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Printed from on March 16, 2025 05:36
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
Thank you Mr Wayne Morgan for the extra information to rest my curiosity.
I think that's as good a response as could be expected given the nature of the original request as Locutus has so eloquently described
We acknowledge receipt of your email to the Attorney-General's Department.
Your email has been forwarded to a departmental officer for review. Once y...
Thank you very much for your kind reply. The information you have provided is invaluable.
Yours sincerely,
Wayne Morgan
I have made an annotation that is also a concern to this application but the annotation is on another request, here (
For general informatoin see the Wikipedia page on the law of Australia ( ).
The Australian Courts Act 9...
This person's 3 annotations
The Bills of Exchange Act is certainly 1909 - please forgive my mistake.
The Uniform Commercial Code is a US code. Article 3 deals with Negotiable In...
My series of FOI requests are specifically being asked as a Magistrate in South Australia recently stated in public court:
The Commonwealth of Austral...
Thanks for the information you posted.
Re Australian Courts Act (1828) I believe South Australia signed in November 1828 as the Colony of South Austr...