Department of the Treasury

Part of the Treasury portfolio and a Federal authority, also called Treasury

The Treasury provides advice to the Government on a range of matters including: Economic, fiscal and monetary policy; Taxation; Public borrowing; International finance; Foreign exchange; Financial sector policy; Currency and legal tender; Foreign investment in Australia; National and occupational superannuation; Business law and practice; Corporate and securities law; Corporate insolvency; Competition policy; Prices surveillance; Excise; Census and statistics; Valuation services; Consumer affairs; Commonwealth-State financial relations.

130 requests

(page 6)

Sale of Graincorp
Follow up sent to Department of the Treasury by Evelyn Doyle on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

Dear Mr Flanagan Thank you for your response to my recent correspondence seeking a review of the charges. My initial FoI request was sent prior to...
Dear Mr Zhao Thank you for your FOI request dated 28 November 2013, seeking: “…all documents held by The Treasury, created by any author, meeting t...
It has been more than a week since I requested assistance in varying my request to be within a processable ambit. I still desire assistance in tha...
Foreign acquisition of real property
Response by Department of the Treasury to David Grant on .

Waiting clarification.

Dear Mr Grant   I refer to your email of 1 July 2013 in which you sought access under the Freedom of Information Act to:   Full particulars in...
Establishing an Australia Post Bank
Response by Department of the Treasury to Jay Tilley on .

Information not held.

Dear Jay Tilley   Please find attached a decision on your FOI request.   Regards   FOI Team                                               ...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?