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Dear Ms Doyle
Freedom of Information Request FOI19/016
I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FO...
Dear Ms Doyle
Please find attached the documents you requested below for matter
Yours sincerely
FOI Case O...
Dear Mr Stagg,
Please find attached a signed decision letter in relation to your request
for internal review regarding FOI17/199....
Dear Mr Singleton Norton,
FOI request: FA18/09/01316
I refer to your email dated 21 September 2018 in which you requested
Dear Mr Fairless
Thank you for your request.
The Attorney-General's Department has decided to release the requested documents administr...
Dear Mr Victory
I refer to your email below making enquiries regarding a subdomain.
I have provided a response to your queries un...
FOI17/142; 17/8681
Dear Mr Smith
Please find attached a decision letter, schedule of documents and documents, and Attachments A, B and C...
On 26 Feb 2017 Applicant made a FOI request to AGD (FOI 17/042), of which decision was issued 30 March 2017. The Applicant sought internal review on 31...
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape
Please find attached the signed decision letter and document released in
respect of your Freedom of Informati...
Thanks for your message, it does indeed answer my query.
Best regards,
Dear Mr Smith
Please find attached the document containing the information you requested from the Attorney-General’s department on 16...
Dear Jackson Gothe-Snape,
Freedom of Information request – FOI16/177
Please find attached the decision in relation to your F...
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Flynn
Thank you for your e-mail of 17 November 2016 in which you requested the
list that identifies all of the applicable...
Good afternoon Mr Mildenhall,
Freedom of Information Request FOI16/135
Please find attached the decision letter for your Fre...
Dear Mr Fairless
As requested in your email below, please see attached a copy of the
current FOI delegations for the Attorney‑G...
Dear Eliza
I am writing in response to your email to the
Attorney‑General’s Department yesterday, in which you sought
Weird that the authority didn't just email the document but instead provided a link to the disclosure log.
Here's a direct link to the PDF on the dis...
I requested these documents because in this Crikey article https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/11/03/government-diaries-released-sort/ they correctly compla...
Thank you for providing the requested information.
Yours sincerely,
James Smith
The improper use of metadata is to be deplored. #casa has a long history of poor investigations, false statements and abandoned criminal prosecutions....
The 2012 briefing note released after all this is here:
https://app.box.com/s/f5d4f113zy14bhqcw183 (pdf)
The OAIC handed down a decision on those atta...
Although I'm really late to this party, I noticed a quirk with this request.
The agreed scope as between Ben and AG's is:
"a copy of the Decision L...
Dear Mr Timmins
Please find attached a decision in relation to your request for documents
under the FOI Act, as well as a schedul...
Dear Mr Fairless
I refer to your request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act
1982. Please find attached the Depart...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.