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Printed from on March 26, 2025 19:48
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 4)
Great job! Having documented proof that there's no reason for them not to make links available on the FOI disclosure log clearly shows that they are av...
I'm marking partially successful as it would be nice to have the documents, but I don't have the fight in me for this particular detail that they haven...
Dear OpenWelfare,
I refer to the correspondence below from Services Australia (the agency)
dated 28 July 2022 in relation to your request for ac...
Please see attached decision letter and document in relation to your FOI
Kylie, Authorised FOI Decisio...
This person's 1 annotation
I'm marking partially successful as it would be nice to have the documents, but I don't have the fight in me for this particular detail that they haven...