Melbourne Health

A Victorian authority

Also covers Royal Melbourne Hospital and The Royal Melbourne Hospital - Royal Park Campus.

3 requests
Safety and Emergency Management
Request sent to Melbourne Health by Rory Bellows on .

Awaiting response.

I would like some information on who your provider is, spend, and contract times for: - Duress - Panic buttons - lone worker Yours faithfully,...
Release of personal medical imaging/documents
Response by Melbourne Health to Alexander Metsios on .

Awaiting classification.

Hi Alexander, Please find attached the freedom of information application form and brochure. This is how you would request the medical records.   Ki...
All my mental health records
Response by Melbourne Health to James Sargeant on .

Information not held.

Please find attached the freedom of information application form and brochure. This is how you would request medical records. Kind Regards Catherin...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?