Local Government NSW

A NSW Council

5 requests
I hereby request under the Freedom of Information Act, the full public survey results, questions, answers, comments, submissions and participants co...
Uncontested elections
Response by Local Government NSW to John Smith on .


Good morning John and thank you for your email .   LGNSW are not a government department, we are a not-for-profit association that supports member...
Chasing up this request due to intense public interest and in light of this and evidence such as below, ask for a speedy response. InaNutshell https...
I am requesting documents under the Freedom of Information Act that are containing: instructions, notices, evidence to support, in regards to the wea...
Thank you for your help. I will send my request through to the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Yours sincerely, Amber Woods

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?