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Printed from on March 29, 2025 15:46
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
Dear Rob
Freedom of Information Request COR/FOI/01554
Thank you for your email below confirming your request for access under
the Freedom...
Dear Rob Cawthorne
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Climate Change,
Energy, the Environment and Water in relation to y...
Dear Rob Cawthorne
Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Climate Change,
Energy, the Environment and Water in relation to yo...
The fees you have applied to this request are too much. To reduce the effort required by council I will withdraw this request and produce a new one...
Dear Mr Cawthorne,
I refer to your request FOI 4621 of 12 August 2023.
Please find attached a decision on access and documents referred to...
Many thanks Rob. Let me know if I can be of any assistance framing your
question. Also, very happy to line up a call with our Sustainability
Would you please provide copies of all communications including inventory calculation sheets with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Envi...
Dear Rob,
Re: Information Access Request - 2023/476182
In response to your request please find attached the main
This person's annotations
None made.