Department of Defence

Part of the Defence portfolio and a Federal authority, also called Defence

The Defence mission is to defend Australia and its national interests. It is accountable to the Commonwealth Parliament, on behalf of the Australian people, for the efficiency and effectiveness with which it carries out the Government's defence policy.

221 requests

(page 4)

List of menu items for each type (e.g. A, B, C....) of combat ration one man.
Internal review request sent to Department of Defence by Bick Rurr on .

Awaiting internal review.

Thanks for your reply. A quick Google search was able to reveal various detailed breakdowns of the contents at various stages... https://www.joint...
OFFICIAL Good morning Trent With reference to your FOI request below, the documents you request are more closely connected with the functions of anoth...
Medical conditions at recruitment
Response by Department of Defence to E H on .

Information not held.

OFFICIAL Good evening   I refer to your FOI request 18 January 2022 requesting ‘a current list of medical conditions that automatically exclude...
Ethnic Diversity in Navy Seagoing Leadership
Response by Department of Defence to John on .


Dear John,   Please find attached the Decision and document relating to Defence FOI 154/21/22.    FOI Disclosure Log   In accordance with...
Costs of Operating Super Hornet
Response by Department of Defence to Brayden Pearce on .

Information not held.

OFFICIAL Dear Brayden   I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to the following documents:   ‘I am requ...
RMC SSO training programs 2022
Response by Department of Defence to Anna Lee on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Good morning Anna With reference to your email below, you will be able to find information regarding Specialist Service Officer courses https...
I am seeking a copy of the following document:- DI(A) PERS 116-5, Separation of Regular Army soldiers, Army Reserve soldiers and soldiers on full...
EKIA deaths in Afghanistan 2005-2015
Response by Department of Defence to ben mckelvey on .

Information not held.

OFFICIAL Dear McKelvey,   Please find attached the decision relating to Defence FOI 261/21/22.   Rights of Review   Under section 54 of t...
Navy Training
Response by Department of Defence to Roger on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Good morning Roger,   Thank you for your FOI inquiry, dated Thursday 25^th November 2021, relating to documents relation to the Navy Sc...
OFFICIAL Dear Mary-Ann,   Please find attached the Decision and documents relating to Defence FOI 174/21/22.    Rights of Review   Under...
2021 LGBTI and IDAHOBIT directive
Response by Department of Defence to Ben Fairless on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Ben,   Please find attached the decision and documents relating to Defence FOI 523/20/21.   Rights of Review   Under secti...
Website Statistics
Response by Department of Defence to Cole Big on .


OFFICIAL Hi Cole,   As requested, please see the word document attached displaying the table of page views.   Kind regards   Tracy Style...
FOI Templates
Response by Department of Defence to Ben Fairless on .


OFFICIAL Good afternoon Ben   As agreed, please find attached FOI templates released administratively.   Regards     Rose |Case Manager...
FOI;request Adf recruit stats
Response by Department of Defence to Kenneth on .

Waiting clarification.

OFFICIAL Dear Kenneth,   Thank you for your email in which you requested access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to the follo...
Passenger Manifest for flight ASY305
Response by Department of Defence to Luke Harris on .


OFFICIAL Dear Luke   Please find attached the Decision relating to Defence FOI 566/20/21.    Rights of Review   Under section 54 of the F...
Cyber attacks
Response by Department of Defence to Michael Parsons on .


OFFICIAL Good afternoon Mr Parsons   Your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) has been transferred from the Departme...
Response by Department of Defence to ClearPseudonym on .


OFFICIAL Dear Clear Pseudonym,   Please find attached the Decision and documents relating to Defence FOI 051/21/22.    FOI Disclosure Log...
OFFICIAL Good morning,   Please find attached the Decision relating to Defence FOI 544/20/21.    Rights of Review   Under section 54 of t...
AGSVA vetting decision risk model
Response by Department of Defence to Joseph Semmens on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Mr Semmens   Please find attached the decision and documents relating to Defence FOI 204/20/21.   FOI Disclosure Log In acco...
OFFICIAL Good Afternoon   Following on from our email dated 15 June 2021 (please see below) we are seeking clarification from you in relation to...
OFFICIAL Dear Lucy   Please find attached the Decision and documents relating to Defence FOI 543/20/21.   Rights of Review   Under secti...
OFFICIAL Good afternoon Melissa,   I refer to your email requesting dollar figures for the last 5 financial years on general ledger for the Depa...
OFFICIAL Good morning Nick, Thank you for your below inquiry. The ‘Fist video’ is now being considered as part of an ongoing Inquiry Officer Inquiry a...
OFFICIAL Good morning Trent, The potential refusal is due to the scope of your request being substantial. I have listed below your scope, and provid...
COVID-19 Vaccine Injections on HMAS Sydney
Response by Department of Defence to Phillip Sweeney on .

Long overdue.

OFFICIAL Good morning Phillip   I would like to inquire as to whether you would consider the documents you requested on 12 March 2021 relating t...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?