Australian Human Rights Commission

Part of the Attorney-General portfolio and a Federal authority

The Australian Human Rights Commission's goals are to foster greater understanding and protection of human rights in Australia and to address the human rights concerns of a broad range of individuals and groups. The Commission's responsibilities include and public awareness; discrimination and human rights complaints; human rights compliance; policy and legislative development. The Commission investigates alleged infringements of human rights under the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 and breaches of anti-discrimination law under the Age Discrimination Act 2004, Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and Sex Discrimination Act 1984.

28 requests
Selection criteria and funding
Response by Australian Human Rights Commission to A Q-S on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear A Q-S   I refer to your FOI request dated 5 September 2023.   Please find attached a notice of decision, schedule and bundle of documents...
Tim Wilson, the IPA and the Liberal Party
Response by Australian Human Rights Commission to Nil on .

Waiting clarification.

Our reference: MR19/00321 Peter Sent by email: [1][FOI #5248 email] Your application to become a party to an Information Commissioner review De...
Dear Ms Iliagoueva   The Australian Human Rights Commission has begun processing your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI...
I'm a Macleay College student, requesting under the Freedom Of Information Act (1982) any documented communication between the High Courts and the F...
I am requesting all internal communications or emails from September 2013 onwards in relation to the "Armenian Genocide" issue. Anything containin...
I request copies of all correspondence related to the appointment of Tim Wilson as a Human Rights Commissioner, including emails and other correspon...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?