National Gallery of Australia
Part of the Attorney-General portfolio and a Federal authority, also called NGA
To meet the cultural needs of the people of Australia as their National Gallery through the quality of the collection, the excellence of the exhibitions and programs, and the professionalism of our staff.
5 requests
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NGA Style/Writing/Brand Guides
Response by National Gallery of Australia to Glenn Hamiltonshire on .
Dear Glenn Hamilstonshire
Please see attached correspondence and documents in relation to your
Freedom of Information Request.
We would be gratefu...
Furniture in members lounge
Response by National Gallery of Australia to John Smith on .
Good Morning Mr Smith
Please find attached a decision letter and requested documents regarding
your request to access documents under the Freedo...
Visitor complaints log
Response by National Gallery of Australia to Samantha Jonscher on .
Good Morning Samantha
As promised please find attached the information you requested in your
withdrawn FOI on details of customer complaints regardi...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?
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