Dear [Name Removed]
Thank you for your email.
As advised below, your request (FOI 25-0116) was deemed withdrawn, as no
payment was receive...
I have contacted you via my personal email for further correspondence.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Mr Sharman,
Thank you for your email to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA),
and apologies for the delay in responding.
The ro...
Dear Mr Fearnley
I refer to our email to you dated 15 September 2022 in which the TGA
provided publicly available information in response to you...
Dear Diane
I refer to the Estimate of Charges letter dated 4 August 2022 (attached)
relating to your request FOI 3892.
I write to advise y...
Dear Alexander
I refer to the Estimate of Charges letter dated 29 March 2022 (attached)
relating to your request FOI 3673.
I write to advi...
Dear Jaay-H,
I refer to the Waiver of Charges Decision letter dated 13 January 2022
(attached) relating to your request FOI 3407.
I write...
Good afternoon
On 3 September 2021, a total of 5 (five) separate FOI requests (“the PCR
FOI requests”) were received at [1][TGA request email],...
Dear Dan
I refer to the Estimate of Charges letter dated 30 November 2021
(attached) relating to your request FOI 3232.
I write to advise...
Dear Jaay,
Thank you for your correspondence dated 6 November 2021 in which you request the following under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the F...
Good afternoon Jaay,
Thank you for your email below dated 6 November 2021 in which you make the following request under the Freedom of Information Act...
Dear Mr Mostyn
Thank you for your correspondence dated 1 November 2021 in which you make the following request under the Freedom of Information Act 19...
Dear Mr Thanos
We refer to our previous response to your email advising your request relates to State and Territory Health Departments, not the Common...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request to the Department of Health.
Kind r...
Good afternoon Mr Shakespeare,
I refer to the TGA’s request consultation letter (attached) that was sent
to you on 27 August 2021.
As note...
Dear Megs
Could you please respond to my email below and provide evidence of
financial hardship should you wish for the decision maker to consid...
Dear Mr McCarthy
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information...
Our reference: RQ17/00727
Agency reference: FOI 13937
Mr Stuart McCarthy
By email: [FOI #1916 email]
Dear Mr McCarthy
Extension o...
Awaiting internal review.
Yours sincerely,
Rod Hamblin
Hey Rod,
I appreciate what you are trying to do here are would like help you!
It looks like you're after information relating to adverse events rel...
Dear Mr Wing
I am following up on the below email sent to you on 28 November.
The TGA would be very grateful if you could please provide a...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.