Services Australia

Part of the Social Services portfolio and a Federal authority

Do not request personal information using this site. Why?

Services Australia is an Australian Government agency which is responsible for delivering a range of welfare, social services, health services and other services for the Australian Government.

308 requests

(page 3)

Good afternoon Ms Middleton   Please find attached decision and documents in relation to FOI Request 19/20-073.   Kind regards   ---------...
This is an application for the purposes of the FOI Act. I am seeking the following statistics: 1. The annual number of Disability Support Pensio...
Dear Posty   Please find attached the varied decision letter and documents in relation to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982....
Copy of Privacy Impact Assessment ref 21987
Response by Services Australia to Justin Warren on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Warren   Please find attached the decision letter and document regarding your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.  ...
Outsourcing of Centrelink Call Centres Part II
Follow up sent to Services Australia by Evelyn Doyle on .

Partially successful.

Dear FOI team It looks like the document is now loading correctly, please ignore my previous response. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Evelyn Doyl...
Documents released on the DHS Disclosure Log
Response by Services Australia to Vera Lystich on .


Dear Ms Lystich,   Please find attached the requested documents from the Department of Human Service’s disclosure log, LEX 17265 and LEX 34602....
Dear Posty   I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). You requested access to:   ‘...
Information released under FOI Request LEX 39013, unredacted.
Response by Services Australia to Claire on .

Partially successful.

Dear Ms Robinson   Please find attached the document you requested from the Department of Human Services’ FOI disclosure log (LEX 39013).   Ki...
Documents from the DHS Operational Blueprint
Follow up sent to Services Australia by Vera Lystich on .


Thank you for your prompt response to my request - much appreciated. Vera
FOI Delegations
Response by Services Australia to Ben Fairless on .


Dear Mr Fairless   Thank you for your freedom of information request.   You indicated in your request to the department, dated 14 November 2018...
Telephone standards 111-05010040
Response by Services Australia to Posty on .


Dear Posty As set out in the department's correspondence, dated 19 November 2018, the department published the document you were seeking on the Inform...
Systems integrator panel for WPIT
Request to Services Australia by David Brown. Annotated by David Brown on .


After being refused access to all these previously published documents and again being knocked back by an internal DHS review, I appealed to the Office...
Dear Mr Warren   Please find attached the requested document.   Regards   Doug Freedom of Information Team Employment Law and Freedom o...
FOI Request: Perpetual Centrelink Calendar 107-03040000
Response by Services Australia to Posty on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Adams   Attached is part 11 of 11.   Kind Regards   FOI Officer FOI and Litigation Branch Legal Services Division Department...
Perpetual Centrelink Calendar 107-03040000 - Request 2
Response by Services Australia to Posty on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Adams   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request for Freedom of Information internal review (LEX 33696).   Rega...
Opt-out for My Health Record
Request to Services Australia by Justin Warren. Annotated by peterxyz on .


From the Internet Archive: 12 Feb 2018 (page found)
Finalising a call 111-05040010
Response by Services Australia to Posty on .


Dear Posty   I refer to my correspondence notified to you on 20 March 2018 in relation to your request (LEX35126) for access to the following:  ...
Issuing and viewing receipt numbers 111-05040020
Response by Services Australia to Posty on .


Dear Posty   Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards     Freedom of In...
Method of assessing exemptions for cashless welfare card
Response by Services Australia to Sandra Legro on .

Partially successful.

Good afternoon Ms Legro, Please find attached the decision and documents for your recent FOI request. Kind regards, Dr Melanie Beacroft Assistant D...
Dear Ms Legro   Please see attached a decision letter in respect of your FOI Request No. 17/18-043.   Kind Regards     Legislation and F...
Thanks for pointing out the payment options. I am glad i didnt end up paying though.
The disclosure log indicates access was given on 18 April; OAIC Guidelines Part 14 14.22 Agencies and ministers must publish information in a disc...
Dear Mr Bacon   Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of information request.   Kind regards     Freedom of...
Dear Mr Warren   Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of information request.   Kind regards   Freedom of In...
Data matching protocol - Earned Income Matching (EIM)
Response by Services Australia to Bill Tarte on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Tarte,   Please find attached our correspondence regarding your Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards   Chris FOI Pract...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?