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Printed from on March 29, 2025 05:59
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 2)
Dear Mr Silvester
Thank you for your telephone call on 11 February 2015 following up your
email of 24 November, 2014 11:37 AM about t...
To add to the annotation above, now you know the document name you could simply ask for it in full.
If you do go down that line, ask for the most rec...
This person's 3 annotations
Hi Michael,
Can you expand on that?
I spoke with Owen Jones a couple of days ago and he has confirmed receipt of both the reply on the 12th of Augu...
Received telephone call from Owen Jones.
He has confirmed receipt of both the reply on the 12th of August as well as the reply from the 22nd of Septe...
Have telephoned and left a message for Owen who was not available to confirm receipt this time around.
Left contact details and reference number.