This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Records regarding how to create and present documents of extracted disclosures by DVA to UniSA'.

NB:  These documents have been obtained from an electronic record.  An original hard-copy 
version of this record does not exist. 


14/05/2024, 10:13
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FOI Decision: Access refused (full)
File note

DVA officer
Timeframe days
23 Apr 2024
1. File note
Fiona s 47F
Email from applicant requesting an IR. Saved in LEX.
23 Apr 2024
1  File note
Fiona s 47F
Email from applicant. Saved in LEX.
23 Apr 2024
1.1.1 Clock stop
Jesse s 47F
Clock  topped  Rea on  Finali ed
22 Apr 2024
1.4.2 QA Finalised Carmen s 47F
Draft DL QA'd. DL - Track changes provided to IAO.
22 Apr 2024
1. File note
Joshua s 47F
DL checked nil issues IAO notified
22 Apr 2024
1. File note
Jesse s 47F
RP sent to QA and EL1
22 Apr 2024
1. File note
Jesse s 47F
VALIDITY:- Received via email requesting non-personal information
SCOPE:- A copy of a submission made by DVA to the OAIC regarding delays to responding to the more than 1,657
enquiries about the MATES privacy breaches, seeking access to copies of disclosures made by DVA to UniSA, stated the
delays were because of internal communications over how to extract and “best present” that information had to take
place first.
It stated that the Department had to seek the approval of both the Secretary and the Minister first as to how to present
this information, contributing to these delays.
As these discussions and approvals have now finalised I seek copy of these records of communications and approvals
as to how the data of these disclosures of personal information from DVA to UniSA would be extracted and “best
Given the reference to internal communications by the Department about this matter it is likely these records are held in
the Department’s MS Teams, email, TRIM, PDMS, and group drives in electronic form.
As the Minister and Secretary were mentioned as having to approve how this would happen and in what form it is likely
DVA’s Ministerial and Parliamentary Support (MaPS) section, the Information Law section, and Research area are were
these records can be found within the Department.
s.22/s.47E(d):- s47C redactions made to Release Pack
SEARCHES:- SM sent to PD, Legal & MCU
Release Pack – 115 Pages

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Total 115 pages sent via email to on 23/04/2024
22 Apr 2024
FOI   47C 
Je e s 47F
s.22/s.47E(d):- s47C redactions made to Release Pack
10 Apr 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
From          Subject          Received          Size          Categories          
s 47F
 Kristine          RE: LEX 64798 - SEARCH MINUTE - JENNY - FOLLOW UP [SEC=OFFICIAL]          Tue 5:37
PM          224 KB                    
10 Apr 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from s 47F
 - attached list of documents in scope for this request. 09/04/2024 - Saved to Trim
9 Apr 2024
1. File note
Kevin s 47F
Follow up email saved to LEX and referred to IAO
22 Mar 2024
1  File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email response from s 47F
 (22/03/2024 1:37 PM)
Am just checking with Josh & As 47F
Tiki s 47F
 A/g Director
Ministerial and Parliamentary Support I Ministerial, International and Stakeholder Relations Branch
Ministerial, Engagement and Communication Division I Veteran, Family & Stakeholder Experience Group
Tel s 47F
Ext s 47F  Mobile s 47F
22 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from Mark to MCU (22/03/2024 1:02 PM) Added IAU SM email -
Thanks Maria.
Tiki, I thought you said yesterday no further action was required by me or did I misunderstand?
22 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email response from MCU (22/03/2024 12:14 PM) SM is with AS for clearance. Saved to Trim.
21 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
2nd Follow up email to MCU re Overdue SM - Saved to Trim
15 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from Legal Branch (15/03/2024 3:47 PM) with AS cleared Sm & no other attachments.
15 Mar 2024
1. File note
Jesse s 47F
Update on request so far:
SM to PD - Received
SM to Legal - Legal advised on the 12th that SM is being finalised and will be provided soon
SM to MCU - MCU advised on the 12th that they are in the process of getting AS clearance
13 Mar 2024
1. File note
Kevin s 47F
Follow up email saved to LEX and referred to IAO
13 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from PDD (13/03/2024 11:07 AM) - with AS (Moria Campbell) cleared SM and related docs - saved to Trim

