Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

Part of the Industry and Science portfolio and a Federal authority, also called ANSTO

ANSTO conducts research and development in relation to a broad range of nuclear science and technology activities, and the production and use of radioisotopes. It has a strong commercial focus and ensures that its research, technology transfer, commercial and training activities in nuclear science and associated technologies advance Australia's innovation, international competitiveness and environmental and health management.

22 requests
Dear Jake Please find attached a decision dated 17 August 2023 in response to your FOI request dated 23 July 2023. Kind regards FOI Administration O...
Thank you for the swift reply. Given this, I will withdraw this request and consider it resolved. Yours sincerely, Alex Pentland
Dear Elise   Attached is the final decision.   Thanks   FOI Administration OFFICIAL From: Freedom of Information Requests <[email addr...
FOI Delegations
Follow up sent to Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation by Ben Fairless on .


Thank you for taking the time to reply, it's greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Ben Fairless
Thankyou for releasing this document and waiving associated fees. Yours sincerely, Dan Monceaux
I am writing to express my thanks for your timely fulfillment of my recent FoI request. I also appreciate your decision to release these documents w...
Hey Dan :) Did you find the information released useful? It would be awesome for people to get an idea of what these successful FOI requests are en...
Administrative access in this instance is fine- many thanks. I'm interested in reading the contents of this document and others held by ANSTO, and I...
Dear Mr Monceaux I refer to your Freedom of Information request below and attach a decision dated 27 January 2017 and the corresponding document. K...
Dear Mr Monceaux I refer to your Freedom of Information request below and attach a decision dated 27 January 2017 and the corresponding document. K...
Please pass on my thanks to all involved with the fulfillment of this request. I hope that the digitised version of this document will also be made...
Thanks again for your timely and professional service. I hope that the digital version of the released document will also be added to the ANSTO libr...
Many thanks for providing the requested text. I hope that it will also be made available via the ANSTO library's online catalog for the benefit of o...
Dear Mr Monceaux, Apologies for the delayed response. Thank you for your suggestion, it has been passed on and we will consider implementing the s...
Dear Mr Fairless   Attached are the following:   1.       AP 1428 Consolidated Freedom Information procedure (a consolidation of AP 1428 and A...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?