Fair Work Commission

A Federal authority, also called FWC

The Fair Work Commission is Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal. They are responsible for maintaining a safety net of minimum wages and employment conditions, as well as a range of other workplace functions and regulation.

13 requests
FWC Style/Writing/Brand Guides
Response by Fair Work Commission to Glenn Hamiltonshire on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Mr Hamiltonshire, Please see attached the Brand Style Guide, as per your request. Regards, Legal Services Fair Work Commission E: [F...
Pat rates of ANMF vic branch staff
Response by Fair Work Commission to Jimmy Parel on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Parel   I refer to our telephone conversation yesterday.   I understand from our discussion yesterday that your email on 7 December 20...
OFFICIAL Good afternoon,   Please find attached my decision and enclosed documents in respect to your Internal Review -Freedom of Information re...
Dear Ms Zie, I refer to your FOI request dated 9 April 2018. You have requested ‘the latest documents that include the number of complaints regarding...
Dear Mr Nadel, Further to my decision of 22 May 2017, please find attached a copy of the Form F17 containing the name and qualification of the witne...
Documents regarding use of ComCar
Response by Fair Work Commission to Beth Tender on .

Partially successful.

Dear Ms Tender, Please find attached my decision in relation to your FOI request, together with the released documents. Yours sincerely,   Hay...
Social media policy
Response by Fair Work Commission to James Smith on .


Your message entitled: Re: Freedom of information request 15/16-53 - decision has been accepted for delivery to the recipient's mailbox. You are advi...
Dear Jeremy,   Please see attached correspondence and documents from the Fair Work Commission.   Kind regards,   SARAH ATTRILL Freedom o...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?