Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Part of the Attorney-General portfolio and a Federal authority, also called OAIC

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has three sets of functions. They are: freedom of information functions, in particular, oversight of the operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and review of decisions made by agencies and ministers under that Act. - privacy functions, conferred by the Privacy Act 1988 and other laws - government information policy functions, conferred on the Australian Information Commissioner under theAustralian Information Commissioner Act 2010.

160 requests

(page 3)

Dear Ms Pane   I refer to your Freedom of Information request made on 1 November 2018.   Please see attached my decision and related documents....
Dear Ms Pane   I refer to your Freedom of Information request made on 8 November 2018.   Please find attached decision and documents.   Reg...
Dear Mr Sweeney,   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.   Regards,   Amanda Nowland   [1]O A I C logo  ...
Thank you Megan, although it is disappointing to note that the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) was not directly relevant to the OAIC’s quest...
Gift Register
Response by Office of the Australian Information Commissioner to Verity Pane on .

Partially successful.

Dear Ms Pane   Thank you for your email of 26 November 2018.   With reference to your query, I have completed a search of the OAIC’s records a...
Dear Ms Pane   Please find attached the decision and documents in relation to your FOI request, FOIREQ18/00156.   Regards   [1]cid:image001...
Hi Everyone, Ben here, one of the volunteers that look after the site. Just a reminder that the purpose of annotations are to help people with reques...
Thank you for your response to my administrative access request (AAR). As I explicitly made my request as an AAR, I believe para 1.46 of the Infor...
I acknowledge your decision of today, which made slight reduction of the a few of the previous many redactions. As stated in the scope of this FOI...
Dear Ned, As this FOI had documents excluded in the FOI decision, it should be marked “Partially Successful” rather than “Successful”. “Successful”...
Dear FOI applicant   Thank you for your comments in relation to the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) survey. I have passed your comments on to t...
Our reference: MR18/00435   Dear Anonymous Thank you for your response. This matter is now considered withdrawn under s 54R of the Freedom of Info...
Our reference: FOIREQ18/00032 Dear Mr Duncan Please find attached the decision of today’s date. Kind regards Shelley Napper | Review and Invest...
IC reviews
Response by Office of the Australian Information Commissioner to Nil on .


Dear FOI applicant   I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (the FOI Act), received by th...
I’ve marked this partial for two reasons: 1) Firstly, this information should have been provided a month ago with the original FOI decision, but was u...
Dear Anonymous The delegate’s FOI decision and the requested document are attached to this email. Regards Enquiries Officer Office of the Aust...
Dear Ms Pane   A decision on your FOI request is attached, as are the documents you requested.   Regards     Raewyn Harlock | Assistant...
On 1 June 2017, under FOIREQ17/00036, I made a valid FOI Request (administrative access sought in the first instance, but to be treated as an FOI Ap...
I make this note only for a purpose to make something clear to other users of Right to Know. In the first email the applicant mentions "s 17 FOI reques...
Thank you for your decision, the information provided is quite useful, and will be a beneficial aid to interpretation when the Australian National A...
Dear Ms Pane   A decision and the documents you requested on 22 April 2017 are attached to this email.   Regards   Raewyn Harlock | Assist...
Thank you for your email.   I am out of the office on Friday 19 May 2017 and will return on Monday 22 May 2017. I will respond to you then.  ...
Dear Frank Thank you for your enquiry. The Office of the Information Commissioner (OAIC) has a voluntary scheme for data breach notification and a ma...
Follow up sent to Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by Verity Pane on .

Partially successful.

Thank you for providing your response and some of the information sought. As case numbers are irrelevant, I have no objection to their exclusion,...
    Our Ref: FOIREQ16/00046   Dear Ms Pane,   Please find attached the documents relevant to the FOI decision issued by the OAIC on 24 Nov...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?