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Printed from on March 29, 2025 18:38
Freedom of Information requests made by this person
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This person's 5 annotations
Hello all, Mitch here. The book is in final edit now and will probably be toned down somewhat. We all understand that money taken from us in the form o...
Further to that I will be starting a petition, later this year when the book has passed final edit. I agree if we all sign it and get more support they... What is a politicians base salary, be prepared to be annoyed.
I went in here and looked around when wr...
The right to know what politicians get is a fundamental right, one that has been obscured. There are more issues at foot here. A person should earn the...
Hello all, I have just found this site and how the systematic rorting of Australia carried out so blithely really disgusts. I have added up the cost to...