14/05/2024, 10:13
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13 Mar 2024
1  File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from Legal & Audit (12/03/2024 5:19 PM) Hi Padma
The response is being finalised. We hope to be able to provide it to you soon
Kind regards
Louis s 47F A/g Director
Information Law | Corporate Legal Branch
Legal & Audit Division
12 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from MCU (12/03/2024 12 37 PM)   advi ing   Hi Padma,
We are currently putting the search minute through the clearance process.
Kind Regard
Maria s 47F  Senior Ministerial Correspondence Officer
Ministerial Correspondence Unit I Ministerial, International & Stakeholder Relations
Department of Veteran ’ Affair
Tel s 47F
 Ext: s 47F
s 47F
12 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email from PDD (12/03/2024 8:44 AM) follows - Good morning team
It is with the AS for clearance as at 11/3//24, we hope to have this returned today.
Thank you for your patience.
Kind regards,
Meghan s 47F
 Executive Coordinator
Executive Support Team
Program Delivery Division
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Tel : s 47F
/ Ext: s 47F
11 Mar 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Follow up email re OD SM (Legal & Audit, MCU & PDD) separately - Saved to Trim
4 Mar 2024
1. File note
Jesse s 47F
Emailed Legal requesting update on SM
26 Feb 2024
1. File note
Fiona s 47F
Email from applicant about delay in processing. Saved in LEX.
21 Feb 2024
1. File note
Jesse s 47F
Emailed Louis back:
Afternoon Louis,
Looking at the scope I would interpret it as the following:
“A copy of all internal communications regarding DVA’s process to effectively communicate: how to extract and best
present a response to over 1,657 enquiries about the MATES privacy breaches (information shared from DVA to Unisa).“
According to the applicant; DVA had made mention of this process in a submission it made to the OAIC.
Please let me know how you wish to narrow this down further if need be.

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This request also seems similar to one that I have processed previously. (LEX 61519)
I will attach the unredacted versions of those documents to this email for your convenience.
21 Feb 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email From Louis s 47F A/g Director - Legal & Audit (20/02/2024 - 12.13pm) - asking to narrow the scope -
Hi Padma
The wording of the request is imprecise, and may capture a range of timeframes and background correspondence.
I  IAU able to engage with the applicant to determine/narrow the  cope?
Kind regards
Loui  s 47F A/g Director
Information Law | Corporate Legal Branch
Legal & Audit Division
20 Feb 2024
1  File note
Ca andra s 47F
Allocated to Jesse
19 Feb 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
Email re pon e from Legal & Audit (16/02/2024   5 09pm)
Hi Padma
It i  difficult to di cern the e act  cope of the reque t  I  it “communication  and approval  [Secretary and Mini ter] a  to
how the data of these disclosures of personal information from DVA to UniSA would be extracted and "best presented” ?
Also, did the applicant provide, or do you have, a copy of the background correspondence referred to in the application -
DVA corre pondence to OAIC that  uppo edly referred to delay  becau e of internal communication  over how to e tract
and “best present” the information ?
Kind regard
Louis s 47F  A/g Director
Information Law | Corporate Legal Branch
Legal & Audit Division
14 Feb 2024
1. File note
Padmaja s 47F
SM sent to GCD Legal (Information Law) MCU, Program Delivery - Emails Trimmed
9 Feb 2024
1. File note
Frankie s 47F
SM please send to:
1. GCD Legal (Information Law)
2. MCU
3. Program Delivery
5 Feb 2024
1. File note
Natalie s 47F
Allocated to London
2 Feb 2024
1. File note
Kevin s 47F
Email amending request saved in LEX and referred to IAO
1 Feb 2024
1.3.1 TRIM file
Arthur s 47F
TRIM Container created see record number: 2401722 PM2024/13
1 Feb 2024
1. File note
Arthur s 47F

14/05/2024, 10:13
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R Drive folder created: R:\Application Data\NSW\FOI\COMMON\1. FOI\1. FOI Requests\NON PERSONAL REQUESTS
27 Jan 2024
1.1.1 Clock start
Arthur s 47F
Clock started
Produced by s 22 - Out of 
LEX for FOI Management
Tuesday, 14 May 2024