Australian Federal Police

Part of the Attorney-General portfolio and a Federal authority, also called AFP

Do not request personal information using this site. Why?

The AFP polices counter terrorism, human trafficking and sexual servitude, cyber-crime and other transnational crimes. It also delivers peace operations in cooperation with local police forces internationally and protection of government facilties including the embassies of foreign countries in Canberra.

196 requests

(page 4)

2013/00010435 New Psychoactive Substances
Response by Australian Federal Police to Henare Degan on .


Thank you for your email. Please note that this is an automated response to confirm that your email was sent to the Australian Federal Police FOI in...
UNCLASSIFIED   Good Morning Ms Taylor,   Please find attached documents as requested.   Please also find the relevant links, referred to wi...
Today I got a call from Ben at the OAIC about my request for Information Commissioner review. He wanted to know if I'd like to withdraw the request sin...
UNCLASSIFIED     Dear Mr Mansillo,   We had inadvertently delayed the transmission of part 2 of your FOI Request CRM 2014/143.   As you...
2012/00009388 - Social Media and the Law
Response by Australian Federal Police to Jason Bode on .

Partially successful.

UNCLASSIFIED     Dear Mr Bode   Further to our email dated 22 November 2013, as you have not responded to our request we are now forwarding...
Randall investigation requests
Response by Australian Federal Police to Luke Mansillo on .


UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Mansillo   Please find attached our decision letter relating to the above FOI Request for your kind information and referen...
Elbit Systems - contract & related information
Request to Australian Federal Police by Sam Birbeck. Annotated by Sam Birbeck on .

Partially successful.

The AFP were really good to work with. They were happy to help with the wording of my request and didn't charge me. The request took a pretty long time...
Social Networking Policy
Response by Australian Federal Police to Corin Tentchoff on .


UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Tentchoff,   Please find attached our decision in relation to your Freedom of Information request.   Your sincerely,...
AWB Inquiry
Request to Australian Federal Police by Evelyn Doyle. Annotated by Evelyn Doyle on .

Partially successful.

I note that the documents related to this request have not yet appeard on the AFP disclosure log.

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?