This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Laneway/road at the back of 42 James street Nrothcote'.

Stephen Muldoon
FMG Forensic; s.33(1)
RE: EST27411 - RE: 281686 - RE: PO James St
Monday, 27 June 2022 8:16:39 AM
Thanks Stephen, yes please go ahead as planned.  I’ll catch up re how much to invoice this year.
Coordinator Urban Works  |  Capital & Major Projects
Out of Scope
From: Stephen Muldoon <> 
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2022 4:59 PM
To: s.33(1)>
Cc: FMG Forensic <>
Subject: EST27411 - RE: 281686 - RE: PO James St
EXTERNAL EMAIL: This message originated from outside the Council.
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Good evening s.33(1 ,

Following our phone conversation earlier today, we have received a new Geotechnical Fee Proposal for the
site investigation works in the ROW behind 42 James Street in Northcote following AS James advising that
they can no longer undertake the works.
As a new Geotechnical Investigation fee proposal has been received, the previous issued Fee Proposal for
the Geotechnical Investigation and Structural and Civil design, issued on 8 June 2022, is not valid.
As per the previous fee proposal issued on 8 June 2022,  the design and investigation works are proposed
to comprise:
Geotechnical Investigation
Geotechnical Investigation to facilitate the design of the permanent batter including Auger
drilling, field testing, laboratory testing, service locating and preparation of report
Structural Design
Design and documentation of the permanent batter solution, dependent on the
recommendations provided in the supplementary Geotechnical Report
Certification of the Structural Design
Civil Design
Documentation of surface and sub-surface drainage requirements
The civil design assumes that the surface water captured by the new permanent batter can
be discharged into the lower level of the ROW and this will then be captured by the existing
surface/underground drainage in th lower level ROW.
It is assumed the Agi drains/sub-surface drainage will connect into existing underground
drainage in the area.
No surveying of existing stormwater drainage infrastructure is included in this fee proposal. 
If required then this will be completed / organised at an additional cost.
If new surface drainage provisions, including stormwater pump pits are required in the ROW
area, outside of the area of the stabilised batter, the design of this will be additional to the
fee listed below.
The updated fees to provide the above services will be $15,500 (+GST).
FMG notes that any services not mentioned above are not included in the above fee, including, but not
limited to surveying of inground stormwater services, any construction services, design and documentation
of any other retention system outside of a stabilised batter, design checks on existing stormwater drainage
system, design checks on any of the existing retaining walls located on or adjacent to the subject ROW.
Separate fees for any additional works can be provided, however, I have provided below a table outlining
hourly rates for any additional services not include in this Fee Proposal.
At present, the Geotechnical Engineers have advised that they will attend site within approximately 3 weeks
of receiving approval and issue the final report following this.  The final Structural and Civil design and
documentation cannot be completed until the Geotechnical investigation is completed, however it is
expected that these could be completed within 3 weeks of receiving the final Geotechnical Report.

Sent: Wednesday, 15 June 2022 6:02 PM
To: s.33(1)>
Cc: Morteza Fini <>; FMG Forensic
Subject: 281686 - RE: PO James St
EXTERNAL EMAIL: This message originated from outside the Council.
Please use caution when opening attachments, following links and do
not enter your Council credentials when prompted unless you recognise
the sender and know the content is safe.
Good evening s.33(1)
Thanks for sending the PO through earlier today.  Sorry about the confusion with the emails regarding the
PO’s earlier.
I am currently chasing up the Geotechnical Engineer to obtain a timeframe from them for the inspection. 
Once I have received some feedback I will let you know.
Stephen Muldoon
Senior Forensic Engineer
From: s.33(1)> 
Sent: Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:21 AM
To: Stephen Muldoon <>
Cc: Morteza Fini <>
Subject: PO James St
Hi Stephen, please see attached PO for James St fee proposal.
Coordinator Urban Works  |  Capital & Major Projects
Out of Scope