Documents not available for download from your FOI disclosure log / reasoning - a batch request

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Julia, Not that there is much point in refusing your request for an extension of 30 days as per previous correspondence I am not going to be kicking...
It has been noticed there are documents on your Freedom Of Information Disclosure Log where you have put the most redundant text next to FOI disclos...
Documents not available for download from your FOI disclosure log / reasoning
Clarification sent to Department of Education by Posty on .

Partially successful.

I'll keep it short - I have very little sympathy that you consider actually making your documents accessible to the public "too much work" but for...
It has been noticed there are documents on your Freedom Of Information Disclosure Log where you have put the most redundant text next to FOI disclos...
It has been noticed there are documents on your Freedom Of Information Disclosure Log where you have put the most redundant text next to FOI disclos...
It has been noticed there are documents on your Freedom Of Information Disclosure Log where you have put the most redundant text next to FOI disclos...