.pdf
Good afternoon Marc,
You have been nominated as the decision maker for the below request under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 
(FOI Act). Sharyn Clarkson will be your peer adviser.
Date received:
20 December 2023
19 January 2024
Ben Fairless (Right to Know website)
Documents sought:
A document that contains a comprehensive list of all domain names registered
under the second-level domain (2TLD). Specifically, I am interested in
the following details for each domain:
1. Domain Name
2. Registration Date
3. Expiry Date
4. Administrative Contact Information
5. Technical Contact Information
Previous similar requests
Applicant: C Drake - A comprehensive list of all “” domain
names accessible by Australian public.
Outcome: Refused under Section 45 – breach of confidentiality
Applicant: C Drake - A comprehensive list of all “” domain
Outcome: Final charges notice – with Information Commissioner for
Scoping meeting*
11:30am Thursday 4th January 2024
Actions required
1.       Consider whether the scope of the request is clear/unambiguous
from you prior to
– we can discuss the interpretation further in the scoping
the scoping
2.       If possible retrieve a copy of the documents in scope of the
request and provide a copy to the FOI Team – we note this may
not be possible in circumstances where the request is ambiguous,
or the documents in scope are voluminous, or where your team
may not have access to the documents.
3.       Consider whether any third parties are identified in the
documents who may require consultation.
*The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the request, any sensitivities, and strategies for
processing this request.
A copy of the request is attached.

Released by the Department of Finance  
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
FOI 23-24/127 - Document 4
After the scoping meeting:
The FOI Team will send you an email setting out the next steps to progress the matter based upon
discussions during the scoping meeting.
End of the matter - Human resource costs
Once a decision letter has been sent to the applicant, or the matter is otherwise finalised, the FOI
Team will request that you complete the attached form. We kindly ask that you review the form,
and keep the resource costs in mind as the matter progresses. Please note that we do not require
the data to be accurate to the minute, an informed estimate is sufficient.
Further you only need to record the human resource costs relevant to your division. The FOI Team
will record our own statistics, and if the ICT team were involved, their statistics, separately.
This data is required for our annual reporting obligations to the Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner (OAIC).
General FOI guidance
The OAIC has published some materials to assist decision makers, including:
a reasonable steps checklist and search minute to assist you with searching for relevant
tips for FOI decision makers, and
a summary of exemptions.
You are required to have regard to the OAIC Guidelines when exercising powers or obligations
under the FOI Act. If you decide to use any exemptions under the FOI Act, please consider Part 5
and Part 6 of the OAIC Guidelines.
If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact the FOI Team.
Kind regards
 | FOI Officer
Legal and Assurance Branch
Department of Finance
T: s22
E: s22
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603