Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Part of the Health portfolio and a Federal authority, also called AIHW
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) provides statistical information that governments and the community can use to promote discussion and make decisions on health, and community services in Australia. It also contributes to international statistical standards through work with the WHO and the OECD.
11 requests
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Veteran suicide prevention trial
Response by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to Alan ASHMORE on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Ashmore,
Freedom of Information Request No FOI/2021/004
I refer to your email application for documents under the Fr...
The request was refused but the decision letter explains that some of the information has already been published in AIHW reports.
Hospital spending for lat 5 financial year (FY11/12 - FY15/16)
Response by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to Roy Elliot on .
Information not held.
Dear Roy
I have spoken with the various relevant data custodians at AIHW. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
We hold information on recurre...
Australian sports injury hospitalisations 2011–12 update
Response by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to Sam Alexander on .
Information not held.
Gary will be out of the office until Thursday22 September . For
Governance Unit matters please contact Kelly Hart
on [email address]
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?
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